Added by Klaudia Grabowska on 27.05.2021

Hair transplant - what is it?

man in white shirt

Hair transplantation is the most effective cure for hair loss

People lose hair all the time and it is a normal process which does not affect the look and is not visible as long as the hair loss is moderate and the new hair growing process is undisturbed. However, many people struggle with excessive hair loss which is so visible that it affects not only attractiveness but also cause psychological distress. The most common causes of hair loss include stress, unhealthy diet, medications, hormonal imbalance, illnesses, and genetics. There are many types of hair loss treatment, among which hair transplantation is said to be the most effective hair loss cure. There are hundreds of celebrity hair transplant examples, which has made this treatment very popular in recent years. What is hair transplant surgery? It is a procedure where a plastic surgeon or dermatological surgeon moves hair from the area where they grow to a bald area. As a result, the balding area is covered with hair, and the hair loss is stopped. Hair transplant is gaining popularity in Europe. Whether people want to have hair transplant UK, hair transplant Turkey, or in any other country, they should get familiarized with the most important aspects of this procedure. 

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How does a hair transplant work?

Businessman using smartphone while working on laptop

Hair transplant involves transplanting hair grafts from one body part to the other to fill bald spots

Hair transplant involves transplanting hair grafts to fill bald spots – the most common areas which become bald are crown or/and temples. Sometimes, there is an even larger area that needs filling. The usual areas from where hair is taken is the back of the head and chest. The first hair transplant procedures were performed in the 1930s in Japan and in the 1950s in the USA. Since then, the methods have been significantly improved so that they give natural, long-lasting results. Anyone who wonders how hair transplant works should take a look at hair transplant video and hair transplant pictures available on the Internet – they give the best image of this procedure and its effects. Generally,  there are 2 methods of hair transplant – FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUSS (follicular unit strip surgery). We will present the details of these techniques later in this article, yet the most popular surgery is 2000 grafts hair transplant with FUE method. There are some factors that need to be considered before having hair transplant.

They include:

  • having realistic expectations – the transplanted hair are patient’s own hair which grow naturally and their density and thickness depends greatly on a person’s long-term care and hygiene of the hair;
  • as a rule, transplanting hair which is thick and light or grey gives much better results than transplanting thin dark hair;
  • the results are not immediate, there may be a few months before the hair gets rooted;
  • sometimes, hair transplant needs to be followed by further medical treatment for hair loss.

Hair transplant donor area

hairly chest

The donor area is usually the back of the head, but the hair may also be taken from other body parts such as the chest

The grafts or strips for hair transplant are taken from the so-called “donor area”. It is usually the back of the head. Yet, the hair may also be taken from other body parts such as the chest. The reason why these areas are donor sites is simple – the chest and back-head hair are genetically coded not to fall out unlike the hair growing on the top of the head, which many people do not even realise. So, naturally when this hair is transplanted to the top of the head, it hardly ever falls off. Before extracting hair, the donor area must be thoroughly shaved. Some patients have concerns about the look of the donor area after hair transplant, so it is important to discuss this aspect with a surgeon before the procedure. Hair transplant donor area healing time may be quite long and patients should be advised on how to cover it during hair transplant donor area recovery – it may be covered with existing hairs if they are long enough or the rest of hair may be stylized in a way that the donor site interblends with the hairstyle. Finally, is hair transplant donor area regrowth possible? Generally speaking, the hair does not grow back in the donor area. The extracted follicles grow in the new area instead. Thus, the donor site must be carefully chosen and the fact that it becomes hairless afterward must be taken into consideration. Usually, experienced surgeons are able to choose such a place for hair extraction that it is hardly visible. There are also some cases where patients have full hair re-growth in the donor sites, yet it is not a rule. 

Should I get a hair transplant? - Candidate

When should I get a hair transplant? Should I get a hair transplant or wait for a cure? These are common questions of people struggling with the excessive hair loss. Hair transplant transformation is a cosmetic procedure performed under anaesthesia which entails pre-op and post-op guidelines, it is also not recommended to each person. So, who is a good hair transplant candidate?

bald man

Everyone who thinks about having a hair transplant should visit a specialist for a consultation and check if the baldness problem can be solved by this treatment

In general, a good candidate for hair transplant should meet the following criteria:

  • hair problem – hair transplant successfully treats bald crown area and receding hairline, it also works for eyebrows, mustaches or beards; the analysis of problematic areas also helps in making hair transplant grafts calculation
  • hair loss causes – it is important to know what causes hair loss to treat the problem properly; there are conditions like male pattern baldness where hair transplant cannot prevent further hair loss
  • age – usually patients for hair transplant are between 25 and 65; younger patients may also have hair transplant, yet the hair loss must be stabilized before the procedure
  • lifestyle – patients must be committed to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet so that the hair condition is good and no hair loss is provoked by poor nutrition
  • health – candidates need to be healthy so that the anaesthesia and procedure risks are reduced to minimum; any chronic diseases or taken medications must be discussed with the doctor
  • classification of hair loss – it refers to the amount of lost hair and the amount of hair in a potential donor area, a surgeon assesses these features during the consultation
  • commitment – hair growth after transplantation is a long process and without a patient care and engagement, the results may be disappointing, so if patients are not ready to wait for the results or think that the hair will regrow effortlessly, they may not be qualified for the procedure
  • expectations – expectations towards the scope of the effects and the time when they will appear need to be realistic.

In the end, we would like to elaborate on scalp and hair characteristics which also have an influence on the qualification for hair transplant as well as on the procedure itself.

The important features are:

  • hair curl (curly hair gives more coverage than straight hair)
  • hair colour (the rule is that the less contrast between the hair and scalp, the better coverage is achieved, so the results for blonde hair are often better than for dark hair)
  • hair thickness (the hair thickness is much more important than density of hair grafts – it is proven that less thick hairs guarantee more coverage for bald area than more thin hairs)
  • hair shaft structure.

So, as can be seen, a hair transplant is not for everyone. There are some criteria which must be met otherwise the procedure would be ineffective. So, everyone who thinks about having a hair transplant should visit a specialist for a consultation and check whether their baldness problem can be solved by hair transplant.

Mens hair transplant

Vertical closeup shot of a half-bald middle-aged person with a suit - an aging concept

Male hair transplant constitutes over 90% of all hair transplant procedures across the world

Generally speaking, men are the main group to whom hair transplant is dedicated. Male hair transplant constitutes over 90% of all hair transplant procedures across the world. The reason for that is the fact that hair transplant for men is a relatively uncomplicated procedure. Men have short hair, so shaving the donor area is not a big deal, also, they do not have to wait very long until the new hair grows. Besides, the criteria for hair transplant men are quite easy to meet, so most men struggling with baldness are qualified for hair implants for men without any difficulties. Of course, the final decision belongs to the plastic surgeon who assesses many aspects of potential men’s hair transplant patients. The most common reason for men hair transplant is the condition called male pattern baldness. It is the hair loss in the scalp area that happens due to hormonal changes. Here, the hair transplant procedure for men is the most effective solution which triggers new hair growth in the balding areas.

Female hair transplant

Female hair transplant is much more complicated than men hair transplant. It is believed that losing 50-100 hairs per day is normal and women should worry only when the number of hair drastically increases and exceeds 150-200 hairs a day. Hair loss of women is different from men, so hair transplantation for women or hair implants for women are also different. In general, hair loss in women is caused by hair miniaturisation (when the hair strand diameter gets smaller). It usually starts in the crown area and widens to sides. Getting completely bald rarely happens, unless it is caused by a disease, and the hairline also does not change even if hair loss is noticed. Hair transplant for women is complicated in a way that there is no stable donor region – it influences the number of grafts that can be transplanted and limits the surgery scope. Besides, unlike men, hair transplant woman cannot take hair from other body parts than the head. Finally, women suffer from significant hair loss much less frequently than men. Yet, when they do, they may opt for a hair transplant. A long hair transplant is a complicated procedure with some limitations, so it is very important that women visit a hair transplant specialist who is experienced in women’s hair transplant UK and check whether they are good candidates for the procedure.  

