Added by Klaudia Grabowska on | Reviewed by Tomasz Lewandowski

What is all on 6 dental treatment?

All-on-6 treatment

In the 20th century, implant treatment has become one of the most popular methods among patients who want to obtain a long-lasting and most effective effect, one of them is the All-on-6 treatment alternative to All-on-4

Year by year, people with severe teeth problems have been provided with newer and newer dental solutions for teeth replacement. The 20th century has brought implantation as a full mouth restoration treatment and till now, it is the most effective, long-lasting and aesthetic treatment. Such a restoration is called all on 4, all on 6 or all on 8 depending on the number of implants used. In fact, the base treatment is all on 4, where 4 implants are anchored into the gums to hold a dental bridge. All on 6 and all on 8 are the enhancement to all on 4 and the general difference between the three is the number of dental implant put in the jaw. So, we strongly advise you to take a look at our all on 4 article which provides patients with the comprehensive information about the full mouth restoration with dental implants, and afterwards get back to this article for the additional information about all on 6 dental implants.

All on 6 is a full reconstruction of upper and/or lower jaw. The main elements of this treatment are implants and a bridge. Firstly, six implants are put into the jawbone. They are made of titanium, thanks to which they easily integrate with the jaw. This procedure allows for restoring teeth roots. Secondly, a dentist puts and fixes a bridge on these implants. The bridge replaces all teeth and usually consists of 10-12 teeth.

The all on 6 advantages and all on 8 advantages are:

  • it secures a bone and prevents gum receding problems the treatment involves only 6 implants to whole a full set of teeth
  • it gives immediate results (a patient gets temporary teeth after implantation)
  • there are no sore spots or slippage patients get teeth that look and feel natural
  • the biting and chewing ability is restored
  • the cost is relatively low compared to single teeth implants or possible dental treatments in the future
  • the bridge is non-removable, fixed, and long-lasting (over 20 years)
  • the recovery time is short
  • patients regain self-esteem and confidence.

The all on 8 and all on 6 dental implants problems might include:

  • complications regarding the surgery (infection, bleeding, poor healing)
  • fail in implant integration with the bone
  • not everyone can be qualified for implantation (e.g. pregnant women, heavy smokers or diabetics)
  • nerve damage
  • discoloration of permanent prosthesis
  • near muscles becoming weak and tired.

The procedure steps are exactly the same as in all on 4 treatment. Firstly, there is an initial consultation. It is a significant part of the treatment because a dentist makes the final decision about a qualification for implantation and determines the number of implants that would work best. Then, the 4, 6 or 8 implants are put into a jaw. Of course, a patient is anaesthetised, so there is no pain at all. After implantation, which is a surgical procedure, gums need a few weeks to heal and integrate with implants. Once they recover, a dentist places abutments. Generally, a permanent bridge is placed not sooner than 3 months after implantation (usually it is even 6 months), just because the jaws must heal completely and the osseointegration process needs to finish. In the meantime, throughout the recovery time between implantation and permanent prosthesis fixing, a patient wears a temporary denture. Once the treatment is completed, patients must take a proper oral care and attend regular visits to the dentist. Besides, they can forget about any teeth problems or toothache and enjoy the all on 6 effects even for a lifetime.

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All on 4 vs all on 6 vs all on 8

smiling woman and teeth

The only difference between those treatments; all on 4, all on 6 and all on 8 is the number of implants installed in the jaw, but all have the same function which is full mouth reconstruction

The all on 4, all on 6 and all on 8 treatments are recommended for patients with the extensive teeth loss or for completely toothless patients. These procedures are analogous, and at the same time alternative, to each other. The treatment steps, recovery, advantages, risks and all other related factors are pretty the same for all on 4, all on 6, and all on 8. The only significant difference between the three is the number of implants. Clearly, all on 4 involves 4 implants, all on 6 involves 6 implants and all on 8 – 8 implants. The more implants are placed, the more stable and stronger new teeth get. Also, the mouth pressure is distributed more evenly to the jaws when there are 6 or 8 implants rather than 4.

It is the common practice to use a greater number of implants in the upper jaw and as for the lower one, usually 4 implants are enough. However, if a patient insists on more than 4 implants to feel more secured, a dentist would definitely take it into consideration. Otherwise, a dentist will assess the bone structure and recommend the optimal number of implants for lower and upper jaw separately. To have 6 or 8 implants, a patient needs to have enough jaw bone so that implants can anchor stably and firmly. If bone structure is not so strong, dentists would opt for all on 4. It is also widely known that all on 4 is the simplest procedure comparing to all on 6 and all on 8. So, if a patient doesn’t require an extensive teeth work, there is no need to fit too many implants and in the most cases, all on 4 is enough.

