Added by Klaudia Grabowska on 13.07.2021

Gynecomastia surgery - what is male breast reduction?

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Gynecomastia surgery aims to reduce man’s breast

Gynecomastia is a condition experienced by men, where the breasts are swollen and larger than usual. It happens to mainly teenagers or older men, however, mid-aged men can also suffer gynecomastia. This condition may reach a different scale, for some men it results in only a small amount of excessive tissue around the nipple while others have prominent breasts making them feel discomfortable, unattractive and embarrassed. Gynecomastia can develop on one or both breasts.

The causes of gynecomastia include:

  • hormonal imbalance (low testosterone and high oestrogen)
  • obesity (obesity increases the oestrogen level and makes fat accumulates in the chest area)
  • puberty and newborn babies (here gynecomastia is temporary and disappears when the hormones get the right balance)
  • age (the older men get, the less testosterone is produced)
  • addictions, e.g. alcohol, steroids, drugs
  • medications (e.g. heart disease or anti-ulcer medications may cause gynecomastia)
  • Klinefelter syndrome.

There are two treatments that are really effective in solving the gynecomastia problem. The first treatment includes medications which affect hormones and bring back the balance between testosterone and oestrogen levels. The second treatment is male gynecomastia surgery. 

Thoughtful young businessman standing against wall

There are different causes of gynecomastia, and they may include hormonal imbalance, age, or even addictions

In fact, gynecomastia removal surgery is nothing more than a plastic surgery for gynecomastia done to improve the look of the chest and its aesthetics. Undoubtedly, male chest reduction surgery is much more invasive than medication treatment, however, medications are effective only in the early stage of this condition, which is the first few months (up to a year). At this time, gynecomastia is not so troubling and many people simply react too late to get an effective medication treatment. After about a year, gynecomastia is so developed that gynecomastia cosmetic surgery becomes the only recommended treatment. So, what is surgery for gynecomastia and what does it involve? It is an elective cosmetic surgery – it means that patients need to pay the full price for gynecomastia surgery UK, and the NHS does not cover it on a regular basis. This male breast reduction surgery solves the problems of excessive fat accumulated in the chest area, excessive glandular tissue, and loose and sagging skin of the chest. As a result, the men’s breasts size is reduced, the chest is flattened and the chest contours are enhanced. Gynecomastia plastic surgery may also involve areola repositioning to maintain the natural look of the chest. 

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Types of gynecomastia surgery

Before we list the main types of gynecomastia surgery, we need to present the types of gynecomastia conditions.

They are:

  • Smiling businessman looking away

    Depends on the type of gynecomastia, the surgeon can suggest one of the two types of male chest surgery: liposuction or mastectomy

    normal gynecomastia – it is usually experienced by teenagers (12-16 year old) and by elderly men (over 65) and is caused by the drop of testosterone level; it usually regresses naturally, so surgery gynecomastia is rarely needed;

  • glandular gynecomastia – it is caused by steroids and can be seen particularly in body builders; gynecomastia reduction surgery (specifically gynecomastia surgery gland removal) is a recommended treatment here;
  • adolescent gynecomastia – it is a problem of about 40-60% of teenage boys, yet it usually resolves on its own, so there’s no need for male chest plastic surgery – teenage gynecomastia surgery is not recommended;
  • adult gynecomastia – it is the most common type of this condition experienced by adults where excess fat is accumulated in the glandular tissue; here surgeons often advise surgery to remove gynecomastia;
  • pseudo gynecomastia – it is a condition where adipose tissue is accumulated instead of glandular tissue, the common treatment is liposuction (male chest fat reduction surgery), diet and gynecomastia male breast reduction surgery;
  • asymmetric gynecomastia (unilateral gynecomastia) – it happens to only one breast causing disproportion and asymmetry, the most effective treatment is plastic surgery gynecomastia; 
  • severe gynecomastia – it happens to men whose skin has lost elasticity and who has lost much weight; it is characterised by a big amount of sagging skin which makes breasts more prominent; only gynecomastia UK surgery is effective in such cases.

Depending on the type of gynecomastia, a surgeon may suggest one of the two types of mild gynecomastia surgery:

  1. Male chest liposuction – this surgery removes the fat storage from the breasts area.
  2. Mastectomy – it is a gynecomastia surgery without liposuction, which removes only the breast gland tissue.

Bilateral gynecomastia surgery

Bilateral gynecomastia surgery is a procedure which addresses both breasts. In the majority of patients, gynecomastia is bilateral, and such a surgery is the most popular.

Unilateral gynecomastia surgery

Unilateral gynecomastia surgery happens very rarely. The statistics show that merely 5-10% of men suffer from unilateral gynecomastia. It results in a noticeable asymmetry of male breasts. The unilateral gynecomastia surgery cost, diagnosis, and treatment are the same as in bilateral gynecomastia. 

Gynecomastia laser surgery

Laser surgery for gynecomastia is an additional procedure that may be suggested to patients. It is effective when a gynecomastia problem is caused or partially caused by fat accumulation. Laser liposuction accurately breaks and removes fat cells from the breast, chest, and sometimes even abdomen or flanks just to bring back the body proportions and shape the chest contours. 

Male breast liposuction

Plastic surgeon applying marking on male body against color background

Liposuction is a fat reduction surgery, it may be also used for the removal of excess breast fat and make the breasts prominent

Male breast reduction liposuction is used for treating pseudo-gynecomastia. In other words, liposuction of male breast removes the excessive fat which makes the breasts prominent, sagging and unproportionally big. A male breast liposuction cost depends on the type of liposuction technique – there are e.g. vaser lipo, smart lipo, and body jet lipo methods – some techniques are more invasive than others, some can leave scars or involve a longer recovery, yet all liposuctions bring great results and are equally effective. Also, the cost of male breast liposuction and the cost of gynecomastia surgery are very similar. A qualified surgeon is able to differentiate between the gynecomastia types and their causes. So, when a surgeon checks whether it is a glandular tissue or fat tissue which needs removal, the type of surgery is determined. 

