Marianna Kontopodi

Marianna Kontopodi

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Marianna Kontopodi

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معلومات عن الطبيب

خبرة في العمل: 19

اللغات: English, Greek

تخصص: طب الأسنان

Dr. Marianna Kontopodi graduated from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2005.

After that, she relocated to the UK where she started practicing general dentistry in a private clinic. She attended a world-class University – New York University College of Dentistry where she was working with the best dentist in the world.
In 2010, she moved back to Greece where she works as a free-lancer in dental clinics in Athens and in Crete.


Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


New York University College of Dentistry


العضوية والجوائز

Member of American Association of Aesthetic Dentistry

Member of the General Dental Council in the U.K.


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