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Below you can find a list of the clinics that offer high-quality beard transplant abroad.

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Seneca Medical Group

Athens, Greece

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Soraca Med

Antalya, Turkey

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Antalya, Turkey

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Celikkaya Clinic

Famagusta, Cyprus

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Medicine Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

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Termessos Hospital

Antalya, Turkey

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Turkeyana Clinic

Istanbul, Turkey

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Hermes Clinics

Istanbul, Turkey

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Özel Sağlık Hospital

Izmir, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Park Interntional

Istanbul, Turkey

Beard transplant abroad

man in black shirtHair transplant abroad is a very common procedure. The discrepancy between the cost of hair transplant between the countries is really huge, that is why it is one of the most often chosen medical treatments abroad. Hair transplant, involving head hair reconstruction, is in the greatest demand, however beard transplant is gaining popularity as well. What is a beard transplant and how does a beard transplant work? Beard hair transplant is a procedure which reconstructs the beard for male patients. The hair grafts are taken from one body part, e.g. back of the head or chest, and transplanted into the jawline to a place where a patient expects to have a beard. There are several types of beard transplant surgery, the most popular of which are DHI, FUT, and FUE beard transplant. In any hair transplant beard, a surgeon may transplant about 2000-4000 grafts during one session – it is usually enough to make a natural, thick, and well-shaped beard. The price for beard transplant UK is really high, patients may expect to pay between 3000 and 7000 GBP while the same beard hair transplant cost abroad may be as low as 1000 GBP. Finding such a cheap beard transplant UK is just impossible, no wonder people decide to go abroad to get it done. Below, we present the important aspects of beard transplant abroad which may be helpful for anyone looking to get it done in a foreign country. 

Beard transplant cost abroad

Beard transplant cost UK is often too high and most people wanting a beard transplant just resign from this idea. However, medical tourism gives an opportunity to get a much more affordable procedure abroad. The beard transplant UK cost varies depending on the city and type of procedure, yet the average price for a FUE beard transplant London is 4500-5500 GBP. How much is a beard transplant abroad? The beard transplant price in other countries may be two or even three times cheaper than in the UK. The popular medical tourism destinations are Poland, Hungary, Turkey or India – in these countries the prices for beard transplant start from 1000 GBP. The difference in price results from different costs of living – when the daily expenses, salaries, maintenance of medical equipment and clinics and currency rate are relatively cheap, people may expect that the cost of hair transplant (and all other medical treatments) will be also affordable. 

Why beard transplant abroad?

Close up portrait handsome young man with beardThe main reason why people choose beard transplant abroad is the price. Finding a cheap beard transplant UK is just impossible, so the low cost is the most common determinant for medical tourists. Yet, it is not the only factor influencing their decision. There are many other advantages of traveling abroad for medical treatment, which we present below. 

Beard transplant results

Getting beard transplant abroad allows patients to choose an experienced doctor who can guarantee the best results. The truth is that having the hair transplant done by the best hair transplant surgeon in Poland or Turkey is still much cheaper than having it done in the UK, USA, Ireland or Scandinavian countries. To get an idea of which effects can be achieved, patients should take a look at the before-after photos which are usually available on doctors and clinics websites. 

Doctors abroad are well educated

Best airport lounge

Regardless of a country that is chosen for a beard transplant, verifying a surgeon is a normal thing that every patient should do because finding qualified doctors abroad is a key to the hair transplant success. There are many websites which gather the top hair transplant surgeons where we can find and check the surgeon’s experience, qualifications and verify their effectiveness. In addition, there are multiple medical travel agencies and facilitators who help in finding reliable and well-educated surgeons. Generally, we would like to smash a stereotype of poor-quality doctors abroad. Nowadays, the quality of medical treatment is supervised by national and international institutions and clinics which offer hair transplants to international patients hire only top hair transplant doctors. So, the fact that beard transplant cost is so low in some countries has nothing in common with the surgeon’s reputation and qualifications. 

Beard transplant clinics provide treatment with the highest quality

Any hair transplant clinic which offers the procedures to international patients has to follow the highest health-care standards. What patients can do is check the certificates that are possessed by the clinic – each country has such a certification policy that sets the standards and makes clinics follow the safety and quality requirements. To give an example, the USA has AAAHC accreditation, in Turkey there is JCI accreditation, all the European Union member countries must also follow the EU healthcare standards. When patients choose a clinic possessing reliable certifications and accreditations, they can be sure about the quality of beard transplant there. What’s more, all the clinics which provide medical tourists with beard transplant make an effort to implement and use the modern techniques, modern medical equipment clinic and the latest technologies. Finally, the reviews of patients are a great source of knowledge and information about the clinic, so we often advise patients to check the opinions of former patients. 