Gynecomastia surgery procedure

Gynecomastia surgery aims at restoring the natural normal contour of male breasts and correcting any deformities of breasts, areola or nipple. The options that are used for surgery include liposuction and excision (the tissue removal). It is also possible that both solutions are applied. There are numerous gynecomastia surgery video films which show all the surgery stages, yet we also list them below.

Surgical team doing plastic surgery in operating room.

The surgery includes 3 main stages: anesthesia, gynecomastia treatment, incision closure and aftercare

The stages of gynecomastia surgery include:

  1. Anaesthesia – before the surgery, a patient is given anaesthesia. Depending on the scope of the surgery and a patient’s health condition, a doctor may use general anaesthesia (when patients are put asleep and monitored by an anaesthesiologist)  or intravenous sedation (where the chest area is numbed and a patient is conscious during the procedure). 
  2. Gynecomastia treatment – depending on the gynecomastia cause, this stage may look differently:
  • liposuction – it is used when the enlarged breasts are caused only by the excessive fat tissues; a surgeon makes a few small incisions, through which a special cannula is inserted; a surgeon makes back-forth movements of the cannula, as a result of which the fat cells are broken apart and loosen; afterwards, the fat is sucked and removed with the use of a vacuum device; depending on the liposuction type, this stage may vary slightly, e.g. body jet lipo involves a stream of water, vaser lipo uses ultrasound waves;
  • excision technique – it is applied when gynecomastia is caused by excessive skin or glandular breast tissue; it is also used when a surgeon needs to correct, reposition or reduce the nipple or areola to achieve a natural chest contour; there are a few incision techniques – only a surgeon can decide about the incision method and incision sites because it depends on the scope of the surgery and it’s complexity; 
  • combined gynecomastia – it is a procedure involving both liposuction and excision methods; it is the most complex gynecomastia type and is usually performed under general anaesthesia.

       3. Incision closure and aftercare – once the pattients’ breasts are corrected, a surgeon ends the surgery with closing the incisions, sometimes gynecomastia surgery drains are put – they collect fluids and prevent infections.

Regarding the scars, they vary depending on the incisions size, amount of tissue removed and skin elasticity. Also the rule is that the larger breasts are, the bigger scars are left, however despite this fact, patients are really satisfied with the results. When only fat is removed, the scars are really tiny and hardly visible. When the breasts are relatively big and female-like, then the scars can even extend across both sides of the chest, yet they will be hidden in the natural crease. When the breast tissue is firm, the scar is usually made under the areola. And finally, a surgeon makes incisions around areolas when they need reduction as well.

Gynecomastia surgery without anesthesia


Gynecomastia surgery under local anesthesia is possible, but this is the final decision of the doctor

Gynecomastia surgery has developed greatly and the advanced techniques and modern equipment allow for performing the gynecomastia surgery under local anaesthesia only. Gynecomastia surgery local anesthesia minimizes the surgery risk, shortens the recovery and is more affordable. Local anaesthesia is injected into the surgical area and numbs a patient so that no pain is felt, also patients are conscious and relaxed during the procedure. Gynecomastia surgery local anesthesia UK is not recommended for patients suffering from restless leg syndrome or having serious health problems or anxiety issues. Also, back problems or inability to lay down for a long time may be a contraindication to applying local anaesthesia. On average, the procedure time with applying this anaesthesia lasts up to 2 hours. Afterwards, patients rest for a few hours and by the end of the day they are ready to go back home.

Gynecomastia surgery recovery and aftercare

A plastic surgeon always provides a patient with information and instruction for the period after gynecomastia surgery. The information which a patient should get from a surgeon must include: drains aftercare, symptoms that may be experienced and complications which should not be ignored. The first days of recovery from gynecomastia surgery are particularly important. Patients are usually bandaged, they also must wear special post-op clothing and still have drains. For the first week, patients should allow for a natural gynecomastia surgery healing, thus it is recommended that patients take a few days off and limit their activities. The instructions for gynecomastia post surgery period vary depending on the gynecomastia type, used anaesthesia and  technique applied.

feeling romantic, happy and in love, smiling cheerfully and holding hands close to heart

There are some rules that patients must follow after the surgery to achieve good results and stay healthy

Yet, we list some general tips that are always important for male breast reduction surgery recovery:

  • attend all follow up visits (usually such a visit takes place on a 5th day after the surgery) and attend visits for stitches and drains removal on time
  • wear compression garment as it is an essential part of a gynecomastia post surgery care and it greatly influences the final effects
  • refrain from physical activity for the first 2 weeks; after 2-3 weeks low impact activities may be resumed, after 4-6 weeks more tiring trainings may be resumed
  • take time off work for at least a week; if you work physically, a longer break is needed
  • take a proper post gynecomastia surgery care of the incision sites and treated area, keep daily hygiene and avoid sun exposure (for even 6 weeks)
  • avoid smoking after gynecomastia surgery – it disturbs and prolongs healing
  • get prepared for a mild pain, buy painkillers or ask a doctor for advice on medications
  • use all the prescribed ointments or take prescribed antibiotics as recommended
  • swelling and bruising is normal during the first days
  • be patient, the swelling may last for even 12 weeks or longer, so the final results are not visible immediately.

Gynecomastia surgery recovery time

How long is recovery from gynecomastia surgery? Of course, it is impossible to give a precise answer to this question because each patient experiences it differently. Yet, surgery for gynecomastia recovery time is said to last 4-6 weeks. The vast majority of patients get fully recovered within a month, yet sometimes patients need more gynecomastia surgery healing time and it is also normal.