Afro hair transplant

afro hair

Afro hair transplant belongs to one of the most complicated types of this procedure

Afro hair transplant is commonly referred to as black men hair transplant just because it is most frequently performed for black men. Hair transplant afro hair is undeniably the most complex out of all hair types. The afro hair is kinky or curled and resembles a C shape. The follicles also curve beneath the skin, thus it is very difficult to extract hair follicles without intersecting them. During the procedure, there is a high risk that the surgeon accidentally cuts a follicle during harvesting it or during grafting, so in fact there might be less grafts transplanting than initially agreed. To avoid it, patients should find a surgeon who specialises in afro hair transplant and is experienced in this type of surgeries.

Beard hair transplant

Facial hair transplant is getting more and more popular. Beard hair transplant is the second most common hair transplant procedure among men. It is performed when the beard is thin, uneven, has empty places and does not look full. The hair may be harvested from the back of the head, neck, chest or under the chin areas. The procedure is exactly the same as head hair transplant. The recommended technique is FUE facial hair transplant. After hair transplant beard, hair needs about 12 months to fully grow and make the beard much fuller, thicker and more dense. Besides, it is possible to do the procedure the opposite way – that is to do a beard to head hair transplant (especially beard to scalp hair transplant), so the beard may be both a donor and recipient area.

Crown hair transplant

As the name suggests, a hair transplant crown is performed to solve the crown balding problem. Crown is the area located on the scalp of the head – in the highest point of the head called “vertex” and ends just above the occipital bone. Hair transplant for thinning crown is frequently demanded by men, yet there are a few factors to consider before having a hair transplant crown area. Firstly, men should determine whether they are balding only in the crown area or also in the front, hairline part of the head. Generally, people do not see balding on the crown area because it is high on the scalp and many a time, men resign from the procedure when they realise that. Hair transplant on crown is a good idea when the balding is really advanced or the crown is a visible part of the head. What’s more, when men go bald not only in the crown but also in the hairline, the hairline gets the priority. Surgeons always start hair transplant with the most visible areas, and crown is the last on this list. Transplanting hair to the crown firstly would give an unnatural look. Lastly, the donor areas are not unlimited, each person has a limited number of grafts on their body that can be used for hair transplant, so when men are going bald, their surgeons should use the grafts wisely and take into consideration the fact that the balding process may cause the need for a second hair transplant in the future. 

Frontal hair transplant

man on white background

Hair transplant hairline should resemble a natural hairline – when it is made too low or too high on the head, the effects can look artificial

Forehead hair transplant is the most important procedure from the point of view of a patient. The hairline is a visible area, and it greatly influences the look of the face. For many people, balding in this area is a big complex that they try to hide. Hair transplant hairline should resemble a natural hairline – when it is made too low or too high on the head, the effects may be a bit artificial. What may pose a problem in hair transplant frontal hairline is placing as many grafts as needed, not more. The hairs that are transplanted stay there forever, so a surgeon needs to think about the patients’ natural ageing process and potential future hair loss – when too many grafts are transplanted, the future frontal hair transplant results may look very unnatural. Additionally, hair transplant frontal line should never be even. On the contrary, it should have both valleys and peaks and the grafts should not be put too tight, but rather should be loose and get more tight gradually. 

Types of hair transplant

Man using laptop while sitting on sofa at home

There are several techniques for hair transplant, but the most popular is FUE

People doing research on hair transplant news may encounter several techniques of good hair transplant. The procedures may differ in the number of grafts – e.g. some people need only 1000 grafts hair transplant while others need 4000 grafts. However, the much more important aspect is the technique. Among the different types of hair transplant procedures, the most popular ones are FUE and FUT.

Below, we list the most common techniques of full hair transplant.

FUE hair transplant

What is FUE hair transplant? Hair transplant FUE is a short name for follicular unit extraction or hair follicle transplant. It is the procedure in which a surgeon takes individual hair grafts from the donor area and implants them to the recipient area. Nowadays, FUE hair transplant procedure is the most commonly used technique – it is also said to be the most effective and safest one. There are multiple fue hair transplant reviews and fue hair transplant results photos proving this fact. The best FUE hair transplant has replaced old-fashioned methods including FUT procedure. 

How does FUE hair transplant work? It is a procedure performed under local anaesthesia, however, it may last quite long because it needs much precision and very meticulous manual work of a surgeon. It is carried out under a microscope, which guarantees achieving the highest precision and restoring the natural hair look. The success rate of FUE hair transplant London is very high, many experts say that it is the highest out of all hair transplant methods. 

Below, we present the pros and cons of FUE.

Advantages of FUE hair transplant

Disadvantages of FUE hair transplant

- minimum scarring thanks to individual grafts extraction
- in short hair, there is no sign of hair harvesting
- it is a great option for people with moderated hair loss
- the procedure is painless
- it guarantees the natural results
- fast recovery and little activity limitations after the surgery
- a few options for hair grafting, e.g. back of the head, chest or beard
-it is a surgical procedure
- the number of grafts for transplant is limited - for significant hair loss, FUE is not recommended
- when the procedure is repeated in the future, the scarring areas spread
- the donor area must be shaven before the procedure
- if many grafts are needed, the procedure is split into 2 or more sessions
- it is quite expensive

FUT hair transplant

What is FUT hair transplant? Basically, it is the second most known hair transplant procedure. FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation. In the past, FUT was a number one among hair transplant techniques, yet now there are more advanced and precise methods which have overshadowed FUT hair transplant procedure. Despite this fact, there are still many clinics which use hair transplant FUT and recommend it in specific cases in which FUT hair transplant results would be the best out of all hair transplant surgeries. In FUT procedure, a surgeon extracts the strip of scalp from the back of the head. The strips size depends on the number of grafts that are needed. Usually, the length of one strip is 1 centimeter and it contains about 100 follicles/grafts. So, when people need 1000 grafts, the whole strip size will be 10 centimetres, for 2000 grafts, it will be 20cm strip size. When strips are extracted, a surgeon takes single grafts and places them individually in the balding area. 

The advantages and disadvantages of FUT method are as follows.

Advantages of FUT hair transplant

Disadvantages of FUT hair transplant

- the procedure time is relatively short
- it provides long lasting results
- it allows for extracting much more grafts than FUE
- head shaving is not required
- it is a relatively affordable procedure
- the procedure is painless
- further FUT procedures do not increase scarring
- it is a surgical procedure
- the procedure leaves a scar
- the recovery is longer than in FUE
- the aftercare and activities limitations are quite strict
- it is not recommended when the scalp is too tight or too loose
- it may cause a scalp stretching especially when more than one FUT procedures are performed


People wondering whether to have FUE or FUT hair transplant should realize the differences between FUT vs FUE. Below, we present the basic aspects of these procedures, yet for more detailed information and comparison, patients should visit a plastic surgeon who will present all the important aspects of the procedures and will advise on the most effective method. Hair transplant FUE vs FUT is presented below.




Recommended grafts number per 1 session


Hair loss problem

recommended for moderate hair lossrecommended for significant hair loss

Treating large areas

not possiblepossible



Procedure time

relatively longrelatively short

Shaving of the donor area

requirednot needed

Suggested donor areas

back of the head, chest, beardback of the head

Hair grafting

single grafts extracted from the donor area and implantedsingle grafts extracted from the separated strip and implanted

Stitches required



very tiny dots, hardly noticeable, normally no scarring at allscar of 2-20cm length in the back of the head, size depends on the number of grafts, can be hidden by the hair

Post-op pain

no pain at allminor pain may appear


relatively highcheaper than FUE

Healing time of the donor area

about 1 weekabout 2-3 weeks

Healing time of the recipient area

about 1-2 weeksabout 2 weeks

Time off work

not neededusually 2-3 days, for physical work - even 2 weeks



Graft damage

the rate of transection is 2-5%the rate of transection is 1-2%

DHI hair transplant

DHI is a short name for Direct Hair Implantation / direct hair implant procedure. Basically, it is a more advanced form of FUE where the single follicles are extracted from the donor area and immediately implanted into the recipient area. It is possible thanks to the modern tool, which is called Choi pen. Such a pen is designed in a way that it can both open the channels for hair transplantation and plant the hair grafts. Apart from really natural and effective DHI hair transplant results, this procedure leaves no scarring. To better understand the difference between DHI, FUE and FUT, we present a short comparison of the aspects which are vital in each method:





Grafts harvesting

the skin strips are taken outthe single grafts are taken outthe single grafts are taken out

Grafts planting

firstly, the canals in bald area are opened, then the grafts are plantedfirstly, the canals in bald area are opened, then the grafts are plantedthe canal opening and grafts planting takes place at the same time

DHI is a relatively new hair transplant technique, so it is under careful analysis and studies all the time. Yet, for now DHI hair transplant reviews and DHI hair transplant feedback are very promising and more and more clinics are deciding to introduce this method to their hair transplant offer. 

