Why Poland is Appropriate Destination for Breast Implants?

Added by Klaudia Grabowska on 15.03.2019

enlarged breast in the black braThe general idea of breast implants is to improve the look of a woman’s breasts by making them fuller and bigger. However, not only are cosmetic reasons important. For many women, breast implants is a reconstructive surgery which recreates femininity after mastectomy surgery. This article will focus solely on the cosmetic breast enlargement surgery and will discuss the procedure, types of implants, and potential complications.

For example in the UK, National Health Service (NHS) may cover breast augmentation surgery but only when it is performed as a consequence of breast cancer and mastectomy. Women who would like to perform breast surgery for cosmetic reasons need to pay the whole price. Thus, it has become popular that women look for surgery abroad. For many women, it is the most cost-effective to come to Poland for the procedure, which allows them to save money.

Breast augmentation in Poland is done with the highest standards

In the case of breast augmentation in Poland, the cheaper does not mean worse. On the contrary, clinics in Poland pride themselves on meeting the highest European standards. The procedure is performed in the same way as in other countries with the use of innovative equipment and devices. Polish doctors, including plastic surgeons, are world-renowned specialists who can be met in hospitals and clinic in most countries in the world. In order to gain the title of a plastic surgeon, Polish doctors have to train for years. They have to graduate from a Medical University (after a 6-year education there), undergo a medical practice (which lasts 1,5 year) and pass a state examination from general surgery or pediatric surgery. After that, they must complete the 5-year training in the chosen field of surgery and pass the final exams thanks to which they can start the plastic surgery specialization. The training in plastic surgery lasts between 3 and 6 years and is completed by passing the exams. This educational system for Polish doctors allows young, determined and erudite doctors to gain much experience, practice and expertise before becoming a plastic surgeon. Below, are explained profoundly the stages of breast enlargement, which are carefully obeyed in all Western European Countries, including Poland.

What are the stages of the breast enlargement?

Breast enlargement is a relatively demanding surgery which requires proper preparation and recovery in order to bring excellent results. In Poland, each patient needs to be individually qualified, examined and consulted before the surgery. There is a great emphasis put on the consultations before and after the procedure because the doctors admit that the proper preparation for the surgery and following all the surgeon’s instructions afterwards is as important as the surgery itself and only then may the optimal results be obtained. In the subsequent parts of this article, the foregoing factors will be clarified and discussed.

What happens before the surgery?

Before the procedure, a patient undergoes the admission procedure that is typical of any hospital or clinic. After patients are admitted, they are examined, consulted and prepared for the breast enlargement surgery. Also, patients need to fill in and sign the necessary documents and consent forms. Patients are asked to sign the consent forms only when they feel ready for the surgery and are well-informed and aware of surgery course, outcome and possible risks. If patients do not feel properly treated, informed or served, they should not sign this document, but ask for more attention and information instead. Each patient is also asked to perform specific medical tests. It is crucial that the tests are performed not earlier than two weeks before the planned procedure because the doctor needs to analyse the contemporary health condition of the patient. The medical tests necessary ahead of breast enlargement surgery include:

  • blood group
  • blood morphology
  • SR (sedimentation rate)
  • coagulogram (APTT, INR)
  • serum glucose
  • electrolytes levels
  • urine analysis
  • breast USG (not older than from the previous year)
  • HBs
  • HCV
  • HIV

The results of the examinations need to be sent to the clinic before a patient’s arrival or brought for the consultation is performed after the arrival to Poland.

What happens at the consultation stage?

The consultation with the surgeon before the procedure is extremely important and must never be omitted. During this visit, the doctor examines the patient, their past as well as a present health condition and makes the final decision as for the qualification for the surgery. Sometimes, surgeons requalify patients during the consultation because after examining the breasts anatomy and look, they come to the conclusion that breast lift would give better results than breast implants. Besides, the patient has explained the surgery steps and the results which will be achieved. It is advised that patients ask any questions that trouble them and discuss all concerns with the surgeon. The consultation is the perfect moment to discuss the possible complications, risks, aftercare, and recovery time. The crucial moment during the consultation is fitting the implants. Usually, patients try various sizes and shapes of implants so that they see the range of effects that can be achieved and decide about their desired look. Once the implants are chosen, the patient is declared ready for the surgery.