The average timeline of the recovery after gynecomastia surgery is as follows:

  • 1-3 days after the surgery – patients feel pain, tenderness and swelling; chest may be numbed and swollen, so it is not the right time to assess the results; patients must wear a compression garment and the activity should be limited to walking only;
  • a week after the surgery – the pain and swelling get less intense, patients can return to work, also some light activities are allowed; if regular stitches and drain have been used, patients should visit a doctor to take them out;
  • 2 weeks after the surgery – most men feel normal at this stage, patients can return to their everyday duties and activities; only the exhaustive trainings are not allowed; patients still wear compression garments as instructed by a doctor;
  • 3-4 weeks after the surgery – all exercises can be restored, the one exception are chest exercises which still must be avoided; patients do not have to wear compression clothing any more; there are usually no signs of bruising and swelling;
  • 5-6 weeks after the surgery – there are no restrictions as for the sleeping positions, exercises. Patients can enjoy the final effects.

Compression vest after gynecomastia surgery

A man in a grey t-shirt and denims holds his hands in pockets.

Compression garments must be worn after the surgery. It is an extremely important part of recovery

Wearing gynecomastia surgery compression garment is an extremely important part of recovery. After the procedure, the tissues and skin start to contract and re-settle – once it is left uncontrolled, it may result in an unproportional and unfavourable chest look. The after gynecomastia surgery compression garment is a tool which helps the body adjust and heal correctly and provides great support for skin retraction. 

How long to wear compression garment after gynecomastia surgery? During the first 4 weeks after the surgery, gynecomastia post surgery garment must be worn all the time during days and nights. Only a surgeon may decide about the further time of wearing it – sometimes patients should wear it for some more weeks, yet only at nights or only during a day, or e.g. just for a few hours a day – regardless of a surgeon’s decision, patients should always follow instructions in this regard, otherwise, the surgery may end in failure. The properly worn compression garment will prevent excess fluid oozing, reduce swelling to a minimum, tighten up the skin, shape the chest contours, and encourage skin to adhere to the underlying tissues. 

Post gynecomastia surgery swelling

Gynecomastia surgery swelling always occurs and is nothing unusual. Swelling is the natural reaction of the body to surgical interference and injury. The gynecomastia swelling after surgery is different to every patient – sometimes it is very localized and mild, the other time it is spread through the larger area, the swollen area may be soft as well as hard and appear at a different recovery stage. Usually, the swelling after gynecomastia surgery reaches its peak in day 2 or 3 after the procedure, and however it may persist for several weeks, it’s becoming less and less prominent day by day.

It must be stressed that the moderate gynecomastia post surgery swelling is not a concern, but rather a usual stage of the recovery. The compression clothing is very helpful here. What also helps is resting (the best is an elevated position), limiting rapid movement, and avoiding tiring exercises. Patients should visit a doctor only when the swelling is getting more and more intense over weeks. Otherwise, it should disappear naturally.

Pain after gynecomastia surgery

Mild pain after the surgery is normal. If the pain is more intense, the patient should contact the doctor and check the reason for it

Patients should realize that they will experience some pain after any surgical procedure. Obviously, sharp pain after gynecomastia surgery may occur, yet many patients describe this pain as a moderate one. Patients are always given medications in the hospital, they are also prescribed meds alleviating pain that are taken at home. So, pain is not acute. It is also important that patients follow all the instructions for the recovery because some activities done too quickly or improper hygiene may intensify the pain. Yet, the majority of patients after gynecomastia admit that they do not need to take prescribed meds because the pain is slight and over the counter medications (e.g. Tylenol) are enough. The pain is the most intense in the first days after the surgery and day by day it alleviates. If, by any chance, the pain gets more and more extreme instead of dull, patients are advised to visit a doctor and check whether some infections or complications have developed.

Gynecomastia surgery recovery exercise

Post gynecomastia surgery workout has to be ceased for several weeks. Patients should focus mainly on recovery and healing. The length of the break from training depends on a patient’s health condition and healing ability and the scope of the surgery. In general, the recovery lasts for a few weeks, however, each patient feels it differently, and sometimes, people feel ready to do training earlier. Regarding working out after gynecomastia surgery, patients are recommended to walk from the first days after operation. Walking is the only suggested activity that should be done during the first weeks after surgery. It facilitates proper blood flow and prevents blood clots. A week after surgery, patients usually return to work, yet for the following 2-3 weeks, patients are allowed to do only light daily activities and walking. Other exercises can be implemented about a month after the surgery. When patients feel no pain, the wounds have healed, swelling is gone and no complications or infections occur, they may restart cardio and strength training. Yet, the rule is that people start with mild, short training and observe their body reaction to exercises. If they feel good, the intensity and length of the next training session may be extended. What is also important, any exercises engaging arms and chest must not be done for at least 6 weeks after gynecomastia procedure, the most safest option is waiting 2 months before implementing these exercises. We also advise patients to start with gym training simply because the chest and arms will not be as strong as before the surgery and will be more prone to injuries. Machines in the gym provide greater control and safety than free weights. If people feel any pain or discomfort during or after exercises, they should stop it and contact a doctor. 

Gynecomastia after surgery - results

Close-up portrait of his he nice attractive content serious sportive tanned guy looking aside working out steroid protein effective result isolated over light white pastel color background

Final results are visible after a few months

What to expect after gynecomastia surgery? As with any surgery, recovery is an extremely important part of the body’s changes. The surgery itself sets the ball rolling, yet the scale of gynecomastia surgery results depends greatly on a patient and recovery time. Gynecomastia surgery final results are immediate, yet not visible at the beginning because the chest is swollen, bruised and it needs shaping by a compression clothing. On average, the results after gynecomastia surgery are fully seen a few months after the procedure, when the swelling fully disappears. Plastic surgeons always inform patients that the successfulness of the surgery can be determined no sooner than after 6 months. Also, all the before after effects of gynecomastia surgery photos show the body just before the surgery and about 6 months after the surgery, so patients should never compare themselves to such photos sooner than after a few months. Some clinics also share gynecomastia surgery results before after pictures showing the chest look month by month after the operation – it is a much better idea to look for such photos to get a real image of the recovery and chest look during the first months after the procedure. 