BHT hair transplant

BHT is an abbreviation of body hair transplant. It is the advancement of FUE hair transplant, in which the donor area is extended to the whole body. Hair transplant using body hair is used when the donor area on the head is already used or the density of hair there is too low. The body parts that can be used in BHT body hair transplant are e.g. legs, arms, chest, or neck. Of course, the body hair grows and looks slightly different from the hair on the head, but when they are transplanted, they adjust to the cycle of head hair. Body hair transplant success rate is the same as in the head hair, so it is a perfect option for everyone whose hair on the head cannot serve as a donor area for any reason. 

Stem cell hair transplant


Stem cell treatments gaining in popularity, one of them is stem cell hair transplant

Hair stem cell transplant is a new inventive procedure which triggers hair growth with the use of stem cells. Stem cell hair transplant UK is gaining popularity all the time – it’s main assumption is restoring the hair follicles growth thanks to relocation of stem cells rather than hair grafts. These cells have the ability to heal and repair tissues and can be transformed into any type of cells, including hair cells. A stem cell hair transplant results in the new natural hair follicles which grow in the balding area. The hair stem cell transplantation involves 2 steps. Firstly, a doctor performs liposuction when the fat is taken from one body part, which is usually the abdomen. Then, the stem cells are filtered and injected into the bald areas. This procedure lasts about 2 hours and is performed under local anesthesia. Hair transplant stem cell results appear after a few months, which is strongly connected to the natural pace of hair growth. Such a hair transplant method is not common. It is relatively new and there are still many studies and researches on the outcome and long-term effects of stem cell hair transplant. However, what can be said now is that this technique is really safe and promising and it may become the number one hair transplant in a few years. 

Artificial hair transplant

Artificial hair transplant is an alternative to a natural hair transplant. At the beginning, we need to explain that it does not involve any hair pieces or wigs, but rather artificial hair which is transplanted the same way as in the FUE method. The main reason for using this technique is insufficient amount of natural hair in the donor area or health problems which make natural hair transplant too risky. Due to unfavourable artificial hair transplant side effects, this procedure had been banned by some countries, yet nowadays there are clinics which still practise it. They use bio-compatible fibres which have been greatly improved and developed, which naturally make it much safer and more effective than in the past. The fibres have various colours, shades and length, thanks to which they may be almost indistinguishable from a patient’s natural hair. What is important, the process of artificial hair transplant may be quite long because a doctor starts with panting single hair fibres to see how the body reacts to it. There are a few minor hair transplant sessions within 1-3 months before the proper hair transplant takes place – it allows for eliminating many post-op complications and severe body reactions or allergies. As for the results, they tend to be natural, yet over time the difference between the natural and artificial hair may become more prominent and further hair transplants may be needed. Finally, the artificial hair transplant cost is usually similar to FUE or FUT hair transplant price, so if possible, patients should set the natural hair transplant in the first place. 

Best hair transplant


The patient who wants to get the best hair transplant should focus on finding experienced and renowned hair transplant doctor and a high-standard clinic

We realize that each patient wants to find the best hair transplant UK or the best hair transplant in the world to be sure about the great results. There are also many comparisons and rankings of hair transplant methods and clinics. However, saying that there is the best hair transplant method would be misleading because there are too many factors and differences between patients to generalize about the best hair transplant procedure. Patients who want to get the best hair transplant results should focus on finding a reliable, experienced and renowned hair transplant doctor and a high-standard clinic. If they find a professional place and doctor, they will be explained which hair transplant method is the best for them and what results they can expect after each technique. Patients should realize that the recommendations as for the technique may be different depending on a patient’s health condition, balding problem, donor area anatomy, etc, so any generalizations about the best hair transplant method in the world are purely theoretical. 

How hair transplant is done? - The procedure

Generally, there are three hair transplant stages. They include:

Stage 1: consultation

Stage 2: procedure

Stage 3: recovery


There are 3 main steps for hair transplant; consultation, procedure and recovery time

We list these steps because the hair transplant process does not boil down to the procedure only. The preparation and aftercare are very important as well. The procedure is different depending on the technique and surgery type, yet we give an idea of what to expect from the hair transplant session below.

Consultation allows for choosing the best hair transplant procedure. A surgeon makes an assessment of the recipient and donor area, diagnoses the balding problem, checks the overall health condition of a patient and examines the medical history. Based on the gathered information, a surgeon is able to suggest the hair transplant technique and qualify a patient for the procedure. The patient should follow some instructions before the procedure. Such a preparation enhances the procedure results and decreases the risk of post-op complications.

For 2 weeks before the surgery, patients should;

  • follow a balanced diet – both overeating and dieting are not recommended, the body should be in an anabolic (not catabolic) state;
  • stop taking meds, supplements and vitamins thinning the blood (e.g. Aspirin)
  • avoid drinking tea or protein shakes (they contain substances which thin the blood)
  • cease drinking alcohol and smoking
  • decrease physical activity – jogging or weight lifting should be ceased for the week before the procedure.

The procedure of hair transplant differs depending on the used technique. Patients are admitted to the clinic in the morning, and they have a pre-op talk with the surgeon. It is the last chance to ask questions and resolve the doubts. Patients are prepared for the procedure – the head is shaved to 1-2mm and the donor area is shaved completely – it enables a maximum precision and efficiency of hair harvesting. Regardless of the procedure, patients are applied a local anaesthesia – they are conscious during the procedure, yet they do not feel any pain. In the FUE and DHI method, a surgeon harvests individual grafts and in the FUT method, the whole strip of hair is extracted from a predetermined donor area. The harvested hairs are dissected from the tissue with the use of a microscope and then, the hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient area. The procedure is quite long, it may last up to 8 hours because of the manual harvesting and implantation of follicles, but patients are able to talk with the medical personnel, listen to the radio or watch TV at that time. In really long procedures, a doctor and patient even have a break for a meal. During such a session, a surgeon is able to transplant about 2500 grafts, so if a patient needs more hair to be implanted, there is a need for other hair transplant sessions. 

How long does a hair transplant last?


The length of the procedure depends on the number of grafts needed and the type of the surgery

How long does hair transplant last? Generally, the length of the procedure depends on the number of grafts needed and the type of the surgery. As for the type, FUE and DHI methods are longer than FUT because the grafts are harvested individually (in FUT the whole strip of grafts is taken). So, naturally, patients having FUT hair transplant may expect the time shorter than FUE and DHI patients. Secondly, the number of grafts plays a role too. Patients who need 1000 grafts may expect a procedure to last about 4 hours, while for 2000-2500 grafts, the time extends to even 8 hours. Sometimes, the FUE sessions are split into 2 days – it allows for translating even 4000-5000 grafts. 

Is hair transplant painful?

Does hair transplant hurt? – It is a very common question which bothers hair transplant candidates. Well, each medical procedure causes some discomfort, and it is totally normal. Yet, answering the question: is hair transplant painful procedure, no, it is completely painless. Before the procedure, a surgeon injects local anaesthesia which makes nerves in the donor and recipient areas blocked. Patients are also provided with medications relieving the pain after the surgery so when the anaesthesia eases off, the pain is not really troublesome. Usually, over-the-counter painkillers are enough as the pain, if exists, is moderate. If patients feel pain or discomfort after the procedure, it should disappear completely within 2-4 days.

