Gastric Bypass in Turkey  –  What Bariatric Surgery is It?

Gastric bypass surgery is a member of the bariatric surgery group, encompassing various surgical procedures designed to assist with weight loss. Alongside gastric band and gastric balloon procedures, stomach bypass falls under the umbrella term of weight loss surgery (read here about what is bariatric surgery). The primary objective of these procedures is to modify the digestive system, typically by reducing the size of the stomach and/or the small intestine.

What is gastric bypass surgery?

So, what is a gastric bypass? The gastric bypass definition states that there are several variations of bypass operations exist, with the most prevalent procedure being the roux-en-y gastric bypass. This technique (roux en y) involves partitioning a section of the upper stomach to create a diminutive pouch, generally comparable in size to a thumb. Subsequently, a portion of the small intestine is reconfigured into a ‘Y’ shape and affixed to this small pouch.

There are alternative forms of gastric bypass procedures, involving more invasive surgical methods, but these are generally reserved for severely obese patients. Typically, the surgery is conducted laparoscopically, employing small abdominal incisions and a laparoscope—a slender rod equipped with a miniature video camera and illumination at its tip—to perform the operation.

While achieving desired outcomes is not guaranteed at a 100% rate, patients typically experience significant weight loss. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that it is possible to apply for weight loss surgery-types-NHS, so gastric bypass can also be covered by the NHS in specific cases.

gastric bypass Turkey

Gastric bypass is a kind of weight loss surgery.


Gastric Bypass Surgery –  How Does it Work?

Bariatric surgery is very popular nowadays, due to it’s effectiveness. How does gastric bypass work? Once the small pouch is formed during gastric bypass surgery, it effectively redirects the passage of food, bypassing the main portion of the stomach. This results in a substantial reduction in the size of the stomach. Consequently, the new “stomach” (the pouch) reaches satiety much more rapidly than usual. In fact, if the individual continues eating, they will eventually experience pronounced feelings of sickness and nausea. Furthermore, since a portion of the small intestine is also bypassed, the body absorbs fewer calories from the ingested food. The combination of reduced food intake and decreased absorption culminates in weight loss.


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Candidate for Gastric Bypass in Turkey

When considering how to lose weight, one should know that, a gastric bypass surgery has certain criteria which are taken into account by various organizations such as the British National Health Service, the US National Institutes of Health, and the Mayo Clinic.

These guidelines help determine suitable candidates for the procedure:

  • Gastric Bypass Candidates typically have a Body Mass Index (BMI) exceeding 40. In certain cases, individuals with a BMI of 35-40 may be considered if they have a significant condition that would improve with weight loss, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Prior attempts at weight loss through alternative methods have been made.
  • The candidate demonstrates a willingness to embrace healthy lifestyle changes.
  • The individual is in good overall health and physically fit to undergo a surgical intervention.

In the past, gastric bypass surgery was generally deemed unsuitable for individuals over the age of 60. However, this is no longer a major concern, as long as the candidate is deemed medically fit for the procedure. On the other hand, gastric bypass surgery is rarely performed on individuals under the age of 18, except in extraordinary circumstances.

It is worth noting that there have been isolated reports suggesting a potential increased risk of suicide following this surgery, although the incidence is extremely low. This is particularly important to consider for individuals with pre-existing mental health issues. It is crucial to recognize that gastric bypass surgery is intended to be a permanent procedure, and reversing it is challenging.

gastric byppass Turkey

Notivce: gastric bypass surgery is intended to be a permanent procedure, and reversing it is challenging.


Gastric Bypass vs Mini-Gastric Bypass Difference

The mini-gastric bypass has gained significant popularity in recent years, with its development credited to Dr. Robert Rutledge in 1997. While bearing similarities to the roux-en-y gastric bypass, there is a fundamental difference in the approach. Instead of creating a small pouch from the stomach, as in the traditional procedure, the mini-gastric bypass involves stapling the stomach to create a narrow passage. This newly formed passage is then connected to the small intestine.