Does gynecomastia surgery work?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery really works and completely changes the chest look. It is just important to find an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon who can determine the cause of gynecomastia and apply the proper surgery technique. When the gynecomastia technique addresses the real problem (the excessive tissue, fat or both), the surgery is highly effective. Patients should just realize that it’s a few months before the swelling, numbness and firmness disappear and the scar healing is even longer, so the final results are not immediately visible. However, once the body fully heals, the results are amazing. The gynecomastia procedure provides long lasting changes, very often even permanent changes, yet here a patient has an influence on the results time. To give an example, when gynecomastia was caused by excessive fat tissue, the problem may re-occur when patients overeat again and gain much weight, or when the problem was caused by certain medications, patients should ask a doctor for other pills which do not cause gynecomastia otherwise this side effect may occur again. Finally, gynecomastia surgery cannot influence natural body changes or time flow and ageing, so it is important that patients follow a healthy lifestyle and take care of their bodies – then, the gynecomastia procedure results can last a lifetime.

Gynecomastia surgery success rate

man looking straight

Can gynecomastia come back after surgery? It is a frequent question before deciding on surgery

Gynecomastia procedure involves some degree of risks and complications, yet it’s a very successful surgery and the most effective treatment for gynecomastia problems. The studies performed by Annals of Plastic Surgery in 2017 examined over 300 men having had gynecomastia surgery – 100% of men admitted that they were very satisfied with the results and noticed no gynecomastia recurrence. The results of other studies performed in this field are similar, hence we can conclude that gynecomastia surgery success rate is almost 100%. To optimize the effects, patients should:

  • choose a reliable clinic and an experienced plastic surgeon;
  • make sure that the cause of gynecomastia has been correctly identified by the surgeon;
  • follow all the instructions and tips for the recovery, listen to the surgeon and be patient as for the final results;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the body.

Recurrence of gynecomastia after surgery

Can gynecomastia come back after surgery? It is a common question arising when men consider gynecomastia surgery. Of course, spending money on surgery and risking your health is a difficult decision and having in mind that the problem may come back does not help here. Generally, it is possible that gynecomastia appears again after the surgery, yet it is very rare and a patient’s lifestyle plays a major role here. The statistics show that about 90% of patients find the surgery successful long-term and notice no negative changes even years after the procedure. Merely 10% of patients see the gynecomastia return after 10 years or more. The reasons for gynecomastia recurrence may include:

  • inexperienced surgeon – when a surgeon fails at removing all excessive glandular tissue or uses the wrong technique (e.g. performs liposuction while gynecomastia is caused by excessive glandular tissue), the gynecomastia problem is likely to reoccur;
  • drugs and medications use – it is proven that patients using opioids, steroids, and drinking alcohol are more prone to gynecomastia regrowth;
  • weight gain – when men put on weight after the surgery, the pseudogynecomastia problem will probably occur even if chest liposuction was performed;
  • hormonal imbalance and ageing – when the testosterone levels decrease, men can experience a gynecomastia problem again, so it is important to check the hormone levels regularly.

Gynecomastia surgery gone wrong - possible side effects and complications

Young handsome man over isolated yellow background unhappy and frustrated

As with every other plastic surgery, gynecomastia surgery may involve some potential risks and complications, and patient should be aware of them

Each surgical procedure involves the potential risk and complications and it is totally normal. There is no procedure which would guarantee 100% safety. It is a surgeon’s role to make a proper assessment and qualification of a patient so that the risk of gynecomastia surgery complications is reduced to minimum and a patient’s own decision to weigh the potential benefits and side effects of gynecomastia surgery and make the final decision regarding the surgery. Before we list the possible side effects after gynecomastia surgery, we need to stress that the gynecomastia surgery problems are very rare and usually patients experience no serious complications at all, yet theoretically they can happen, so people must be aware of them and must know what to do when gynecomastia surgery gone bad.

So, the potential side effects or signs of bad gynecomastia surgery include:

  • Infections – this risk is reduced to a minimum nowadays because the clinics follow high safety standards, the devices are sterile, also patients are instructed for recovery and daily hygiene, so there is a slight chance of developing any infection. Yet, once infection happens, antibiotic treatment or even hospitalization is needed. In the worst scenario, only the surgery can solve infection problems.
  • Sutures – most plastic surgeons use deep sutures to close the incisions, such stitches may be noticed after the surgery. Sometimes, it may happen that sutures poke through the skin, cause irritation or become visible – in these cases, they need to be removed and replaced with the new ones.
  • Bleeding – it is a rare complication which may happen during or after the procedure. For severe bleeding, putting drains or blood transfusions may be inevitable. Patients are asked not to take any anti-inflammatory or Aspirin meds as well as supplements or herbal pills for some time before the surgery because they increase the bleeding risk – once patients follow these instructions, they will probably avoid this side effect.
  • Irregularities in the skin contours – gynecomastia procedure may develop palpable and visible wrinkling or cause breast asymmetry where the positions and shapes of breasts vary from each other. 
  • Problems with skin sensation – some patients report that the nipple sensation or chest skin sensation gets worse or is completely lost; for the most part, such a sensation loss is temporary or is just changed. Unfortunately, when the skin, breast or nipple sensation is totally lost, it cannot be medically treated.
  • Swelling and skin discoloration – these are normal body reactions to the surgical interference and always appear after gynecomastia procedure. Depending on the skin condition and genetics, the surgical and surrounding area may become darker or lighter, and the swelling may concern a much larger area than only incision sites. These side effects are quite long-term – usually, they disappear over time, yet there are patients who admit that skin discoloration or swelling is permanent.
  • Damage to deep body structures – sometimes, the surgeon may affect blood vessels, nerves, muscles, or even lungs during the surgery, it may cause some more complications and require further treatment.
  • Scars – gynecomastia surgery leaves the scars. They are usually well-hidden and small, yet sometimes the wounds may heal poorly and the scars become very prominent. The abnormal scars can occur within the deep tissues or within the skin layer. If the scar is really visible, unattractive and discoloured, there might be a need to do a scar revision surgery.
  • Slow healing – delayed healing or disruption of wounds is possible. It is quite rare, yet may happen – then, the nipple area or the breast skin does not heal properly, finally the nipple or skin tissue may die. Smokers are at the greatest risk of this complication.
  • Asymmetry – generally, it’s natural that men’s breasts are slightly asymmetric – it is caused by fatty deposits, skin and muscle tone, and skeletal prominence. So, after the surgery, asymmetry may re-occur.
  • Allergic reaction – the allergies may develop to suture materials, blood products, tapes, glues, or injected agents. In addition, some patients may be allergic to certain medications. Hence, it is of utmost importance to inform a doctor about all the allergies that patients have. 
  • Fat necrosis – there is a possibility that the fatty tissues located in deep skin layers die. It causes skin firmness and discomfort and might need a surgical removal.
  • Skin sensitivity – after gynecomastia procedure, the skin may become very itchy, tender and sensitive to hot and cold – usually it is a temporary discomfort, yet there is a possibility of a permanent change in skin reactions and condition. 
  • Seroma – it is a fluid accumulation in the area between the skin and tissues. Very often, this problem may be solved only by drains or additional surgery.
  • Risk connected to anaesthesia – applying both local and general anaesthesia involves some risks. Each patient has a consultation with an anaesthesiologist before the surgery, so they are informed about all the dangers that may be provoked by applying especially general anaesthesia. 
  • Poor results – sometimes a gynecomastia problem returns after the surgery, sometimes the surgery ends in failure which is caused by a surgeon’s malpractice, patient’s neglecting the aftercare instructions, or body’s anatomy. Gynecomastia is a highly successful surgery, yet it’s results cannot be guaranteed. 
  • Pulmonary and cardiac complications – they are serious complications which often require hospitalisation and additional treatment; however in gynecomastia surgery these complications are extremely rare. 

Gynecomastia surgery scars

Businessman with drawing question mark

An experienced plastic surgeon is able to make such incisions that are well-hidden in the natural creases and folds, so even if scars after gynecomastia surgery are permanent, they are hardly visible

Patients deciding to undergo gynecomastia must be informed about the gynecomastia surgery scarring possibility. The size and number of the incisions depends on the technique and scope of the surgery. Sometimes, only tiny dots are made (e.g. in liposuction), the other time a surgeon makes a horizontal incision across the chest (in excision method). The scar tissue after gynecomastia surgery needs much time to fully recover, it is at least a year before the scars heal. Over time, scars fade and get smoth, yet they are permanent. An experienced plastic surgeon is able to make such incisions that are well-hidden in the natural creases and folds, so even if scars after gynecomastia surgery are permanent, they are hardly visible. 

To minimize the gynecomastia scars after surgery, patients should follow the above tips:

  • maintaining a proper hygiene – it includes washing the wounds regularly and moisturizing the incision sites
  • sun protection – when a scar is exposed to the Sun, it tends to discolour and get more prominent 
  • applying all prescribed meds – a plastic surgeon may prescribe a special ointments and supplements enhancing scar healing, patients should apply them as recommended
  • using silicone sheets and special scar gels – when applied regularly, these products prevent skin pigmentation and reduce the size of scars.

Finally, people should be really patient as for scar healing. It is a long, slow process which has its natural pace and any drastic attempt to remove the scar while it heals will end in failure and will make it even more prominent. In most patients, a gynecomastia scar fades away over time and after 1-2 years, it is not visible at all. 

Gynecomastia revision surgery

When patients are not happy with the final gynecomastia surgery results, they often consider having revision gynecomastia surgery. It is a secondary procedure addressing the chest. 

The most common reasons for doing revision surgery include:

  • insufficient removal of glandular tissue during the 1st surgery
  • inadequate liposuction
  • incisions are not concealed after the 1st surgery or the scarring is too excessive
  • the chest or breasts are still not flat enough
  • the contours and shape of the chest is not satisfying.
man in jacket

If the final results are not satisfying, the patient may want to have a revision surgery

Men should wait about a year to determine whether the 1st surgery effects are satisfying or not. The body needs much time to fully recover after gynecomastia surgery, especially the scars heal within 1-2 years, so assessing their prominence earlier is a mistake. What’s also important, men should realize that without their effort, surgery will not be able to eliminate the gynecomastia problem. To give an example, if men put on weight after having chest liposuction, they are likely to have gynecomastia again as the fat will probably accumulate in the chest area, so they will need revision. So, it is very important that patients follow the short-term and long-term recommendations given by the doctor after the 1st procedure. Finally, we need to differentiate between 2 main reasons for secondary gynecomastia. The first reason is surgeon’s malpractice – when the wounds heal poorly, or there are some worrying signs of a surgery failure, patients should contact a doctor who performed this surgery, and it is probable that the surgeon will do a revision surgery as a compensation for the poor results. The second reason is a gynecomastia problem not strictly connected to the primary surgery. If the surgery results are ok, yet men experience gynecomastia after a few years, or after they put on weight, or when they age, they should consider an independent procedure that needs to be fully paid for.