Hair transplant aftercare

Man resting on sofa surrounded with moving boxes

Hair transplant post-op care is very important. Patients are suggested to take time off work and rest for a couple of days after the procedure

The hair transplant post op care is very important and it greatly influences the recovery course. Every patient is explained what to do after hair transplant by a surgeon or nurse, so in fact, patients always know what to expect, yet we must note that if patients are not sure whether they can do some activities or have doubts about care after hair transplant surgery in any other aspect of their daily life, they should contact the doctor and get a first-hand advice.

In general, patients are suggested to take time off work and rest for a couple of days after the procedure and focus on after hair transplant care, however if they do office work, they can return to it a day after the procedure. In the first few days patients should not pick at the wounds or scratch them, any strenuous activities and exercises are forbidden. Patients should avoid cold, heat, and sweating, so it is suggested that they stay at home at that time. Sleeping position is another important aspect of care after hair transplant – patients should sleep in a semi upright position and do not put pressure on the sites. 

The useful tips for postoperative care after hair transplant include:

  • do not wash the head for the first 3 days
  • do not take aspirin or other blood thinning medications and supplements
  • avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
  • do not blow the nose too hard
  • avoid very hot and very cold places (e.g. beach), situations (e.g. hairdryer) or meals (e.g. icecreams)
  • use ice-packs for swollen areas (but place them on the forehead instead of grafts site)
  • keep the wound sites clean, avoid dust, dirt, sweat or any bacteria 
  • any itching and irritation can be alleviated with cosmetics, e.g. aloe vera
  • the first hair wash (after 3-4 days) should be done with a mild shampoo and tepid water
  • avoid bathing, showering, swimming pools and other situations involving keeping the head underwater for at least a month
  • do not cut the hair with a razor for 6 months, instead choose scissors which are permissible after 3 months.

It is claimed that the first 2 weeks after the procedure are crucial so knowing how to take care after hair transplant surgery is very important. In case of any questions or concerns, patients should contact their hair transplant doctor.

Hair transplant recovery

hair and spray

Hair transplant recovery time is unique for each patient and depends on many factors

Hair transplant recovery time is unique for each patient – it depends on the scope of surgery (how many grafts are implanted), the patient’s medical conditions and the body’s ability to heal. The most common hair transplant technique is FUE, so here we will focus on FUE hair transplant recovery time, yet it is very similar to other techniques. Due to the fact that hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure done under local anaesthesia, hair transplant surgery recovery time and restrictions are minimal. Patients are advised to take a few days off work – usually, 1-3 days are enough. The longer time is needed only when a patient does strenuous, physical work. The post-op pain is little, it may exist from 2 days to a week. The great advantage of FUE is that compared to e.g. FUT, it is almost painless. After hair transplant donor area recovery may involve some itching, throbbing or tightness, however this inconvenience can be easily treated with medications. There is also no linear scar or stitches, which also makes recovery after hair transplant surgery very fast. What is also important, patients should realize that the results are progressive, so they usually don’t notice the direct influence of the recovery and aftercare on the transplant effects. Yet, the longevity and scale of the effects greatly depend on a post-op recovery. Patients may even notice that the transplanted hair falls out within 2-3 weeks after the procedure, yet is normal and the roots of the transplanted hair remain in place and will naturally grow with other hair.

Hair transplant timeline

Below, we present the hair transplant recovery timeline so that patients can get prepared for it and know what to expect at each stage of the recovery. Anyone looking for a hair transplant growth timeline will find here the information about transplanted hair growth.

Week 1

Just after the procedure, the hair transplant hair growth timeline starts – patients immediately see the transplanted hair and have an idea of what the effects will look like. Yet, at this stage the implanted hairs are not permanent, they will fall out, but the new hair will grow at the recipient sites. Patients are discharged from the hospital a few hours after the procedure, they have the head bandaged. Usually, the bandages are removed on the follow up visit a day or two after the procedure. Patients should organise transportation on the surgery day and preferably for the next day as driving after anaesthesia is not recommended. What is important at this stage? Patients should rest as much as possible, avoid any tiring activities, keep the head upright and try not to touch the incision sites. If pain appears, it should be tackled with the prescribed medications, by the end of this week over-the-counter meds would be enough – in most cases the pain disappears within the first 4-5 days. The head may be washed on the 3rd day after the procedure – patients should use only shampoos recommended by a doctor, otherwise they may hurt the wounds. The incisions should heal by the end of this week. Also, moderate activities and exercises can be restored.

Hair transplant after 2 weeks

In 2 weeks after hair transplant, the scalp crusting and scabbing should disappear and the operated sites become pink. The transplanted hair enters the telogen phase (resting phase), which means that hair grafts start to fall out. It is totally normal and always occurs, so patients should not worry about hair loss at this stage. Even if the hairs fall out, the follicles are in place and the hair will grow in this place. Sometimes, patients may still experience itchiness in the operated areas, here pain medications and lotions may help. 

Hair transplant after 1 month

Reaching 1 month after a hair transplant, people usually forget about having the surgery. The vast majority of patients have got back to normal life by this time and have forgotten about any limitations. Hair transplant results after 1 month are not visible yet. The hair continues to fall out within the resting phase, it may be psychologically difficult, but very soon the new hairs will start to grow. The redness in the operated areas is fading.

Hair transplant after 2 months

2 months after hair transplant, the shock hair loss should stop and the new fine hairs start to grow. Patients may observe pimples on the head – they are caused by the ingrown hair. The hair transplant growth after 2 months is quite dynamic and primary fine hair becomes much longer and thicker over time. Patients may start to groom the hair and cut it with the scissors. What we suggest is that patients take some hair transplant timeline photos before the procedure, and when they take such a photo of hair transplant results after 2 months, they will definitely see the difference at this stage. 

Hair transplant after 3 months


Around 3 months after the procedure hair transplant patient should notice the difference and the effects should be really satisfying at this stage

3 months after hair transplant each hair transplant patient should notice the difference and the effects should be really satisfying at this stage. Hair transplant growth after 3 months continues at the pace of about 1,25 centimetres a month. So of course, the time is needed to enjoy the final results, but for men having short-cut hair, the difference between the natural and transplanted hair is becoming more and more blurred now. Regarding the donor area of hair transplant 3 months, the hair should fully re-grow at this time too.

Hair transplant 4 months

The effects of hair transplant after 4 months become much better than even a month before. The hairs have got denser, thicker and longer and guarantee the coverage of the balding area. The hairline shape and aesthetics is also greatly improved. On average, the hair transplant growth after 4 months should reach about 60% of transplanted grafts. For some patients, hair transplant results after 4 months are very satisfying, others need some more time to see the final effects. The donor area should have healed completely by this time. Patients can style and colour the hair now, however, they are still advised to wear a cup or hut outside to avoid excessive sun exposure.

Hair transplant 10-12 months

By this time, 90-100% of implanted hair have already grown and patients may enjoy their new look. It is suggested that patients attend a follow up visit a year after the procedure to check with the surgeon if the results are really satisfying and everything has healed as planned. The “new” hairs are indistinguishable from the “old” ones.

Hair transplant after 10 years

Hair transplant procedure gives the permanent results, so usually patients would not see much difference between the first and tenth year after the procedure. Yet, hair transplant does not stop natural ageing processes or diseases, so further hair loss may happen. Usually the transplanted hairs do not fall out, yet natural hairs can, so there may be the need for a further procedure in the future.