What happens during the surgery?

Step 1: anaesthesia

The anaesthesiologist presence is indispensable as any breast surgery is performed with the general anaesthesia. Before the proper surgery starts, a patient is administered the essential medications. Also, it is the anesthesiologist who controls the drug action and patient condition during the surgery.

Step 2: incisions

The surgeon makes incisions in carefully chosen areas so that they will be almost invisible afterwards. The incision places are indicated individually for each patient and are discussed with the patient before the surgery. The incision options comprise periareolar incision (made along the areolar edge), inframammary fold (made in folds under breasts), and axillary incision (made in the armpit). There is also a belly button approach but is associated with a greater risk of complications.

Step 3: an implant placement

After making the incision, the surgeon inserts a breast implant into the pocket. The implant is placed either under a pectoral muscle (it is called a submuscular placement) or over a pectoral muscle, directly behind a breast tissue (it is called a subglandular or submammary placement). The method of inserting and placing implants is determined by the implants type, desired degree of enlargement, a patient’s body type and the surgeon’s recommendations.

Step 4: the closure of incisions

The surgeon closes the incisions using layered sutures for breast tissue and using skin adhesive, surgical tape or sutures to close the skin. The scars visibility will decrease over time as the incision lines will be fading. Yet, patients need to know that the scars quality also depends on genetics, aftercare, and tenor of recovery.

Step 5: results

The results of breast augmentation surgery are visible immediately after the procedure.

In Poland, the surgeons use silicone and saline breast implants or fat transfer to enlarge breast

There are three approaches to augmenting breasts used in the accredited and renowned clinics across the world (for instance in the UK, Germany, Poland, the USA or Canada). They include silicone implants, saline implants and fat transfer. The type of the used method is determined by many factors, the most important of which are surgery safety, desired effects, and health condition of a patient. Undoubtedly, each approach has both good and bad sides that need to be considered before making the final choice amongst them.

The regular silicone gel implants are filled with a silicone gel. These implants are approved by the FDA for women over 22 and are used for both cosmetic and reconstructive reasons.

Advantages of regular silicone gel implants:

  • they belong to the softest and the most natural feeling type of breast implants available on the market
  • there is almost no risk of rippling of an implant
  • they provide a patient with the most natural look and feel, so are the most frequently applied implants

Disadvantages of regular silicone gel implants:

  • they require a relatively long incision because the implants are pre-filled
  • it is almost impossible to place the silicone implants through the belly button, areola and underarm
  • in case of implant leaking, the gel might escape into a breast implant pocket
  • they have only one shape, which is round
  • regular MRI screening examinations are essential to assess if the implants function properly.

Highly cohesive silicone gel implants are also known as form stable or gummy bear implants. They are filled with a highly cohesive gel making them thick and firm.

Advantages of highly cohesive silicone gel implants:

  • there is a low rate of rippling, rupture, or capsular contracture
  • they maintain their original shape for a long time
  • there are two shapes available: round and teardrop (anatomic)
  • the teardrop shape of the implants guarantees the natural look without roundness or bulging

Disadvantages of highly cohesive silicone gel implants:

  • these implants feel firmer to the touch than regular silicone implants
  • they almost never can be placed through the underarm, areola or belly button and need a quite long incision
  • anatomic implants have a higher risk of malrotation than round implants
  • they are relatively expensive.

Saline breast implants are filled with sterile saltwater. It is the alternative to silicone implants. They are recommended for women who wish to have full round breasts. In general, they are much less popular than silicone implants.

Advantages of saline implants:

  • they are adjustable regarding the volume and size at the surgery time
  • they allow for fullness in the upper parts of breasts
  • the incisions are relatively small
  • the implants rupture are easy to detect
  • they are usually cheaper than silicone implants

Disadvantages of saline implants:

  • these implants are firmer and less natural than silicone implants
  • there is a slightly higher risk of the rippling or rupture
  • they are relatively heavy and can bottom out faster.