  • Surgery Time (approx): Mini Gastric Bypass: 1-2 hours, Gastric Bypass: 2-3 hours.
  • Surgery Features: Mini Gastric Bypass: It is a minimally invasive procedure, simpler in nature, and can be relatively easier to reverse if needed.  Gastric Bypass: It is more invasive compared to the mini gastric bypass and is not designed to be reversed.
  • Physical Changes: Mini Gastric Bypass: The stomach is stapled to create a partition, involving less re-routing of the small intestine and one less connection, resulting in a lower risk of complications. Gastric Bypass: The stomach is surgically separated, carrying the usual risks and complications associated with any surgery.
  • Average Weight Loss (may vary): Mini Gastric Bypass: About 50% of excess weight may be lost after 18 months. Gastric Bypass: About 50% of excess weight may be lost after 18 months.
  • Major Risk Factors: Mini Gastric Bypass: Severe acid reflux and internal hernia. Gastric Bypass: Common risks and complications associated with any major surgery.
  • Safety: Mini Gastric Bypass: Although research indicates its safety, it is still considered a relatively new procedure in medical terms. Gastric Bypass: Gastric bypass is a well-established procedure with extensive research on its safety and effectiveness.
    It is important to note that while the mini-gastric bypass is gaining popularity, but not all surgeons are trained in performing this procedure, and long-term results are still unclear.
gastric bypass Turkey

The bariatric surgeon should provide guidance on the most suitable surgery for each individual patient.

Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery are both effective weight loss procedures, but they differ in their approaches and outcomes. Gastric bypass involves creating a smaller stomach pouch and rerouting the small intestine to limit food intake and nutrient absorption. This procedure often results in more significant weight loss but carries a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies. On the other hand, gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach, reducing its size and restricting the amount of food it can hold. While gastric sleeve may lead to slightly less weight loss than gastric bypass, it generally has a lower risk of nutritional deficiencies and complications. The choice between the two types of stomach surgeries depends on individual health factors and weight loss goals.

Preparation for Gastric Bypass in Turkey

Preparing for gastric bypass surgery involves following a pre-op gastric bypass diet recommended by the bariatric surgeon. There are two primary reasons for this diet before gastric bypass operation. Firstly, patients will need to adjust to a significantly reduced diet after the surgery, so practicing this way of eating beforehand is beneficial. Secondly, it is crucial to “prepare” the one’s liver, by going on liver shrinking diet for gastric bypass.

Overweight individuals often have an enlarged and hardened liver due to excess sugar, fat, and overeating. In laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon needs to gently push the liver aside to access the stomach. The smaller and softer the liver is, the easier it is for the surgeon to perform this maneuver. If the liver is not adequately prepared, the surgeon may need to resort to more invasive surgery, involving direct abdominal incisions, which carries a higher risk of complications.

It is essential to follow the guidance and dietary recommendations of the surgeon. Typically, the pre-gastric diet starts around 14 days before the scheduled surgery date. There are several pre-gastric diet plans commonly used:

  • Milk Diet: Milk diet before gastric bypasss involves consuming 2 liters of milk per day, usually semi-skimmed milk, but skimmed or sweetened soya milk may be used. Non-sugar flavorings are permitted, along with unlimited water, tea, coffee, and unsweetened fruit drinks.
  • Under 1000 Calorie Diet: This plan focuses on minimizing calorie intake.
  • Ketosis Plan: This diet forces the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates, with approximately 70% of calories derived from fat, less than 10% from carbohydrates, and less than 20% from protein.
  • Soup, Yogurt, and Milk Diet: Also known as a liquid diet, this plan involves consuming soups, yogurt, and milk as the primary sources of nutrition.
  • Protein Shake Diet: This diet relies on consuming commercially available protein shakes as the sole source of nutrition.

Please note that the provided list is a selection, and the surgeon will always advise on the most suitable eating plan for each individual patient.

gastric bypass Turkey

It is very important to follow pre-op gastric bypass diet.


Gastric Bypass Procedure

The stomach bypass procedure – is a stomach surgery performed under general anesthesia, focusing on the stomach. After gastric bypass, swallowed food will go into this small pouch of stomach and then directly into the small intestine, thereby bypassing most of your stomach and the first section of your small intestine. Similar to other major surgeries, patients are advised not to consume any food for approximately 6 hours before the operation, and only fluids can be consumed up to 2 hours prior.

Hospital admission typically occurs on the evening before or the morning of the operation. How long gastric bypass surgery take? The gastric bypass surgery time varies, ranging from 1 to 3 hours depending on various factors. In the case of a mini gastric bypass, the procedure typically takes around 2 hours.

