Agnieszka Kozak-Rusinek

Agnieszka Kozak-Rusinek

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Agnieszka Kozak-Rusinek

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Information about doctor

Languages: Polish, English, German

Specialization: Dentistry

A graduate of the Medical University of Bavaria in Germany and the Medical University of Lodz. The author of numerous scientific publications and speeches at Congresses in Poland and abroad. Doctor Agnieszka Kozak -Rusinek conducted research for 2 intra-university research grants. Member of the Polish Society of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery and Implantology. She obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences by conducting research in the field of endodontics on the effectiveness of cleaning root canals. Fluent knowledge of English and German confirmed certificates. She constantly expands her knowledge and experience by participating in courses, training, and conferences (including Nuremberg, Edinburgh, Prague, Florida). Thanks to the experience gained in Germany, she is characterized by reliability and professionalism.


Medical University of Bavaria

Faculty of Dentistry

Medical University of Lodz

Faculty of Dentistry

Membership and awards

Polish Society of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery


Polish Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology



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