Breast enlargement with the fat transfer allows for removing the fat from such body parts as belly, waist, hips or thighs. Then, the fat cells are injected into the breasts. This surgery has been growing in popularity because it is the natural method that allows not only for filling the breasts with the own fat but also for removing the fat from the problematic body parts. Nonetheless, this type of breast augmentation is still performed less frequently. The reason for that is the shorter duration of the effects. What is more, this procedure allows for increasing the breasts size by only one cup size. There is also a risk that the injected fat may be absorbed by the body. Fat transfer to breasts, by being a combination of breast enlargement and liposuction, is more expensive and demanding surgery than other breast surgeries, that is why plastic surgeons prefer other ways of breast augmentation procedures.

Breast augmentation in Poland is more affordable than in the UK and other western countries

The price of breast augmentation varies depending on the location of the clinic. Undoubtedly, the clinics in Western European countries offer one of the most expensive surgeries, while central or Eastern countries have more affordable prices. The reason for that is the country’s policy, the currency used and labour costs. We strongly advise looking for breast enlargement surgery in Poland. The Polish surgeons are the world-renowned specialists and the prices are often even 50% lower than in the UK, Germany or Norway.
The NHS report shows that the price of breast implants in the UK ranges from 3500 GBP to 7000 GBP. In Italy, Spain or Germany, the prices are even higher. Additionally, patients pay for a consultation, follow-up visits. It is common that the UK clinics provide the price only for the surgery without implants or anesthesiologist, so patients need to be very careful so that they are not surprised later.
On the other hand, the average price for breast enlargement in Poland is 3000 GBP. In Poland, it is agreed that the clinics give the price that includes: the surgery and implants, anesthesiologist care, consultation and control visits, all medications and special garments, and medical care during the stay in a clinic.

Breast enlargement is a safe procedure and  surgeons in Poland are well – qualified

Patients have to ensure that their surgery is performed by a board-certified surgeon having considerable experience. The skilled and knowledgeable plastic surgeon increases the chances of a successful procedure with long-lasting effects significantly and at the same time minimizes the postoperative risks and complications. As a result, the patient feels safe during the procedure and satisfied afterwards.

What may also help the patient is choosing a surgeon who has experience in performing revision and reconstructive surgeries. These procedures are much more complicated than primary breast enlargement surgery, so if the surgeon undertakes such procedures, they are one of the top surgeons, e.g. dr Luniewska, dr Wilczyńska and dr Boligłowa. They are all experienced English-speaking doctors. They have performed numerous successful breast enlargement surgeries and proudly share the before-after photos of their works.

Poland is a trusted destination for medical procedures

Poland has become a top destination for patients looking for a high-quality and affordable breast augmentation surgery. Undoubtedly, Polish surgeons are skilled, experienced and knowledgeable specialists and prices are even twice as cheap as in other European countries. In the recent years, it has become unbelievably easier to come to Poland because Poland joined the European Union and Schengen Zone and is considered as a safe place comparing to Western European countries. It is also worth mentioning that PLN is a stable currency and is not vulnerable to price or exchange fluctuations. However, the most far-reaching factor influencing the medical tourism in Poland is the expansion of international flight connections. There are over 15 airports offering direct flights to hundreds of cities located in Europe, North America and Asia. The vast majority of Clinic Hunter patients come from the UK, Northern Ireland, Germany, Sweden and Norway and the average duration of their journey to Poland is 2 hours. Travelling to Poland has never been so comfortable and economical as today. Clinic Hunter, using the potential of Polish economy, the medical market development and plastic surgeons resources, is delighted to welcome each and every patient in this country.

Klaudia Grabowska

Klaudia started to work for Clinic Hunter many years ago, just after graduating from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland and since that time, this job has become her biggest passion and inspiration.

She has gained necessary expertise and experience by serving patients from all over the world (mainly the UK, Scandinavian countries, and the USA), taking an active part in numerous live and video trainings with clinics in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, participating in international medical tourism conferences and events, and completing internal Clinic Hunter courses. Now, Klaudia is an accomplished patient advisor specialising in such fields as dentistry, plastic and bariatric surgery and hair loss treatment. Her main idea is helping people nad making their lives better, that is why this job brings her so much satisfaction and joy.

breast surgery 2

Breast Augmentation

by Klaudia Grabowska, on 09.01.20

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