Gynecomastia surgery alternatives

Surgery is undoubtedly the most effective treatment for solving the gynecomastia problem. Yet, it is not the only available option. Some people may have concerns about the surgical procedure – they may be resistant to anaesthesia, have some health problems disqualifying them from the surgery, or their gynecomastia cause can be eliminated in other ways than surgery. Gynecomastia surgery needs to be carefully considered and before making the final decision, men should realise that there are some other non-surgical gynecomastia surgery alternatives

Gynecomastia treatment without surgery


There are some alternative options of treatment gynecomastia without surgery, but the most effective one is always a surgical procedure

Before thinking of a surgical treatment, men tend to ask: “Is it possible to reduce gynecomastia without surgery?” or  “How to get rid of gynecomastia without surgery?” Well, undoubtedly, the surgery is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia, yet there are a few options of treatment gynecomastia without surgery that are worth mentioning. Basically, the treatment depends on a gynecomastia cause – treating the cause of gynecomastia allows for getting permanent effects. When only symptoms are addressed, the gynecomastia problem does not disappear, it is just masked. So, how to reduce gynecomastia without surgery? Below, we list the methods that can fix gynecomastia without surgery:

  • Herbal treatment (commonly known as Gynexin) – this herbal therapy reduces fat deposits from the breasts in a safe way and without any side effects; usually, the form of this therapy is pills that are regularly taken – these pills attack the fat cells accumulated in the mammary glands and reduce their size and quantity. Besides, the estrogen production is reduced, so the hormones balance is maintained at the healthy level.
  • Medications – the most popular meds are tamoxifen, clomiphene (they are selective estrogen receptor modulating agents) and letrozole (androgen or aromatize inhibitors). The medication gynecomastia treatment no surgery must be controlled by a doctor – then, it is effective in gynecomastia treatment and breast cancer prevention.
  • Healthy lifestyle – when gynecomastia is caused by fat accumulation, it can be effectively treated by a diet and exercises. Men should lose excessive kilograms and practise strength training at the same time, also they should avoid alcohol, steroids or marijuana.
  • Homeopathy – this therapy involves administering a really small amount of substance causing gynecomastia, e.g. steroid called Orchitinum.
  • Herbal therapy – there are some herbs which are believed to treat gynecomastia. For example turmeric roots are said to be effective in treating gynecomastia as well as chest soreness and pain – they should be taken for 30 days regularly to give an effect.

As can be seen, men wondering how to get rid of gynecomastia naturally without surgery have some options to consider. Yet, we would like to note that regardless of the treatment, men should always consult a specialist e.g. a plastic surgeon, homeopathist, a GP, dietician or personal trainer depending on a considered option of the treatment. 

Gynecomastia surgery cost

The price varies according to the complexity of the case, the type of graft material, and the amount required

The cost of gynecomastia surgery depends on the type of surgery, location, and doctor’s qualifications

Gynecomastia surgery price is an important factor for all men considering gynecomastia procedure. For the vast majority of patients, it is an elective plastic surgery, so the cost of gynecomastia surgery must be fully paid by a patient. How much does gynecomastia surgery cost? It is impossible to provide an average price of gynecomastia surgery worldwide because the prices vary greatly depending on the location, next the prices vary among clinics in a given country (e.g. gynecomastia surgery Ireland cost is miuch bigger than gynecomastia in Turkey). What also influences the price for gynecomastia surgery is a surgeon’s fee, the cost of surgical devices and supplies, medical tests, anaesthesia, hospital charges, etc. Patients have to remember that a surgery is just the first stage of upcoming changes and they need to commit themselves to the proper aftercare and recommended lifestyle to maintain the results. Otherwise, surgery cost for gynecomastia would be a waste of money and the gynecomastia problem will come back. Thus, the surgery needs to be carefully considered and patients must be 100% sure that they are ready to bear the male gynecomastia surgery cost. So, coming back to the question: how much is gynecomastia surgery, it also depends on the type of surgery – the cost of liposuction differs from the cost of glandular tissue removal, or sometimes both techniques are necessary. Below in this section, we will provide more details for men wondering how much gynecomastia surgery cost and will show what gynecomastia price surgery may be expected in given countries.

Gynecomastia surgery cost UK

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost in the UK? Below, we show what prices may be expected in chosen cities in the UK:

  • gynecomastia surgery London: 5000 GBP on average
  • gynecomastia surgery Glasgow: 3600 GBP on average 
  • gynecomastia surgery Edinburgh: 3600 GBP on average
  • gynecomastia surgery Manchester: 4900 GBP on average
  • gynecomastia surgery Birmingham: 4400 GBP on average.
A team of surgeons is fighting for life, for a real operation, for real emotions. The intensive care team is fighting for the life of the patient. Saving life, the struggle for life

The price of gynecomastia surgery in the UK depends also on the region

As can be seen, gynecomastia surgery Scotland is quite cheaper than gynecomastia surgery UK in England. Generally, gynecomastia surgery UK cost is regarded as expensive and many people suffering from gynecomastia do not have the surgery just because they cannot afford it. Of course, there are clinics offering cheap gynecomastia surgery UK, however, it is really difficult to find available dates there, or it’s far from a home city, or in many cases, the cheapest gynecomastia surgery in UK is still too expensive. However, we advise patients to do the research among various cities in the UK and check the offers. It is also important that patients ask each clinic about the price components because sometimes cheap gynecomastia surgery UK price does not include hospitalization, post-op clothing or anaesthesiologist care, so finally the price is not as cheap as it may seem at the beginning. If UK gynecomastia surgery is too expensive, patients have some other options to consider – they include NHS covering or travelling abroad for the surgery. 