Hair transplant scar

bald man

Many patients can’t decide on the surgery as they are afraid of the scars

Everyone wondering whether they will have FUE hair transplant scars, FUT hair transplant scar or other types of hair transplant scars should know that each hair transplant type leaves the scar. However, a scar from hair transplant is very small, almost unnoticeable, so scarring should not pose any concerns for patients. In the FUE method, the scars are only tiny dots which are covered with hair, and shortly after the procedure, they are not visible. What also affects the scar and it’s visibility is a doctor’s experience. A skilled, experienced doctor performing the hair transplant technique that he specialises in is able to make such incisions that hair transplant scar repair is very quick and unnoticed. In FUT method, the scar is more prominent, as it is a horizontal scar on the back of the head, however, a skilled surgeon is able to make an incision in such a way that it is easily hidden with the natural hair. Generally, hair transplant scar removal is not very recommended as this scar is not so prominent. Instead, the more and more popular solution among FUT patients is to have FUE hair transplant on scar tissue caused by FUT – having it done, patients make the scar totally indistinguishable. 

Hair transplant results

Thoughtful man relaxing on sofa

Hair transplant results are not immediate but spectacular after a few months

Balding and hair loss is a very big complex for men, no wonder they expect best hair transplant results when they decide to undergo this procedure. On the Internet, there are numerous celeb hair transplant examplex, before-after photos of FUE hair transplant results or DHI hair transplant results. Many a time, these hair transplant results UK are very spectacular, yet they are not immediate. In the first weeks after any hair transplant, patients do not see new hair growth, on the contrary, they notice an increased hair loss. But it is a normal phase of post-op recovery. The implanted hairs fall out, yet they are already rooted, and new hairs start to grow. Usually, patients see the first FUE hair transplant results after 3 months. Since then, hair transplant results month by month become more and more prominent. After 6 months, the changes become really dramatic, and many men feel great satisfaction at this time. However, all the doctors agree that the final effects can be achieved up to one year after hair transplant, so patients should not assess the results or make judgements before that time. 

Hair transplant success

The success of hair transplant depends on several factors. They include a surgeon’s experience and skills, clinic equipment, hair transplant method, and a patient’s aftercare. The studies show that the hair transplant success rate is extremely high. Regardless of the method, about 85-98% of all transplanted grafts survive, which indicates the very high success rate of hair transplant. Regarding FUT technique, the average success rate is 95-98%, and in FUE technique, it exceeds 97% – these methods are very successful, it is just important to choose an experienced surgeon and a high-standard clinic so that the body hair transplant success rate is maintained. Patients should be also honest with the doctor, tell the whole truth about their health condition, and describe their expectations as these factors may also influence the hair transplant results.

Does hair transplant work?

Does hair transplant really work? The truth is that when patients are qualified for hair transplant by a certified specialist, they have the right to expect hair transplant to provide them with the desired results. It is just important that patients listen to the doctor and follow his advice about the number of grafts, type of hair transplant, and the choice of donor area and recipient area. Does hair transplant work for everyone? Of course not. It works for people who are good candidates for this procedure. Hair transplant does not work for widespread baldness and hair thinning, the hair loss caused by medications or diseases (e.g. chemotherapy) or for thick scars of the scalp caused by injuries.

Is hair transplant permanent?

Portrait of handsome young man at olive farm

Hair transplant results are permanent, but the patient needs to remember to take good care of a new hair

Here, we answer the common questions, namely: does hair transplant last forever? Is a hair transplant permanent? The truth is that hair transplant is the most effective procedure out of all invasive and non-invasive hair restoration methods and yes, it’s results are permanent. The implanted hair follicles are resistant to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – it is a hormone responsible for hair loss. So, due to the fact that transplanted hair are DHT hormone resistant, they stay in place even if natural hairs around fall out. Summing up, transplanted hairs are permanent and hardly ever fall out, but the hair transplant procedure itself does not prevent balding and hair loss of natural, non-transplanted hair.

Is hair transplant worth it ?

We have one important suggestion for everyone wondering: should I have a hair transplant? Is a hair transplant worth it? Namely, they should visit a hair transplant doctor and ask a specialist for an opinion. An honest, professional doctor will tell a patient whether hair transplant will bring the desired results and whether it is worth doing. The future of hair transplant is very promising, as more and more people struggle with excessive hair loss and baldness, yet before making a decision about hair transplant, people should check with an expert whether they are good candidates for this procedure. 

Hair transplant failure

Man looking at graph while using laptop

To avoid any hair transplant failure the patient should do a good research before deciding on the procedure

Hair transplant failure rate is minimal and as long as patients have their own hair transplanted, they do not need to worry about the failed hair transplant. FUE hair transplant failure rate is the smallest out of all hair procedures. Yet, patients must be aware that there is such a possibility. Knowing the factors which may cause the failure of hair transplant helps in eliminating them and minimizing this possibility. 

Hair transplant failure reasons

Below, we present the 5 main reasons causing hair transplant to fail.

  • Unqualified surgeon

It is very important especially in FUE and DHI techniques because they require high precision, skillfulness, and meticulousness. When a surgeon specialises in other techniques or is a young professional with little experience, we advise patients to re-think the decision about opting for such a specialist. Of course, we do not mean to undermine anyone here, but patients should trust their surgeons a hundred percent. A surgeon has a huge influence on the hair transplant results and may make the effects much better as well as much worse than expected. A qualified surgeon can perfectly harvest the grafts from the donor area, which is reflected in the grafts survival and place them in a recipient area with great precision, which guarantees the permanent, natural results. One of surgeons’ main fails is either over-harvesting or under-harvesting the hair grafts and analogically over-implanting or under-implanting the grafts. An experienced doctor is able to find an ideal balance of hair harvesting which leaves the donor area look natural and makes the recipient area look natural too. 

  • Improper post-op care

As we already mentioned, the hair transplant aftercare is very important and it is the patient who takes the full responsibility for it. Each hair transplant patient is given the detailed directions and instructions of post-op recovery and aftercare that must be followed. The hair transplant recovery is relatively short and not very demanding, so patients should not have problems with following the guidelines. One of the examples of improper care may be inappropriate hair wash or excessive head scratching which may lead to hair grafts failure or infections.

  • Not being a good hair transplant candidate

The qualification for hair transplant should be always done by a hair transplant doctor after analysing a patient’s health condition, balding/hair loss problem and medical history. At this stage, some patients are informed that hair transplant may not be the best solution. It is very disappointing information, no wonder people look for another specialist to confirm such a decision. It is a good idea to challenge the doctor’s opinion and find a second experienced specialist who can double check whether hair transplant is really a bad option. However, there are some people who are ready to meet dozens of specialists and go for hair transplant as soon as there is someone who qualifies them for the procedure. People who are hellbent on getting a hair transplant and ignore the suggestions of specialists are at the high risk of not only hair transplant failure but also other complications and health problems. 

  • Low-standard clinic
Portrait of male surgeon wearing surgical mask

Qualified surgeon, high standard clinic those are the factors that play a key role in hair transplant success rate

Finding a good clinic is a key factor in hair transplant success. The proper medical staff care, thorough examinations and medical tests, sterile devices,  and modern equipment play a major role and without it, even the best hair transplant doctor would not be able to guarantee the excellent results. Also, the clinic needs to be reliable in a way that they are honest with the patients. The average hair transplant requires 2000-2500 grafts and of course, a patient is never able to control whether they haven’t paid for more grafts than are actually transplanted. 

  • Too prompt judgements

Whether hair transplant has ended in success or failure can be done not sooner than a year after the procedure. Patients should be always informed about the hair growth timeline and hair loss during the recovery. Jumping to conclusions may result in wrong thinking of a procedure failure. After the hair transplant, hair loss is a normal thing and hair growth takes place at the same pace as in natural hair, so hair re-growth and regeneration is a long process requiring patience and care.

Hair transplant alternatives


There are several surgical and non-surgical alternatives to hair transplants. One of them may be diet supplements

There are several surgical and non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant. They are a great option for people who are not qualified for hair transplant, cannot afford it, or when hair transplant does not guarantee long-term effectiveness. Also, when the hair loss is caused by a disease or when the growth of natural hair is disturbed, alternative solutions would be also more recommended. The most popular and effective surgical alternative of hair loss treatment is scalp reduction. It is done only when hair loss and balding occurs in the front of the head in specific areas. The procedure entails decreasing the forehead by skin removal, as a result of which the hairline is pulled more to the front and there are no balding areas at the front. However, regarding hair treatment, people who for some reasons do not want or cannot have hair transplant, look for non-surgical options. Below, we will present the available solutions, yet we cannot determine which is the best hair loss treatment – it is too individual, so to know the best hair treatment for you, we advise that patients consult a specialist. 

