Antanas Mickevicius

Antanas Mickevicius

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Antanas Mickevicius

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معلومات عن الطبيب

اللغات: English, Lithuanian, Russian

تخصص: جراحة انقاص الوزن

Antanas Mickevicius is an experienced bariatric surgeon. During his 10 years of experience, he has performed about 1500 surgeries including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or gastric plication. The doctor is a professor at the University of Health Sciences in Lithuania.
He has been improving his skills in world-class universities,  originally trained in bariatric surgery field at the Sahlgrenska university hospital (Gothenburg, Sweden), and then at Whittington hospital (London, UK).
Doctor Antanas performs over 200 bariatric surgeries every year and he trains other surgeons in the field of laparoscopic and bariatric surgery, he is a
member of Lithuanian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, European Society of Surgical and International Federation of Surgery for Obesity (IFSO). Surgeries performed by him are at the highest standards of safety, the best quality of preoperative preparation and postoperative follow-up.


Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Gothenburg, Sweden),

Bariatric Surgery

Whittington Hospital (London, UK).

Advanced bariatric surgery

العضوية والجوائز

Member of Lithuanian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery

Member of European Society of Surgical and International Federation of Surgery for Obesity (IFSO).


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