Gynecomastia surgery NHS

Of course, getting free gynecomastia surgery would be an ideal solution for all men struggling with gynecomastia. There is only one possibility for it, namely a free gynecomastia surgery NHS. How to get gynecomastia surgery on the NHS? Can I get gynecomastia surgery on the NHS? It is rather complicated and hardly possible. As a rule, gynecomastia surgery is not covered by the NHS, which means that people need to pay for it every time. Gynecomastia is a cosmetic problem, not dangerous to the health, thus the NHS is not likely to cover this procedure. However, on the NHS official website, we can read that there are some exemptions where gynecomastia surgery UK NHS is possible.

Namely, men can apply for male breast reduction NHS when:

  • they suffer from gynecomastia for a very long time
  • the problem does not disappear despite numerous treatments
  • gynecomastia causes great mental distress and physical pain. 
Portrait serious handsome corporate businessman

As a rule, gynecomastia surgery is not covered by the NHS, but there are some exemptions

As can be seen, the criteria for gynecomastia surgery on NHS are not strict and allow for a free interpretation, which is not good news for patients because it is impossible to present medically-proven arguments that a surgery is needed and the final decision is a free will of the decisive person. the second problem with NHS is that even if gynecomastia surgery cost NHS is covered, people usually wait for a very long time to get the surgery. The NHS gives priority to life-saving surgeries, and as for plastic surgeries, the priority is given to medically-needed procedures such as breast reconstruction (as a mammoplasty component), female breast reduction (to eliminate back pain and spine problems), eyelid surgery (to improve vision) or rhinoplasty (to improve breathing). Gynecomastia is not medically necessary, hence even when patients are qualified, there may be months or years until they get the surgery depending on a length of waiting list. 

Gynecomastia surgery abroad

Creative Couple Designers using Laptop at the office.

Medical tourism has given everyone a chance to get high-quality and really affordable treatment in a foreign country

Getting cheap gynecomastia surgery is really possible and it’s quite easy actually. So, when patients cannot afford surgery in their home country and the NHS does not cover it, there is one more alternative, namely getting the cheapest gynecomastia surgery abroad. There are countries which offer unbelievably cheap prices for medical treatment, so if you cannot find “cheap gynecomastia surgery near me”, you can look for other countries. Travelling for treatment has become a normal thing that millions of people do. Medical tourism has given everyone a chance to get high-quality and really affordable treatment in a foreign country – we need to stress that regarding the price, medical tourists usually spend 2-4 times less money abroad than they would spend in their home countries. The nations which usually look for the cheap surgery abroad include Americans, Canadians, British, German, Irish, French, Chinese, and Spanish while the so-called affordable countries include Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, or India. Of course, people can freely choose the destination for a medical trip, yet the trends are as follows: Europeans choose gynecomastia surgery Europe in Poland or Turkey, Americans travel to Mexico and Asians consider India, Thailand, and Turkey. The main reason influencing the destination choice is the proximity and flight connection. What’s more, the cheap price of surgery offered in some countries does not indicate the lower quality. On the contrary, paying less for the treatment, medical tourists can afford getting the surgery in the best clinic in a given country and choose the top-rated surgeon and still, they will save much money. What’s also important, patients can get secured for their medical trip, which makes their travel and stay abroad much safer. Clinic Hunter & AXA Partners have created a unique medical tourism insurance for medical procedures abroad dedicated solely to medical tourists. Finally, we must mention that travelling abroad makes an opportunity to visit a foreign country, see new places, and experience different cultures – generally planning a short trip or sightseeing is what medical tourists are always advised because it is a great added value to the medical trip.  

Gynecomastia surgery Poland

Poland is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourists worldwide and a leading destination for Europeans. Plastic surgery Poland (among other treatments, e.g. dentistry, orthopedics or bariatrics) is known for its excellent quality and affordable cost. There aren’t many countries where medical tourists can be so sure about the quality and standard of healthcare in private clinics. Poland gynecomastia surgery is the most frequent surgery chosen by male patients – of course, the main reason for choosing gynecomastia surgery in Poland is a very affordable gynecomastia surgery cost Poland, yet Poland has many other assets which attract medical tourists. The advantages of getting Poland gynecomastia surgery include:

  • affordable plastic surgery Poland prices: the average cost of gynecomastia surgery is 1800 GBP, which is at least 2 times cheaper than in the UK, USA or Ireland;
  • safety: Poland is definitely a safe place to come, there are no internal or international conflicts, the situation has been stable for years and people are very tolerant and open to international travellers;
  • quality: as a member of the EU, Poland has to follow all the international standards of healthcare and safety, Polish plastic surgery clinics are often set as examples of the perfect health care, service, comfort attitude;
  • great surgeons: thanks to the low surgery cost, medical tourists can choose the best world-class plastic surgeon; in general, Polish doctors are world-renowned specialists;
  • accessibility: most Europeans can get to Poland within 1-3 hours by plane, the flights are amazingly cheap, e.g. the prices for flights from London to Warsaw start from 20 GBP;
  • all inclusive offers: Poland is so experienced in medical tourism that many clinics or medical care facilitators offer full packages for international patients including not only the surgery but also accommodation, airport pick up, taxi transfers, etc;
  • tourism: Poland has a great touristic value, it offer the Sea, mountains, forests, lakes, many intact places close to nature, there are also flag cities, e.g. Warsaw and Kraków, which are one of the most popular cities in Europe gathering millions of tourists each year.

