What Is Otoplasty Surgery?

Clinic Hunter
Clinic Hunter

What Is Otoplasty Surgery?

Otoplasty, also known as ear correction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure which can alter the position, shape or size of the ears. It is usually performed by an otoplasty surgeon. It may take the form of ear pinning surgery, if the ears stick out too far from the head or ear reduction surgery where the ears are perceived as too large in proportion with the head.


Ear plastic surgery may also include a reshaping of the ears to rectify birth defects or defects which occur after an injury. Generally, ear correction is a safe procedure. Ear surgery can be performed on children from five years upwards. Most patients who want their ears pinned back are teenagers and young people, although older people may also want their ears pinned. As the outer ear, that part visible ‘on the side of the head’, is also known as the auricle or pinna, some of these procedures are also sometimes known as a pinnaplasty.

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