Generally, there is no “better” option as for full mouth restoration with implants. All the three procedures are equally durable and effective. The difference is only in the number of implants and each patient is individually examined and proposed the optimal implants number.

All on 6 and all on 8 dental implants costs

The price for all on 4, all on 6, and all on 8 is very difficult to determine and most clinics are not able to give the price without an individual examination of a patient. Basically, clinics provide us with the price for all on 4, as it is the most frequent and base treatment. Regarding all on 6 and all on 8, they are just alternatives to all on 4 applied when a patient needs more implants to achieve the best effects.

Cost of the All-on-6 treatment

Personal examination at the dentist is necessary to provide an exact price for the treatment, the doctor needs to check the general condition of patient’s jaw and then he can offer a treatment plan with exact prices and steps of treatment

Patients must be careful as for the components of the price. Most clinics offer a price which includes all treatment components and stages, that is implants, permanent prosthesis, initial examination, anaesthesia and check up visits. However, there are places that list a much lower price, but it does not cover all elements. So, before deciding for the treatment, patients should ask what the cost includes. The all on 4, all on 8 and all on 6 dental implants cost varies depending on:

  • the type of diagnostic tests performed (CT scans are more precise and expensive than x-rays)
  • brand of implants
  • the material used for prosthesis
  • the dentist’s experience and clinic’s equipment
  • the location of the dental office
  • number of dental implants
  • a patient’s teeth condition.

It is believed that all on 4, all on 6 and all on 8 are exceedingly expensive and many people become discouraged at the beginning. However if we take into consideration the alternative treatments, such as regular removable dentures, which last for a few years only and need constant replacements and the possibility of further teeth problems, the cost of implantation is often similar as of the cheaper full mouth restoration and succeeding dental visits. The difference is that for implantation treatment, patients spend money once, and for other treatments, the money are spent for months or years. Of course, patients should always check whether the treatment is possible on NHS or is covered by their insurance company, which would allow for saving much money. The other alternative is performing a treatment in a country that offer cheaper prices.

All on 6 and all on 8 abroad

The all on 6 and all on 8 treatments are accessible and affordable for everyone in the world thanks to medical tourism. Clinics in such countries as Turkey, Poland, or Hungary are bursting at the seams to such an extent that there are specialized coordinators for foreign patients, English-speaking doctors, online consultations, all inclusive packages with the friendly hotels and taxis and 24h help during stay in a given country. All facilities have been introduced as a response to the growing number of medical tourists. What’s also important, patients can get secured for their medical trip, which makes their travel and stay abroad much safer. Clinic Hunter & AXA Partners have created travel insurance for dental treatment abroad dedicated solely to medical tourists.

All-on-6 treatment abroad

Thanks to the rapidly growing medical tourism, this type of treatment is available to everyone. Countries like Poland, Hungary or Turkey are a great destination, in the clinics there works well-educated coordinators who are helping for foreign patients

The quality of implantation treatment is at the amazingly high level and dentists’ skills and experience build the trust immediately. It is extremely easy to check the clinic where we want to undergo the treatment on the Internet, where we can find also the reviews and opinions about the dentist whom we consider. Above all, going to country offering lower cost for dental treatment makes people save much money despite the costs regarding the travel and stay (even up to 70% off comparing to the UK prices).

It’s never been so easy to travel abroad for a dental treatment as it is today. Cheap and direct flights, professional, high-standard treatment, low all on 6 dental cost abroad as well as touristic values of the destination areas make that people are more than happy to visit foreign countries for a dental treatment. We strongly encourage everyone requesting a cheap, yet effective and professional implantation treatment to look for a all on 6 in Poland or all on 6 in Turkey!

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Klaudia Grabowska

Klaudia started to work for Clinic Hunter many years ago, just after graduating from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland and since that time, this job has become her biggest passion and inspiration.

She has gained necessary expertise and experience by serving patients from all over the world (mainly the UK, Scandinavian countries, and the USA), taking an active part in numerous live and video trainings with clinics in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, participating in international medical tourism conferences and events, and completing internal Clinic Hunter courses. Now, Klaudia is an accomplished patient advisor specialising in such fields as dentistry, plastic and bariatric surgery and hair loss treatment. Her main idea is helping people nad making their lives better, that is why this job brings her so much satisfaction and joy.

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