Grzegorz Jarosławski

Grzegorz Jarosławski

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Grzegorz Jarosławski

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Information about doctor

Work experience: 20

Languages: Polish, English

Specialization: Orthopedics

The doctor is a renowned, skilled and experienced specialist, one of the top professionals in orthopaedic treatment and orthopaedic surgeries in Poland. He gained experience in 3 hospitals in Kraków, where he had worked since 2004. Since 2009, he worked as an orthopaedist.

He specializes in: the surgery of lower limbs and sports injury treatment, knee arthroscopy, ankle joint treatment, knee surgery / reconstruction / implants, feet reconstruction, Achilles tendon treatment. He performs both surgical and non-surgical treatments, he also uses some modern techniques, e.g. stem cell treatment in orthopaedics.


PZPN – Licencja Lekarza PZPN
FIMS – Członek Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Medycyny Sportowej
ICRS – Członek Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Leczenia Chrząstki
PFAS – Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Stopy i Stawu Skokowo-goleniowego




Jagiellonian University

In 2004, the doctor graduated from the Medical College in the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


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