Gastric Bypass Recovery and Aftercare

Hospital Stay and Recovery Time: The typical in-hospital recovery time for gastric bypass ranges from two to five days. Mini gastric bypass procedures often have slightly shorter hospital stays.

Pain Management: Patients may experience pain at the surgical site, and with laparoscopic surgery, shoulder and neck pain may also be present. Pain can be effectively managed with appropriate painkillers. Early mobilization is encouraged to prevent complications such as blood clots.

Wound Care: It is important to keep the incision area clean and dry, similar to any post-operative wound care. Showers are permissible, as long as precautions are taken to avoid excessive wetting of the wound or dressing. However, baths that fully saturate the area are not recommended until approximately three weeks after the surgery or once the wound has completely closed.

Gastric bypass recovery diet:  During the initial few days of gastric bypass recovery, the doctor prescribes a gastric bypass diet which involves clear liquid food . This includes water, thin soup, tea, coffee, sugar-free fruit juices, and ice lollies. This phase allows the stomach to heal.

It is crucial for patients to follow the specific instructions and guidelines provided by their healthcare team for a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Gastric Bypass Diet

After gastric bypass surgery, it is important to recognize that it is not a quick fix and will require the patient’s commitment to adopting a new eating regimen and to go on gastric bypass post-op diet. This gastric bypass diet plan will be a lifelong commitment. The long-term diet after gastric bypass surgery is typically introduced in stages, and specific details regarding permissible and restricted foods during the post-operative phase will be provided by the surgeon or, more commonly, the dietitian.

The gastric- bypass diet typically follows a gradual progression as outlined below:

  • 1-2 Days After Surgery: Clear liquids only, as mentioned previously.
  • Up to 4 Weeks After Surgery: Full liquid diet, including clear liquids along with milk drinks, protein drinks, “thin” smoothies, and yogurts.
  • Up to 6 Weeks After Surgery: Introduction of soft foods, such as pureed meats and vegetables.
  • Up to 8 Weeks After Surgery: Semi-solid foods can be introduced, with a focus on high-protein options that aid in the healing process.
  • After 8 Weeks: A transition to a “normal” diet can occur, but with small portions and healthy food choices. It may require some experimentation to determine the body’s tolerance to different foods.


Gastric Bypass Turkey

Gastric bypass diet plan is a lifelong commitment.


Life after gastric bypass entails making different food choices. The following tips can be helpful:

  • Staying adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Consuming water 30 minutes before and after meals, as drinking while eating can stretch the new stomach pouch.
  • It is generally advised to wait about half an hour between eating and drinking.
  • Alcohol is not recommended due to its high caloric content, and the body’s response to alcohol may change after gastric bypass.
  • Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is crucial, as limited absorption may lead to insufficient extraction of these necessary nutrients from food.
  • Eating small portions of food on gastric bypass diet is very important.
  • Avoiding high-fat and high-sugar foods is advised.
  • It is important to recognize that your diet after gastric bypass is a lifelong commitment. Long-term dietary planning after gastric bypass surgery should be developed in consultation with a dietitian.
  • Incorporating regular exercise is also vital in the overall lifestyle changes.

Remember, following these guidelines and working closely with healthcare professionals will help ensure a successful and healthy outcome after gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric Bypass Risks and Complications

The gastric bypass results are typically favorable, although they are contingent upon the patient’s ability to effectively manage their eating habits following the surgery. It is possible to achieve a weight loss of 50% or more of the excess weight within a span of eighteen months. Gastric bypass long-term results show that reduction can potentially lead to the resolution or improvement of various health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and high blood pressure, among others.

Like any major surgical procedure, gastric bypass surgery carries potential risks of side effects and complications. Although the likelihood of experiencing gastric bypass side effects is generally low, it is important to consider them when considering gastric bypass surgery.

Possible risks and complications of gastric bypass surgery include:

  • Wound Infection: In the event of an infection, antibiotics will be prescribed to facilitate proper wound healing.
  • Blood Clots: Blood clots can potentially develop in the legs or lungs, which is a potential side effect of any surgical procedure. Measures such as blood thinner injections and/or compression stockings may be utilized to prevent blood clot formation.
  • Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can occur during the operation and will be appropriately managed by the surgical team.
  • Allergic Reaction to Anesthesia: Any potential allergic reaction to anesthesia will be effectively managed by the medical team during the operation.
  • Problems with gastric bypass years later may include gallstones, hernias, malnutrition, acid reflux, and ulcers. These potential gastric bypass complications require ongoing monitoring and management by healthcare professionals.