There are many interesting places to visit abroad

man with beardMedical tourism map offers dozens of countries where patients may get the cheap beard transplant. Even though the main reason for such a trip is getting affordable medical treatment, the tourist attractions and country’s landscapes are also of great value. Clinics which are located in countries visited by medical tourists often offer medical tourism packages, which include not only beard transplant but also accommodation, transfers, and local trips. What we want to say here is that even if people visit a foreign country for medical treatment, they should benefit from being there and take the most of their free time. Each city has its own atmosphere, allure and history, so it is always a good idea to do some sightseeing, talk with people, try the local cuisine, or visit interesting places and get opened to a different culture

Best place for beard transplant abroad

Medical tourism is a global trend which makes it possible to visit beautiful countries and get an affordable beard transplant there. The best countries for medical tourism may be different for individuals and we are unable to say which place is the best – there are just too many factors making a place “the best” and it is the subjective opinion. However, we can say which countries are the most popular among medical tourists. As for medical tourism Europe, Poland, Turkey, Hungary and Czech Republic are the most popular destinations. These countries are chosen by mostly Europeans and Americans. Asians often choose Thailand, India and Turkey. The aspects that should be taken into consideration before medical travel include:

  • checking the clinic and surgeon’s quality and reliability
  • getting to know all the final costs in advance and making sure it will be economical to travel
  • making sure that the country is safe and can be easily accessed 
  • organising the free time between the visits in the clinic, planning some trips or activities.

When a patient is well-prepared for the travel and is sure about the destination country and a chosen clinic, this place is for sure the best place in this particular case. If patients are unsure about the country which would be good to get beard transplant, Clinic Hunter offers free help in finding the best destination country and clinic based on a patient’s expectations, needs, and budget. 

Beard transplant Turkey

Beautiful shot of a person lying on the grass looking at a balloon captured in Cappadocia, TurkeyTurkey is the best country to get a body hair transplant. There are hundreds of clinics offering Turkey beard transplant of great quality. The Turkish surgeons are well-prepared to perform various types of best beard transplant Turkey, so patients are always well cared-for and may expect the best effects. The beard transplant Turkey cost is one of the lowest in the world, so people looking for the most affordable procedure should consider Turkey as the medical travel destination. Apart from the low beard transplant cost Turkey is a great place for summer holidays. It’s welcoming climate, beautiful landscapes, luxury hotels, historical heritage and one-of-a-kind atmosphere make Turkey a place chosen by millions of international tourists every year. The cities that are definitely worth visiting are Antalya, Istanbul, İzmir and Ankara.  

Beard transplant Poland

WarszawaPoland hair transplant and beard transplant are famous for it’s great quality and high effectiveness. The hair transplant surgeons in Poland are said to be world-class specialists who set an example for doctors from the whole world. So, anyone looking for the best quality treatment should choose a beard transplant in Poland. All the private beard and hair transplant clinics in Poland offer an individual approach – patients are recommended the most effective type and scope of the procedure based on their health condition, problem and expectations. What’s more, Poland offers a very low cost of beard transplant – British and American patients admit that the offered price is 2-3 times cheaper than in their home countries. The cities that are definitely worth visiting are Kraków, Warsaw, Gdańsk and Wrocław. Poland in terms of tourism is a highly attractive destination – it pleases both mountain and sea lovers, the climate is very pleasant and it’s unique culture, traditions, cuisine and numerous tourist spots make it very interesting for travellers. We particularly recommend Kraków – one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and a showcase of Poland. 

Beard transplant abroad – other locations

Perfect lookThe other locations that are also often chosen by medical tourists include beard transplant in India, beard transplant Dubai, and beard transplant in Pakistan. These destinations are not as popular as Poland or Turkey, yet many people consider these options mainly because of the low price and short distance to their home countries. Beard transplant cost in India is as low as in Turkey, yet patients must always check and verify the chosen clinic because the treatment standard there is very diversified. It is easy to find a good-quality clinic, but it is also easy to get the treatment in a dubious place, so medical tourists should be careful about choosing the hair transplant clinic in these locations. 

Beard transplant abroad reviews

The reviews and beard transplant before and after photos should be checked before people make the final decision of their treatment abroad. The reviews prove the quality of a clinic while the beard transplant before after pics prove the quality of a surgeon. If a surgeon or a clinic does not share this information online, it is worth asking them for some opinions and photos. A reliable trust-worthy clinic and doctor should agree to do it. Also, seeing beard hair transplant before and after photos allows patients to see what results may be expected and give a real image of the face look after the procedure. 


Every year, beard transplants abroad are performed by thousands of men struggling with uneven beard, balding problems or too thin hair. If a beard is an important part of a face which gives people a sense of self worth, improves their attractiveness and positively influences their self esteem, beard transplant is definitely worth considering. Doing the procedure abroad allows for saving much money, makes it possible to see new places, significantly shortens the waiting list and allows for choosing the best body hair transplant specialist and clinic. Poland and Turkey are countries which are the most frequently chosen medical travel destinations. If you are not sure where to get the beard transplant, Clinic Hunter will help you find the most affordable treatment performed by highly-skilled specialists in any country you want. Contact us for more details.

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