Joanna Narbutt

Joanna Narbutt

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Joanna Narbutt

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معلومات عن الطبيب

خبرة في العمل: 28

اللغات: English

Prof. Joanna Narbutt MD, habilitated doctor Dermatology and venereology specialist, she is an associate professor at the Dermatology and Venereology Clinic of the Medical University in Łódź. Her main areas of clinical and scientific interest are psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, skin cancer and allergies. She published numerous articles on these subjects which can be found in medical journals with national and global reach. Prof. Joanna Narbutt MD, Ph.D is a member of Polish Society of Dermatology and European Society for Dermatological Research, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. In 2008 she became the General Secretary of Polish Society of Dermatology and since 2015 she has been the President of Pharmacological Clinical Section of PTD. For two year she has been a member of a Team Deciding on the Eligibility to Biological Treatment of Psoriasis created by NFZ. Prof. Narbutt received numerous prestigious research grants both national and global i.e. American Academy of Dermatology, European Society for Dermatological Research; L’OREAL grant for Women and Science.

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