An anastomotic leak after gastric bypass surgery is considered one of the most critical complications of this procedure. Although the occurrence of a anastomotic leak may vary, a study conducted in Scandinavia in 2014 reported anastomotic leaks in approximately 1.1% of patients.

An anastomosis refers to the joining together of two structures. In gastric bypass surgery, the new “stomach” is connected to the small intestine, typically at two points in standard gastric bypass procedures and at one point in mini gastric bypass procedures. Occasionally, there may be a leakage of digestive juices and partially digested food at these newly created connections. This leakage often occurs within a few weeks after surgery but can happen up to several weeks later. 

The risk of an anastomotic leak in gastric bypass is higher in patients who are more obese. Other risk factors include being male, having pre-existing medical conditions in addition to obesity, and having a history of previous abdominal surgery.

It is crucial to promptly investigate and address any signs of feeling unwell, such as fever, nausea, and stomach pain. Immediate medical attention should be sought to initiate appropriate actions in response to these symptoms.

Gastric Bypass Alternatives

Gastric bypass is just one option among several types of bariatric surgeries available. Here are some alternative procedures:

  • Gastric balloon: A soft balloon filled with a saline solution is inserted into the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness and promoting weight loss.
  • Gastric band: A band is placed around the stomach to reduce its size, restricting the amount of food it can hold.
  • Gastric sleeve: The size of the stomach is reduced by approximately 70% through the surgical creation of a thin vertical tube from a portion of the stomach.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS): This procedure is performed in two separate operations and is more drastic than gastric bypass, resulting in significant weight loss but also carrying higher risks of complications. It is typically reserved for patients with a BMI over 40.

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a bariatric surgeon or specialist, to determine the most suitable surgical option based on individual circumstances and medical considerations.

gastric bypass turkey

Gastric sleeve, gastric balloon or gastric band are alternatives to gastric band.

Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve

When considering gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass, the choice will ultimately depend on the individual’s specific circumstances and the recommendation of the surgeon. Both procedures share the similarity of physically reducing the size of the stomach, but there are some differences to consider:

  • Hunger: The gastric sleeve procedure tends to result in a greater reduction in the feeling of hunger compared to gastric bypass.
  • Vitamins/Minerals: Gastric bypass reduces the body’s absorption of vitamins and minerals, while the gastric sleeve does not have the same impact on nutrient absorption.
  • Procedure: The gastric sleeve is generally considered a less complex procedure with a shorter operating time compared to gastric bypass.
  • Recovery: The recovery time for both procedures is typically similar.
  • Weight Loss: In the short term, both procedures can result in similar weight loss. However, in the long term, patients who undergo gastric bypass tend to maintain their weight loss for a longer duration.
  • Complications and Side Effects: Gastric bypass carries a slightly higher risk of complications and side effects compared to the gastric sleeve.

When choosing gastric bypass or sleeve it is important to thoroughly discuss above factors with the surgeon to make an informed decision that aligns with the individual’s specific needs and goals.

Gastric Bypass Cost

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in the UK can vary based on the hospital and region. Bellow we provide an average cost range for the procedure in the private sector, which typically includes follow-up consultations for up to 2 years:

  • Central London – £10,900
  • East Midlands – £12,180
  • East of England –  £9,965
  • Harley Street – £9,850
  • North East England – £12,800
  • North West England –  £9,770
  • Scotland – £14,345
  • South East England – £11,130
  • South West England – £10,090
  • Wales – £10,489
  • West Midlands – £10,785
  • Yorkshire and Humberside – £9,945

Please note that these figures represent average costs and may vary depending on individual hospitals and specific circumstances. The information provided is sourced from Private Healthcare UK.

gastric bypass Turkey cost

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in the UK can vary based on the hospital and region.

Gastric Bypass NHS

Gastric bypass surgery is available on the NHS in the UK, but certain criteria must be met for patients to be considered for treatment:

  • BMI: Patients must have a BMI of 40 or higher. In some cases, individuals with a BMI between 35 and 40 may be considered if they have a serious condition that could improve with weight loss.
  • Previous Weight Loss Attempts: Patients must have already tried other weight loss methods, including dieting and exercise.
  • Commitment to Lifestyle Changes: Patients must agree to make long-term healthy lifestyle changes and attend all follow-up sessions.
  • General Health: Patients must be fit and healthy enough to undergo a general anesthetic.