Non surgical hair transplant

Non-surgical hair transplant involves non-invasive methods which trigger new hair growth, prevent hair loss or mask the balding areas. We need to stress that most of the methods are a recommended hair loss treatment for women who are often disqualified from hair transplant procedure. For sure, the greatest advantage of the non-surgical procedure is the affordable non surgical hair transplant cost, yet their effectiveness is not as high as in hair transplant.

Below, we present the available options of non surgical hair transplant:

  • Finasteride – it is a tablet taken once a day, it prevents hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. This tablet blocks an enzyme which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This solution is dedicated only to men with moderate hair loss. When taken regularly, the tablets may bring the first results in 6 months.
  • Minoxidil in a topical spray form – this spray is applied to the balding areas. It reduces the hair loss by making the follicles fuller and thicker, increasing the blood flow (which triggers the hair growth and nourishes the hairs), and extending the hair growth phase (anagen phase). To get the results, people need to apply this spray twice a day all the time because it works only when applied, so when the treatment is stopped, the results will be no more visible. 
  • Minoxidil in a foam form – it provides people with the same effects as Minoxidil in a spray form. The only difference in the form of application. 
  • Steroid injections – they are dedicated to people struggling with alopecia areata hair loss. In other words, people whose hair loss results from an immune system disorder or chemotherapy can benefit from it. These injections block the immune system, thanks to which the hairs are allowed to grow. 
  • Hair replacement systems – it is an official name for toupées and wigs. The modern products have nothing in common with the wigs that were used in the past. They are made from either artificial or natural human hair. Their texture, colour, shape and length make them so similar to natural hair that many people would not be able to differentiate between the two. 

Finally, the non-surgical hair transplant methods which are the most popular are light treatment and scalp micropigmentation. We elaborate on these methods below. 

Scalp Micropigmentation

long hair

Scalp micropigmentation is known as a hair tattoo and effectively camouflages the bald area

What is scalp micropigmentation (SMP)? It is commonly known as a hair tattoo. It is a non-surgical procedure which involves applying the natural pigments with the head dermal layer to replicate the natural (shaved) look of the scalp. It is very popular among men and women and may involve the head hair, eyebrows, eyes or even lips. The head hair micropigmentation effectively camouflages the bald area and gives the impression of a natural hairline and hair coverage. The best candidates for this procedure are men and women suffering from alopecia areata, male or female pattern baldness and having very thin hair. The procedure itself is not hurtful. It is done under a local anaesthesia. 

The results of SMP can be really outstanding. We advise that people considering this option take a look at scalp micropigmentation reviews and before-after photos. Also, since it has a form of a tattoo, it is designed to be permanent. So, patients should think it over and make a deliberate well-knit decision. The SMP effects are immediate, yet in the most cases, about 2-3 sessions are needed to get the best results. There are many people trained to perform SMP, so it is the best idea to find such a specialist and get the consultations. He will give patients information about the results that can be expected, scalp micropigmentation side effects, procedure details and an individual scalp micropigmentation cost. 

Laser hair transplant

Hair transplant laser therapy is known as red light therapy or cold laser therapy. It irradiates photons into the tissue of the scalp. Then, the photons are absorbed by the cells, which triggers hair growth. In other words, it invigorates the blood circulation and stimulates new hair growth. The hair transplant laser treatment is widely regarded as a little invasive and safe procedure, however, there are still deep studies on it’s effectiveness. Nowadays, it is just impossible why laser hair transplant surgery results are excellent for some people and poor for others, so anyone deciding for this treatment should realize that the final effects cannot be guaranteed. Below, we show the pros and cons of laser therapy.

Advantages of laser hair transplant

Disadvantages of laser hair transplant

-it is minimally invasive
- it does not involve any pain during or after the procedure
- there are no short term or long term side effects
- the strength of hair is increased
- usually several sessions are needed to see the results, the overall treatment may last a few months
- laser hair transplant cost is quite high
- the results are not guaranteed

Hair transplant gone wrong- possible problems

man on the cauch sad

Hair transplant side effects and complications are very rare and when they happen, they are not very harmful, however, each patient must be aware of such a possibility

Hair transplant as a surgical procedure involves some side effects and complications that may occur after the procedure. Generally, hair transplant problems are very rare and when they happen, they are not very harmful, however, each patient must confirm that he or she is aware of such a possibility. Also, patients are always instructed by a doctor what they should do in case of the occurrence of the FUE hair transplant problems. The bad hair transplant side effects are described in the following section. 

Hair transplant side effects

Below, we list FUE hair transplant side effects / DHI hair transplant side effects, yet they are very similar to general side effects of hair transplant procedures, e.g. to FUT hair transplant side effects. However, when a patient considers a specific method of hair restoration, it is advised to check the side effects of hair transplant for this particular technique.

What are the side effects of hair transplant?

  • Swelling – it is a normal consequence of the procedure, it happens in the forehead area and may reach eyes also. Patients are always instructed how to reduce it in the first days when it is the most troubling.
  • Pain – it is not very acute, yet it happens during the first week after the hair transplant. Over-the-counter medications should help here. If the pain increases over time, patients should consult a doctor.
  • Bleeding – it may happen in the incision sites and around the stitches. The bleeding area should be pressed with a gauze.
  • Infection – it may develop during or after the procedure. Keeping the wounds clean helps prevent it.
  • Numbness – the numbness of donor or recipient area may appear, yet it is temporary, it may last up to 18 weeks, yet it should never be long-lasting.
  • Hiccups – it happens to only 5% of hair transplant patients and may last from a few hours to a few days.
  • Itching – it may cause discomfort, but patients should not scratch the donor or recipient area. Instead, a daily shampooing or spraying the itching areas may help.
  • Hair thinning – it happens very rarely and is usually temporary. The hair restores its density and strength within a few months.
  • Keloid scars – it is a condition when the scar abnormally grows and is a risk of any procedure involving scarring. It is extremely rare and happens only to people being predisposed to it. 
  • Cysts – they may appear in complex hair transplant procedures involving many grafts. The cysts are usually temporary and disappear automatically or can be treated very effectively. 
  • Graft lost – it is a normal thing in hair transplant. When a patient is qualified for a certain number of grafts, a doctor always harvests more grafts than needed just because there are some hair follicles that do not survive and are lost.
  • Scalp laxity – it belongs to the hair transplant side effects long term ones. It is a term describing how easily or not can the scalp tissues stretch. The more skin laxity, the more grafts can be taken and better the results are.  
  • Hair curl – when the hair follicle is damaged during it’s harvesting or implantation, it may begin to curl after under the skin and result in the lack of growth and unnatural look. 

Hair transplant shock loss

A shock loss after a hair transplant is a temporary condition of hair loss in the donor or recipient area happening after the hair transplant procedure. It is a very specific phenomenon that should not be mistaken with natural hair loss. In natural hair loss, hairs fall out to give place to new hair growing at their place. In the shock loss hair transplant, the healthy hair falls out – it concerns both natural and transplanted hair. It happens due to the trauma that is caused during the procedure.

In details, the 2 main reasons for shock loss are:

  • the incisions made to the donor and recipient area affect surrounding hair follicles and cause them to enter a resting phase and fall out;
  • the hair follicles are damaged accidentally during making the incisions by a surgeon. 
man in hat

A shock loss after a hair transplant is a temporary condition and very often happens after the procedure

Regardless of the reason, the shock loss is only temporary, so it does not cause much harm to hair. It is extremely rare that the shock hair loss is permanent, however, it is theoretically possible. So, how long does shock loss last after hair transplant? The hair transplant shock loss recovery is relatively short. The shock loss usually starts from 2nd to 8th week after the procedure when hair enters the resting phase and falls out and should be resolved by the 6th month. Yet, at the same time, new hair is growing. People should be patient throughout the first months after a hair transplant because since the hair loss is visible, hair growth is not but it doesn’t mean that it is not happening. A patient may see the new hair about 6 months after the surgery, yet it is within 18 months when the new hairs get the maximum strength and thickness.  

