Editorial Policy

Wellbeing and health are resources that enable to reach the full potential of each individual. You need to feel confident about the information and medical content and decisions you make based on what you read. This is why it is so important for us to share how create and ensure the quality of the content.


When it comes to quality of the content we apply the following principles:

Readers are the most important for us: Articles we publish on ClinicHunter are based on expertise and reliable research. We want you to better understand your health and medical procedures you are looking for. New ideas for articles come our patients, who are asking questions, insights from doctors we cooperate with, research, trends, and changes on medical market.
Reliability makes content powerful: Every article we create is preceded by research and reflects the current understanding of medical communities. We verify most of our articles with our doctors, so you can make the best decisions.


Our content is for created to provide information and cannot be treated as a substitute for the advice of healthcare professional or a physician.


Our editorial staff is responsible and manages all of the content you can find on ClinicHunter.com.

ClinicHunter reports on methods of treatment that are proven, but we may also inform you of alternative or experimental procedures or treatments that require more research. Any treatments with questionable efficacy will be noted as such, and any established safety concerns will be mentioned.

The aim of our writers is to balance the presentation of facts with professional perspectives, their own built by working with patients and physicians. Content reviewed by our physicians is stated as that.

We add links to our content with the purpose of navigating readers to relevant content through our sites. We want to help you to gain knowledge about the specific topic. We may also link to pages that are outside ClinicHuntercom if we think they provide additional useful information and relates to a source used to create our content. Sites we link to are chosen carefully and are seen as reputable.

Quality Standards

All articles published on CLinicHunter.com are preceded by detailed research done by our editorial team responsible to make it understandable and helpful for our readers. Content is written by our editorial team or by external copywriters with experience in the specific topic. Our editorial team is always checking articles before they are published.

Additionally, physicians cooperating with ClinicHunter are reviewing articles and reviewed content is marked as such to make it best in class.

Our editorial team evaluates content that already exists on ClinicHunter.com and flag information that might out of date. We assess articles to be sure that they reflect current research and guidelines, up to date statistics and answer questions coming from patients.

Not only our writers are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality of the content on ClinicHunter.com, but also:

Research: our researchers make sure that our data sources and data we present are reliable and up-to date. They also search for trends to meet the needs of our readers.
Photo editor choose, create and gather images from clinics and doctors we cooperate with and from our patients and also from external sources to represent the topic


We have three types of writers who provide content for ClinicHutnter:

  • Internal writers who are recruited from Patients Advisors Team: This group has experience in working with patients seeking for treatment abroad and with clinics and doctors. They coordinate the treatment, so they have a huge experience in areas they work with.
  • External writers: This group cooperates with us, they are usually external experts in their areas. We also search very carefully for writers with experience in specific topics.
  • Physicians: these are doctors who cooperate with ClinicHunter or with clinics, that we have a strong relationship with.
    Every article is listed at the bottom of the page with short authors bio.

If the article was reviewed by a physician, there is a short notice who reviewed the article.


ClinicHunter does not accept advertisements on its site. The total income of the company does not come from advertisements.

Our site is maintained from commissions on the treatment cost, therefore every user is aware of and agrees when sending an enquiry by the Website.

Funding Statement: ClinicHunter is owned and operated by ClinicHunter Sp. z o.o. Our site is maintained from commissions on the treatment cost, therefore every user is aware of and agrees when sending an enquiry by the Website.

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