The process of getting a gastric bypass on the NHS typically involves being placed on an Initial Assessment Pathway. This pathway can last up to 12 months and involves demonstrating commitment to weight loss by losing around 10% of body weight and potentially quitting smoking if applicable. Assessments will also be conducted to evaluate current medical and psychological factors. After the 12-month period, patients may be referred to a bariatric surgeon for potential surgery, although referral is not guaranteed.

It is important to note that weight loss surgery is not considered a high priority for NHS funding due to other demands on the budget. Consequently, waiting lists for surgery can be lengthy, and the availability of NHS weight loss procedures has been decreasing year by year.

Gastric Bypass Abroad

Gastric bypass surgery abroad can often be more cost-effective compared to the prices in the UK. Various clinics in different countries offer this procedure to foreign patients, with prices varying depending on the location.

In Europe, weight loss surgery prices can be found for as low as £5,000. Countries such as India and Thailand may offer even cheaper options. However, there are several factors to consider when contemplating bariatric surgery abroad.

Firstly, overweight patients may experience discomfort during air travel and going abroad, which can be exacerbated by post-operative pain. Secondly, it is important to ensure that the surgeon is easily accessible in the unlikely event of any subsequent issues. Thirdly, as gastric bypass is a major surgical procedure, it is essential to consider the qualifications of the doctor and the hygiene and facilities of the clinic or hospital.

For most people, it is generally more convenient to have surgery in a country that is easily accessible, particularly for UK residents, which often means considering European countries. As the gastric bypass price in UK are very high.

The cost of the procedure typically includes a 4 or 5-night hospital stay. Additionally, patients may need to book extra hotel accommodation for a few additional nights to allow for final checks on the healing process and to ensure comfort during the return journey. It is also important to note that patients can obtain medical insurance specific to their medical trip, which provides additional security and coverage during their travel and stay abroad. Clinic Hunter & AXA Partners have developed medical travel insurance abroad specifically for medical tourists. Such medical travel insurance is very cheap and provides security to patients in lots of situations.

gastric bypass abroad

Gastric bypass surgery abroad can often be more cost-effective compared to the prices in the UK.


Gastric Bypass in Turkey

In recent years, medical tourism, especially weight loss surgery in Turkey has witnessed significant growth, mainly attributed to the country’s abundant touristic offerings, such as its ideal location, pleasant climate, rich culture, and historical significance. Additionally, the availability of luxurious holiday resorts and cost-effective medical treatments and surgeries have made Turkey a preferred destination for individuals seeking medical care abroad.

Among the various medical procedures sought by patients, weight loss surgery in Turkey, particularly gastric bypass surgery, stands out as one of the most popular and effective choices. Renowned for utilizing cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment, gastric bypass procedures in Turkey have demonstrated remarkable outcomes, enabling patients to lose up to 70% of their initial body weight. For those considering bariatric surgery in Turkey, the following information will be particularly valuable, with a focus on gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric Bypass in Turkey

Gastric Bypass in Turkey is a Rising Trend in Medical Tourism

Turkey: A Premier Destination for Bypass Surgery Patients

Turkey consistently ranks among the top ten tourist destinations worldwide, attracting millions of visitors each year. This popularity is largely attributed to its unique Mediterranean climate, making it an ideal destination for those seeking sea, sun, and sandy beaches. The country’s allure goes beyond its natural charm, boasting a wealth of historical sites that reflect the legacy of various civilizations, including the Hellenes, Byzantines, Ottomans, and Hittites.

Beyond its historical riches, Turkey offers a tantalizing cuisine that pleases the palate of every traveler. Cities like Istanbul, Antalya, and Bodrum are renowned for their vibrant entertainment scenes, catering to diverse preferences. Additionally, Turkey is home to a wide range of accommodation options, with a plethora of luxurious hotels available at affordable prices.

For avid shoppers, Turkey presents an array of choices, from chic boutiques to traditional rug and carpet sellers, all at remarkably low prices. Furthermore, the country presents numerous business opportunities, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

In conclusion, Turkey’s appeal as a medical tourism destination is further amplified by its captivating touristic allure, providing patients with not only top-notch medical services but also an opportunity to experience the rich tapestry of Turkish culture and history.