Gynecomastia surgery Turkey

African couple walking with luggage near airport building

Turkey becomes more and more popular destination for patients who want to do plastic surgery abroad

Turkey is the second destination worth mentioning. It is a country visited by thousands of medical tourists coming from America, Europe and Asia each year. Turkey is especially famous for hair transplant and dental treatment, yet plastic surgeries are also getting more and more popular. Gynecomastia surgery cost in Turkey is one of the lowest in the world and it is extremely hard for other countries to compete with Turkey in this field. The average cost of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey is 1400-1700 GBP. The prices in Turkey often include a full package for medical tourists, that is accommodation in a luxury hotel, all transfers, and even local trips. In fact, organising an all inclusive holidays combined with medical treatment is characteristic of Turkish clinics and medical facilitators there. They do it perfectly and international patients may be sure that they will be provided the highest quality treatment, stay and service. The cities that are most frequently visited by medical tourists include Antalya, Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara – all these places offer a great touristic value and high-standard clinics, so combined with highly competitive prices, it is a perfect medical tourism destination for many people from the whole world. 

Other locations for gynecomastia surgery abroad

Poland and Turkey are definitely the leading destinations to get cheap gynecomastia abroad, yet there are some other countries worth mentioning. While Europeans and Americans find Poland and Turkey really attractive, Asians often prefer closer destinations. They mostly choose gynecomastia surgery India, gynecomastia surgery Thailand, and gynecomastia surgery Malaysia. What is the cost of gynecomastia surgery in India? The cost for gynecomastia surgery in India as well as gynecomastia surgery Thailand cost are really low and competitive, being as low as 1000 GBP (some clinics offer even lower costs). Yet, gynecomastia surgery in India or Thailand is not always the best-quality treatment. Of course, there are some great clinics there, however, patients need to be particularly careful while choosing the clinic. The clinics standard and surgery techniques are slightly different from what can be seen in Europe, however after a deep research patients can find a trust-worthy clinic offering great quality.

Gynecomastia surgery reviews

Man sitting on the couch looking at the computer

Reading reviews on the internet is the best way of verifying a clinic and doctor abroad

The best way of verifying a clinic and doctor abroad is checking gynecomastia surgery reviews, reading gynecomastia surgery stories from former patients and seeing before-after photos of a surgeon’s patients. The reviews give a true, reliable, and verified knowledge about the clinic, its service, standard and characteristics. Checking the opinions of former patients may serve as a precautionary measure – when a clinic has many negative reviews, patients make complaints against it or are not satisfied with its service, it means that there is something wrong with the clinic, and probably it is not a good place to come to. Or, when a clinic has hundreds of positive opinions and recommendations, patients gain much trust and get assured that this place is worth considering

Gynecomastia surgery before and after

Gynecomastia surgery pictures are another source of knowledge about a surgeon and a clinic. First of all, people should check gynecomastia surgery pictures before and after to verify whether a surgeon is qualified and can achieve the satisfying results, also we can see how many patients were operated on and how experienced a surgeon is. Secondly, men should check gynecomastia before and after surgery pics to see what results can be achieved. Having unrealistic expectations towards the procedure is a source of distress as no surgeon can meet such expectations. Usually, gynecomastia surgery before and after pictures are available on a clinic’s or surgeon’s website. If they aren’t, men should ask for such photos and the top-quality clinics should always agree to share them. Finally, before and after pictures of gynecomastia surgery illustrate what results can be expected in a given time and what the scars look like – it makes patients aware of the recovery importance and shows that they must be patient as for the final results and scar healing.

Get the insurance for treatment abroad:


Gynecomastia procedure is a very popular plastic surgery performed for male patients. It addresses breasts which are enlarged due to excessive glandular tissue or fat tissue. Treating gynecomastia solves the problem of a female-like chest which causes a huge discomfort and makes men feel unattractive and non masculine. Gynecomastia surgery provides permanent physical results and improves mental health as well. Getting this surgery on the NHS is hardly possible because it is a purely cosmetic procedure, which patients must pay for. When gynecomastia surgery is too expensive, men may consider getting it done abroad at a much cheaper cost. Clinic Hunter can help you organise the surgery in a chosen destination – we can organise your travel, treatment and stay abroad, which reduces your effort to the minimum. Contact us and get to know how to get high-quality and affordable gynecomastia surgery abroad.

Sports man in a morning summer park



Cuhaci, Neslihan, et al. “Gynecomastia: Clinical Evaluation and Management.” Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, Mar. 2014,

Fitness), J.D Bryce (GyneShred. “How Soon after Gynecomastia Surgery Can I Exercise?” Medium, Medium, 31 May 2019,

Gynecomastia: Non-Invasive Alternatives for Male Breast Reduction,

MarekCEO at Beauty Poland / Clinic HunterMarek is a great fan of medical tourism. He believes that medical tourism is a huge chance for many people. “Beauty Poland / Clinic Hunter.” Plastic Surgery Poland and Cosmetic Surgery Abroad – Beauty Poland,

Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. “Gynecomastia Surgery, Treatment, Symptoms & Causes.” MedicineNet, MedicineNet, 14 Nov. 2019,

NHS Choices, NHS,

“Poland.” Medical Tourism Foundation – Your Access to Healthcare Abroad, 28 Feb. 2018,

Sharma, Bhumika. “Gynecomastia Alert: Do’s and Don’ts before Male Breast Reduction Surgery.” Business Standard, Business-Standard, 3 Oct. 2018, 

Klaudia Grabowska

Klaudia started to work for Clinic Hunter many years ago, just after graduating from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland and since that time, this job has become her biggest passion and inspiration.

She has gained necessary expertise and experience by serving patients from all over the world (mainly the UK, Scandinavian countries, and the USA), taking an active part in numerous live and video trainings with clinics in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, participating in international medical tourism conferences and events, and completing internal Clinic Hunter courses. Now, Klaudia is an accomplished patient advisor specialising in such fields as dentistry, plastic and bariatric surgery and hair loss treatment. Her main idea is helping people nad making their lives better, that is why this job brings her so much satisfaction and joy.

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