Hair transplant infection

A surgical site infection (SSI) is a condition that may happen after each medical procedure involving an incision. FUE or FUT hair transplant also involves incisions, so hair transplant infection risk is possible. The risk of infection after hair transplant is very low, it does not exceed 3% of patients.

The good news is that infections can be prevented. Patients just should:

  • do not expose the head to dust, avoid dusty places
  • follow exercising instructions (doing strenuous trainings too quickly may result in donor or recipient area infections), do not do tiring exercises during the first month
  • avoid swimming pools for a month after the procedure
  • make sure that the clinic meets all the safety and WSH regulations (some infections may develop in the clinic during or after the procedure)
  • keep the wounds clean
  • try not to touch the donor or recipient area
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol
  • attend control visits.

When infection occurs, patients should contact a doctor and ask for further instructions. The usual symptoms of infection after hair transplant are swelling, itching, pain, redness and bruising. If these symptoms last for more than a week and get more and more intense, it means that the infection should be medically treated. Such an untreated condition may result in poor hair transplant effects, prominent scarring and decreased hair growth. 

Hair transplant pros and cons

What are the pros and cons of hair transplant surgery? Below, we mention the most important factors about hair transplant. 


Pros and cons of FUE hair transplant 



- using patient’s own hair guarantees the natural results
- there is no possibility of failure when procedure is done correctly
- hairs are well-distributed
- only local anaesthesia is applied
- the results are permanent
- the procedure is safe and painless
- it improves self esteem, confidence and attractiveness
- no stitches are needed
- it is a costly procedure
- it may involve a scar (e.g. in FUT)
- skin bumps may appear in the recipient area
- there is a risk of infection
- it is irreversible, so there is no margin of error for a surgeon
- hair loss happens during the recovery
- the donor area need to be shaved
- there need to be 2 sessions for the big number of grafts



Hair transplant cost


It is hard to say how much hair transplant cost the final price depends on many factors, and it is given individually to each patient

How much is a hair transplant? Well, before we provide the average hair transplant prices, we need to take a look at the factors which greatly influence the cost of hair transplant. How much for hair transplant we need to pay depends on the location (the prices vary between the countries and between the cities also), the type of hair transplant (FUE hair transplant cost , FUT, and DHI hair transplant costs are different), a surgeon’s skills and clinic standard, the scope of the procedure (e.g. 2000 grafts hair transplant cost is higher than for 1000 grafts), and the travel expenses. So, it is not possible to generalize about how much does a hair transplant cost. Yet, below we will explain what cost may be expected from the hair transplant in the UK. 

Hair transplant UK

UK Hair transplant is very popular among men and is becoming more and more popular among women as well.

The cities which are most frequently chosen for the procedure include:

  • hair transplant London
  • hair transplant Manchester
  • hair transplant Liverpool
  • hair transplant Birmingham
  • hair transplant Leeds
  • hair transplant Glasgow
  • hair transplant Newcastle.

Of course, hair transplant in London is the most popular location. There are plenty of plastic surgery clinics and hair transplant clinic London. There, patients can find the best hair transplant surgeon UK and the best UK hair transplant clinics. Yet, the prices for the best hair transplant UK in London may be quite high, so it is the main factor that discourages people from looking for FUE hair transplant UK there. Instead of London, we advise that people look for “hair transplant near me” – the clinics located in smaller cities or towns are much more competitive. It is also possible to find an experienced doctor and good-standard clinic offering hair implants UK outside London. So in fact, the choice of the location depends mainly on 2 factors, which are the price and the proximity to home. Each patient needs to think about the important factors and individual expectations because the priorities in choosing the best hair transplant clinic UK may be different for everyone. 

Hair transplant cost UK

How much is a hair transplant UK? The hair transplant UK cost depends greatly on the number of grafts. So, we start with providing the average UK hair transplant cost for 1 graft, which is 3,50 GBP. The rule is that the more hair grafts recommended, the cheaper the price for one graft. So, e.g. when patients need 3500 grafts or more, the cheapest hair transplant UK may cost even 2,50 GBP per graft, which gives the total cost of hair transplant UK of 8750 GBP (for 3500 grafts). Analogically, when fewer grafts are needed (between 500 and 1000), the price for one graft may reach 4 GBP. It gives the price 2000 GBP for 500 grafts. Besides, the NHS provides the information that hair transplant prices may reach 30 000 GBP. The provided prices are only estimated ones, single clinics may offer higher or lower costs, so we advise that patients check the price lists of each clinic to see how much is hair transplant UK in a considered place. In general, hair transplant UK is regarded as very expensive and many people just cannot afford having it done in a reliable clinic. We suggest that patients benefit from some promotions or discounts offered by the clinic or look for e.g. groupon hair transplant. If hair transplant is still too high-priced, there are some alternatives that we describe in further sections. 

Hair transplant finance


In some clinics payment plans are possible

Generally, clinics realise that the hair transplant cost is really high, thus they address this problem by offering various payment and financing options. So, if the high price is the only limitation for people needing hair transplant, they should consider getting finance hair transplant.

The benefits of financing hair transplant include:

  • patients can have the procedure at the time they want, they do not need to save money for the procedure
  • the payments are adjusted individually, patients can decide on the number of months and monthly payments
  • the process of hair transplant UK finance application is quite easy and short.

There are 2 possibilities of financing. Firstly, clinics themselves have such an option, which is very convenient for patients. Secondly, there are third-party lenders and credit providers – this option is highly recommended because patients may compare the offers and choose the best and the most economic one. The monthly payment amounts may vary from 50 GBP to 300 GBP depending on the length of the payment plan. Nowadays, most of the applications take place online and there are many online calculators showing the payment plans, so people may easily check whether they can get a finance plan at all, how much would it cost, what terms and conditions it involves, and finally they may apply for financing. 

Get the insurance for treatment abroad:

travel insurance for surgery abroad

NHS hair transplant

Can you get a hair transplant on the NHS? Unfortunately, hair transplant on NHS is not possible. Hair transplant is an elective cosmetic procedure and is not performed for healthy reasons. It is always done to improve the physical look, so hair transplant UK NHS is not funded. Any application for hair transplant NHS is declined, so it is not worth trying and instead, patients may look for other solutions, e.g. financing or getting the procedure abroad.

Hair transplant abroad

Signboard mockup at an airport

A great and cheap alternative might be hair transplant abroad

Finding a cheap hair transplant UK is hardly possible, so getting a hair transplant abroad is a perfect alternative allowing for saving much money. Going abroad for medical treatment has been widely practiced in the whole world. The popularity and development of the tourism market and the worldwide medical care standards have made medical travels very accessible, cheap and comfortable. Choosing the hair transplant clinic abroad or finding the cheapest hair transplant abroad require careful consideration. What’s also important, patients can get secured for their medical trip, which makes their travel and stay abroad much safer. Clinic Hunter & AXA Partners have created a travel insurance for medical treatment abroad dedicated solely to medical tourists.

Patients should remember about:

  • checking whether there is a direct flight connection between their home city and destination city
  • putting all the additional expenses on the list to calculate the overall cost of travel and procedure abroad (e.g. flight tickets cost, hotels, taxi transfers)
  • verifying the clinic and doctor by e.g. searching through hair transplant abroad forum and patients’ reviews
  • organising the work and family life because the travel for hair transplant may last 4-5 days.

Best country for hair transplant

The best country for a hair transplant may not be the same for everyone, so naturally, we cannot point a place for the best hair transplant in the world. Since the price for hair transplant in the US is very high, Americans travel to Mexico and Brazil for the procedure – they choose these places because it is quite easy and fast to get there (compared to Europe for example). Asians, especially from China and Japan where the procedure cost is high, travel to India or Thailand. Finally, Europeans from Western countries (e.g. Germany, Great Britain, France, Scandinavian countries) find Poland and Turkey as the best countries for hair transplant Europe. All the hair transplant destination countries mentioned above offer highly competitive prices which are ofte2 2-3 times cheaper than in the USA, Great Britain or Germany. Paying 5000 GBP for hair transplant in Poland instead of 15 000 GBP in the UK makes such a huge difference that even adding the travel expenses does not make it expensive. Summing up, the best place for hair transplant is such a country that offers much lower prices than a patient’s country, is accessible and attracts tourists to visit it. 