Medical tourists visiting Turkey often opt for all-inclusive packages, which typically encompass various services at no extra cost. These comprehensive packages commonly comprise airport transfers, accommodation in upscale hotels, and taxi transfers to and from the weight loss clinic. Such treatment packages with all-inclusive Turkey deals have become a hallmark of medical tourism in the country. Another key advantage is the availability of numerous affordable flights connecting Turkey to various countries in Asia and Europe, facilitating easy access to major Turkish cities. This accessibility plays a vital role in fostering the growth of medical tourism, particularly for weight loss surgery abroad.

Gastric bypass Turkey

Turkey consistently ranks among the top ten tourist destinations worldwide, attracting millions of medical tourists each year.

Turkey has a high standard of the services

One notable aspect that sets Turkey apart as a premier destination for gastric bypass surgeries is the country’s commitment to providing modern medical equipment and modern medical techniques of medical services. Turkey’s healthcare facilities are renowned for their adherence to top-notch quality and patient safety, evident through prestigious certifications like the JCI accreditation. These facilities meet the rigorous JCI accreditation standards, assuring patients of world-class care and compliance with international healthcare protocols. Moreover, the clinics in Turkey boast state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques, leveraging the latest advancements in medical science. From well-equipped surgical suites to cutting-edge medical instruments, the gastric sleeve Turkey all-inclusive packages offered by these facilities encompass comprehensive services with a focus on excellence, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment and care during their weight loss journey.

Medical Holidays in Turkey

Turkey is renowned as a popular holiday destination, attracting millions of tourists each year. With its delightful Turkey weather, the country offers an enchanting mix of captivating landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture that appeal to travelers from all around the world.

Beyond its allure as a holiday spot, Turkey has also emerged as a preferred choice for medical tourists seeking various treatments, including gastric bypass surgery. The availability of treatment packages, including all-inclusive packages and treatment packages, with amenities like accommodation and transfers, allows patients to combine their medical journey with a memorable Turkey holiday experience. These all-inclusive Turkey deals present an attractive option, providing convenience and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, Turkey’s popularity as a tourist destination is further reinforced by the accessibility of cheap flights to Turkey from various regions, making it convenient for international patients to embark on their medical journey while enjoying the splendors of this captivating country.

Gastric Bypass Turkey Cost

Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey offers highly cost-effective options for individuals from Europe, America, and Asia seeking weight loss procedures. In the UK or the USA, the average cost of gastric bypass surgery can amount to a staggering 13,000 GBP, making it unaffordable for many who may not qualify for NHS coverage or face other financial constraints. Conversely, the gastric bypass cost in Turkey starts from as little as 4800 GBP, representing nearly a third of the cost in the UK. This substantial price difference makes Turkey an attractive destination for those looking to undergo gastric bypass surgery at a significantly lower expense, but with a high quality of service.

Moreover, the gastric bypass package in Turkey often includes all-inclusive packages that incorporate accommodation and transfers, further reducing additional expenses to a minimum. This added benefit allows patients to streamline their financial outlay and focus on their recovery and treatment journey without the burden of exorbitant costs.

In summary, gastric bypass surgery in Turkey provides an affordable and accessible alternative for individuals seeking weight loss solutions, particularly when compared to the comparatively higher costs in other countries like the UK and the USA.

Best City for Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

Turkey provides a diverse selection of cities with exceptional bariatric clinics, offering patients a wide range of choices for gastric bypass surgery. At the forefront of popularity is gastric bypass in Istanbul, renowned as the largest Turkish city and the nation’s economic, historical, and cultural hub. Within Istanbul, top-tier bariatric centers boast world-renowned surgeons, ensuring excellent medical care.

The second most sought-after destination for gastric bypass is Antalya, a captivating holiday resort situated along the southwest coast, embracing the picturesque Mediterranean Sea. As a favorite among tourists, Antalya hosts numerous clinics and hospitals that specialize in bariatric surgeries, granting patients ample options to find a suitable facility to cater to their specific needs.

If it comes to Turkey people often ask “Where can I get a gastric bypass”? Both Istanbul and Antalya boast international airports, facilitating convenient, swift, and budget-friendly travel for medical tourists. This easy accessibility, combined with the presence of top-notch clinics and the availability of free all-inclusive packages, further enhances the appeal of Istanbul and Antalya as ideal destinations for individuals seeking gastric bypass surgery in Turkey.

gastric bypass in Turkey

Istanbul and Antalya are top destinations for gastric bypass in Turkey.

Gastric Bypass in Turkey Review: Insights from Patients

Gastric bypass Turkey reviews reveal a positive and transformative experience for many patients who have undergone the procedure. These reviews often include remarkable gastric bypass surgery before and after comparisons, showcasing the significant weight loss achieved through the surgery. Patients express satisfaction with the high standard of care and expertise provided by the skilled medical professionals in Turkey.

The testimonials highlight the excellent results, demonstrating the effectiveness of gastric bypass surgery in helping patients achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health. The success stories when people can see before and after, and positive feedback from those who have chosen gastric bypass surgery in Turkey serve as a testament to the country’s growing reputation as a leading destination for bariatric procedures, reaffirming the decision of many to embark on their weight loss journey in this remarkable medical tourism hub.


Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey is a life-changing procedure that can result in significant weight loss, with patients typically losing up to 50% of their excess body weight within 18 months of following post-operative instructions. It is a major surgery that cannot be easily reversed, so the decision to undergo gastric bypass should be carefully considered. The surgery is recommended for individuals with a BMI of 40+ or 35+ with other life-threatening conditions.

While gastric bypass is not a quick fix, strict adherence to a lifelong eating regime is crucial for achieving optimal results. The procedure carries some risks, although they are rare, and being overweight increases the risks associated with any surgery. Preparing the body by losing weight and ensuring liver health is important before undergoing the procedure.

Gastric Byppass Turkey

Combine gastric bypass in Turkey with holidays and enjoying local atractions.


Getting a gastric bypass on the NHS can be challenging, leading many to opt for private procedures. Choosing to have gastric bypass in Turkey can offer significant cost savings of up to 60%, but thorough research is essential to ensure quality care from the chosen clinic and surgeon.

Overall, gastric bypass surgery yields positive results when patients follow recommended eating plans. Actual weight loss varies among individuals, but a reduction of up to 50% of excess body weight is commonly achieved within 18 months. Contact Clinic Hunter Team for details!


Find the Best Clinic for Gastric Bypass in Turkey:


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Below you can find a list of the clinics that offer high-quality gastric bypass Turkey.

Check all the Gastric Bypass clinics in Turkey

23 results

(0 reviews)

Akdeniz Sifa

Antalya, Turkey

from 4500 eur

(0 reviews)

Soraca Med

Antalya, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Medifema Hospital

Izmir, Turkey

from 3710 eur

(0 reviews)

Cayra Clinic

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Get Slim in Turkey

Kusadası, Turkey

(0 reviews)


Antalya, Turkey

(2 reviews)

Gözde International Hospital

Izmir, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Medicine Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Turkeyana Clinic

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Termessos Hospital

Antalya, Turkey

Gastric Bypass Turkey

Medical tourism in Turkey has been booming in recent years – the main reason for that is a great touristic value (e.g. location, climate, culture, history, many luxury holiday resorts) as well as low prices for medical treatments and surgeries. No wonder many people choose Turkey as their medical treatment abroad destination. The popular sector chosen by patients is weight loss surgery Turkey, one of the top procedures there is gastric bypass Turkey. People who cannot afford a gastric bypass in their country and the NHS waiting lists are too long, have the opportunity to come for a cheap gastric bypass surgery abroad. Gastric bypass in Turkey is chosen by thousands of people every year and the interesting fact is that the reason for choosing a foreign country is not only the lower price but also the quality of treatments and doctors’ reputation. 

Clinic Hunter gastric bypass

Turkey is known for the high standard of services

The clinics and hospitals in Turkey are controlled by the Ministry of Health and the Independent Turkish Medical Associations. There are many clinics having JCI accreditation, ISO accreditation, and JACHO accreditation. Clinics meeting especially JCI accreditation standards belong to the top world-class of medical institutions. Generally, clinics that are open to medical tourists use the most modern techniques and modern medical equipment, meet all the standards set by the international authorities and strictly follow the medical and healthcare guidelines.