Hair transplant cost abroad

How much is hair transplant in certain countries? We provide the average pricing below. Since it is hard to make a general comparison, we take into consideration FUE hair transplant involving 2000 grafts.



the UK8000 EUR
the USA9000 EUR
Ireland10 000 EUR
Poland3500 EUR
Spain4000 EUR
Germany4800 EUR
Turkey2500 EUR
Mexico3900 EUR
Thailand3700 EUR
Hungary3900 EUR

As can be seen, there are places offering cheap hair transplants and places offering exaggerated prices. The main reason for such a price discrepancy is the different cost of living in the given countries. To give an example, in Poland, surgeons’ fees, clinic expenses, equipment cost, medical staff salaries, and the daily cost of living are lower than in the UK.

Hair transplant Turkey

Best airport lounge

Low prices abroad are caused by the different costs of living in the given countries

Turkey hair transplant is a popular spot on the medical tourism map. Over the last years, Turkey made wise large-scale investments improving the standards of private health care there. Thus, now hair transplant in Turkey can be done in a modern, well-equipped clinic and it’s standard is as high as in rich Western European countries. So, any stereotypes about bad hair transplant Turkey or poor quality are just old-fashioned and are not resembling the current healthcare standards there. The prices for hair transplant in Turkey are one of the lowest in the world, e.g. hair transplant Istanbul is 60-80% cheaper than in London. What is more, often this price includes the all inclusive Turkey hair transplant package covering not only the procedure, but also stay in a luxury hotel and transfers in Turkey. 

How to find the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey? There are a few options. People may start with Internet research and verification of clinics websites (e.g. they may look for Longevita hair transplant clinic or more generally, Istanbul hair transplant clinics). There are also some hair transplant Turkey forum or social media with the real Turkey hair transplant reviews. Secondly, people may ask medical facilitators for help. These are professional agencies offering free help in finding the best hair transplant in Turkey. FInally, the most reliable source of information are the relatives or friends who have been in Turkey for hair transplant and now enjoy hair transplant Turkey results, so it is worth asking whether someone who you know has such an experience. 

Hair transplant cost Turkey

Hair transplant Turkey cost is unbelievably low. Compared to the high standard of medical care and well-equipped clinics, the prices seem to be really understated. Yet, this is a policy of Turkish clinics and these prices are not a trick which aims at attracting customers. These are the costs of a professional hair transplant performed by specialists. The Turkey hair transplant cost starts from merely 180 EUR and may reach 2500 EUR. Of course, the single quotations vary depending on the surgeon, clinic, city and most importantly the number of grafts and techniques used. For the very extensive hair transplant involving 5000 grafts (or more), patients may pay around 4900 EUR, which is still very low compared to 30 000 EUR which they may pay in other countries. 

Hair Transplant Poland


Poland is very often chosen by the patients for their hair transplant abroad

Poland hair transplant is the second most popular location for Europeans looking for an affordable procedure. Hair transplant cost in Poland is not as competitive as in Turkey, yet there are many other great advantages of  coming to Poland. They include the following:

  • Poland is a safe country, member of the European Union, with no internal conflicts;
  • hair transplant clinics focused on international patients hire only English-speaking surgeons, so there is no language barrier; many of them speak also German, Russian and Swedish fluently;
  • hair transplant procedure is always performed by a surgeon (in some countries a surgeon is only a supervisor, but the procedure is performed by technicians or assistants);
  • private healthcare in Poland is of excellent quality, all the highest standards of medical care are met;
  • it is easy to get there, the country is located in Central Europe, people from Europe can get a plane to Poland for as little as 10 EUR; there are no limitations for any nationalities caused by a political conflict or unsettled issues between the governments;
  • Poland is an attractive region in terms of tourism; it’s rich history, breathtaking landscapes, unique cuisine and fascinating cities make Poland a region visited by millions of tourists every year;
  • it is very hard to find negative hair transplant Poland review examples, just because the quality is the strongest point of the hair transplant done there.

Other locations for hair transplant procedure

The other countries which are chosen as hair transplant destination include:

  • hair transplant Pakistan
  • hair transplant India
  • hair transplant Thailand 
  • hair transplant Hungary (especially hair transplant Budapest)
  • hair transplant Belgium 
  • hair transplant Spain.

Some people may say that getting hair transplant in Pakistan or hair transplant in India is too risky and poor-quality, while hair transplant in Dubai, Spain or Belgium is too expensive, yet every person has the right to make the individual decision and the factors influencing the choice may be completely different for everyone – for some it is the price, and for others it is the proximity, quality, a specific surgeon, holidays and treatment combination, etc. The most important thing is the hair transplant outcome and a patient’s satisfaction. 


Daniel Davies Daniel Davies is a staff writer at Men’s Health UK who has been reporting on sports science. “Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Hair Transplant.” Men’s Health, 18 Sept. 2019,

“Decoded: Hair Transplant – Times of India.” The Times of India, The Times of India, 6 Aug. 2019,

“The Difference Between FUE and FUT Hair Transplants.” HairClub, 8 Oct. 2019,

“Do Hair Transplants Work? Types, Side Effects, and Recovery.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International,

“Getting A Hair Transplant On A Scar.”,

“Hair Transplant Procedure Steps.” American Society of Plastic Surgeons,

“Hair Transplant Procedures: Average Cost, What to Expect, and More.” WebMD, WebMD,

Nelson, Jennifer. “Hair Transplant: Procedure, Recovery, Complications, and More.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 4 Jan. 2019,,medical%20office%20under%20local%20anesthesia.

Smith, Deny. “What Is Stem Cell Hair Transplant? Will It Create A Great Difference In The Hair Transplant World?” Vents Magazine, 13 Apr. 2021,

Waddell, Emily. “The 9 Best Countries for a Hair Transplant.” Qunomedical, Qunomedical, 21 May 2021, 


Hair transplant before and after

Apart from the former patients’ reviews, male and female before and after hair transplant photos are highly informative. The best would be finding such photos that show the work of a doctor who will operate you as well. Alternatively, patients may look for some famous hair transplant before and after photos, check who performed these procedures, and choose the surgeon on this basis. Of course, looking for hair transplant UK before and after photos when you consider a procedure in another country is not a good idea and is pointless because it may create some unrealistic expectations. 


All in all, hair transplant is the most effective procedure for hair restoration. It guarantees the natural and permanent results and restores patients’ self-confidence, attractiveness and self-esteem. Being surrounded by various techniques of hair restoration, we need to stress that hair transplant is the only option definitely recommended by the specialists – it’s effectiveness and technique is medically approved and certified. Anyone who finds hair transplant too expensive should know that there are alternatives including getting a loan, financing, or travelling abroad and getting it at much lower cost. Finally, patients considering hair transplant should consult a specialist and check whether they are good candidates for this procedure. If you are looking for hair transplant abroad and want to check whether you are qualified for the procedure, you may contact Clinic Hunter and get professional advice.

Close-up of smiling man in blue shirt

Klaudia Grabowska

Klaudia started to work for Clinic Hunter many years ago, just after graduating from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland and since that time, this job has become her biggest passion and inspiration.

She has gained necessary expertise and experience by serving patients from all over the world (mainly the UK, Scandinavian countries, and the USA), taking an active part in numerous live and video trainings with clinics in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, participating in international medical tourism conferences and events, and completing internal Clinic Hunter courses. Now, Klaudia is an accomplished patient advisor specialising in such fields as dentistry, plastic and bariatric surgery and hair loss treatment. Her main idea is helping people nad making their lives better, that is why this job brings her so much satisfaction and joy.

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