Turkey is one of the top holiday destinations

Turkey belongs to the 10 top destinations for tourists from the whole world. Turkey holidays are chosen by millions of people mainly thanks to its unique Mediterrainian climate – Turkey weather is the best for those who like the sea, sandy beaches, and a lot of sun. The great advantages of Turkey are: historical places (after Hellens, Byzantines, Ottomans, Hittis and many other civilizations),

  • cuisine,
  • entertainment (especially in Istabnbul, Antalya or Bodrum),
  • accommodation (there are the most luxury hotels at the affordable price),
  • shopping (many boutiques, traditional rugs and carpets and very low prices),
  • many business opportunities for everyone.

Turkish flag in the sea

Medical tourists coming to Turkey almost always get the all-inclusive packages for free – it usually includes transfers from/to the airport, accommodation in a high-standard hotel, and taxi transfers to the clinic. All inclusive Turkey deals are the trademark of medical tourism there. What is also important, there are multiple cheap flights to Turkey from most countries in Asia and Europe. Easy access to major Turkish cities also contributes to the development of medical tourism. 

Turkish bariatric doctors are experienced

There are many well educated and qualified weight loss doctors in Turkey. The majority of top bariatric surgeons studied abroad (e.g. in the US, Poland, or Austria) or gained experience and qualifications abroad working for international hospitals. Clinic Hunter is very careful about choosing the Turkish bariatric surgery surgeons for the cooperation, which gives patients the guarantee that they will be treated by a specialist with huge expertise and experience. We always share the surgeon’s profiles and CVs with patients to build trust and make them feel safe.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey for treatment?

Patients considering gastric sleeve in Turkey usually have one troubling question: Is it safe to travel to Turkey or Is Turkey safe? The answer is: yes. Turkey is a very safe country with no domestic or international conflicts. It is widely known that there were some riots and attacks in Turkey a few years ago, and that is why nowadays there is a strong prevalent security presence on the streets, airports, touristic spots, galleries, shopping centers, and hotels. Turkey has never been so safe and secured as it is now. Both the police and army are involved in keeping the order in the country. Of course, patients should be always careful about themselves and their staff, avoid dangerous or dubious places and check the official statements about the current situation in a given country while they stay in a foreign country.

Gastric bypass surgery cost in Turkey

Cost of the All-on-6 treatment

Gastric bypass surgery cost Turkey is very affordable for people coming from the UK, Ireland, Scandinavian countries, Germany, even Asian countries or the USA. The cost of gastric bypass in the UK starts from 8000 GBP (on average, it is 11 000 GBP), which makes it out of the price range for many people in need. Gastric bypass price Turkey is much more affordable – the gastric bypass cost in Turkey starts from 3200 GBP. Some patients admit that this price is even 4 times cheaper than the price in their home countries. What is also important, this price often includes an all-inclusive package with accommodation and transfers, so the additional expenses are reduced to a minimum.

The best city to get gastric bypass treatment

Patients coming for the gastric bypass to Turkey have a wide choice of the cities in Turkey with bariatric clinics. The most popular destination is gastric bypass surgery in Istanbul. It is the most populous Turkish city and the economic, historic, and cultural heart of the country. In Istanbul, there are the best bariatric centres with world-renowned surgeons. The second most popular destination is gastric sleeve Antalya. Antalya is the most popular holiday resort in Turkey. The city is located on the Southwest coast by the Mediterranean Sea, which makes it extremely popular among tourists. There are many clinics and hospitals offering bariatric surgeries, so patients should easily find the clinic that would meet their needs there. Both Istanbul and Antalya are Turkish cities which have international airports, which makes the travel there convenient, fast and affordable. The easy access combined with the top clinics, free all-inclusive packages, and great touristic value make Istanbul and Antalya perfect Turkey holiday destinations for medical tourists.

Gastric Bypass in Turkey reviews

Please read gastric bypass reviews HERE

Alternative places to get gastric bypass surgery

Medical tourism is flourishing especially in Europe. Turkey is one of the most often visited countries, but there are other places worth considering. Gastric bypass Poland deserves a great attention. Poland offers highly competitive prices and the highest quality of treatment. Generally, weight loss surgery Poland and Turkey are the best options for medical tourists looking for surgery abroad. If you need more information about bariatric surgery in any of these countries, contact Clinic Hunter, and we will provide you with all the details.

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