Added by Yuliana Sandoval on 30.07.2021

Teeth cleaning - what is deep dental cleaning?

Beautiful smiling senior woman with short gray hair posing in front of gray background. Beauty photography.

Deep dental cleaning is a procedure that is performed by the dentist or dental hygienist in the office.

What is a deep dental cleaning? Daily teeth cleaning is essential to maintain good oral hygiene, this consists of the use of a toothbrush, dental floss, and mouthwash after every meal. But a deep teeth cleaning requires much more than that. Deep dental cleaning, also called professional teeth cleaning, is a procedure that is performed in the dental office, it can be carried out by the dentists themselves, but it is very usual to see the dental hygienist cleaning teeth. Deep cleaning teeth can prevent countless oral conditions and even reverse the inflammation and bleeding of the gums caused by plaque, but it also contributes to the good state of general health. A teeth deep cleaning is necessary at least two times per year (every six months) but if the dentist sees fit, they will make dental cleaning appointments more often. For example, in cases of patients suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis, it is necessary to do deep cleaning of teeth more often to prevent the disease from progressing.

Dental deep cleaning is a fairly simple and harmless procedure; however, many people fear it, mainly due to misinformation.

Deep cleaning teeth brings countless benefits for oral health and helps prevent the appearance of more complex conditions that can cause pain and discomfort and whose treatments are more expensive, like dental implants after tooth loss.

Dental deep cleaning benefits

As many know, the key to maintaining proper oral health is having a good oral hygiene routine, so the benefits of deep cleaning the teeth are quite relevant.

Some of the dental deep cleaning benefits are:

  • Prevents and reverses gingivitis by removing the plaque and tartars that cause gum inflammation and bleeding.
  • It is essential in the treatment of periodontitis since the accumulation of bacteria on the periodontal tissues can aggravate the patient’s situation.
  • This is one of the main bad breath solutions since it is caused by bacteria, cleaning teeth can solve persistent bad breath.
  • It prevents the appearance of cavities since although the patient performs their oral hygiene routine daily, there are parts of the mouth that are difficult to reach with conventional brushing and that is where cavities tend to form.

Is deep cleaning necessary for teeth?

Dentist appointment

Deep dental cleaning has many benefits, and it is extremely important in dental care

Is deep cleaning necessary for teeth? Undoubtedly, dental cleaning is the most effective form of gum disease prevention and treatment, it is the first option for gingivitis treatment, and it plays an indispensable role in periodontitis treatment. Gingivitis is a gum disease that usually goes unnoticed, however, it can progress rapidly, causing inflammation and bleeding of the gums and later turning into periodontitis, a more complex infection that destroys the supporting tissues of the teeth and can lead to tooth loss if not treated in time.

How to get rid of gingivitis? With professional dental cleaning, to make sure all plaque and tartar are removed, even that stored under the gums. This is something that cannot be achieved with an at home oral hygiene routine, and if it is tried it can end up causing lesions in the gums and enamel.

Deep cleaning teeth - types

What is involved in deep teeth cleaning? A dental teeth cleaning involves a series of steps with the intention of removing the plaque and tartar accumulated on the surface of the teeth, both in the visible part and in the one that is under the gums. Cleaning plaque off teeth can be done with different types of teeth cleaning techniques, the selected methods of teeth cleaning will depend on the professional as all teeth cleaning methods are equally effective, but in special cases, the teeth cleaning techniques may vary to suit the patient’s health conditions and ensure the best possible result. It is also important to note that although most of the time hygienists perform dental cleaning and dental hygienist deep cleaning is safe and effective, there are certain situations in which the dentist must perform the procedure. To better understand the difference between hygienist teeth cleaning and dentist teeth cleaning we must explain the different types of teeth cleaning.

Scaling and root planing

Senior man having dental treatment at dentist's office.

Root scaling and planing – traditional deep teeth cleaning involves using scrapers and curettes to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth

What is root planning and teeth scaling? Root scaling and planing are the traditional deep teeth cleaning techniques. This technique involves using scrapers and curettes to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, both above and below the gum line. This is the most efficient technique when it comes to restoring good oral health, which is why this option is usually indicated in patients with periodontal disease or with the potential to develop it. Dental scaling is the first phase of treatment and consists of removing hardened plaque and tartar from the entire teeth surface. Once it has been removed, the dentist proceeds to perform root planing, which consists of smoothing the surface of the teeth that are under the gums to make it difficult for bacteria to adhere to this area. A properly done root planing will allow the gums to reattach to the tooth surface, as it should naturally be, this is one of the reasons why scaling teeth and root planing is ideal for patients with periodontal disease with the presence of deep periodontal pockets. In some complex cases, the dentist may not be able to do the entire procedure in one visit, so multiple sessions may be planned.

Because this technique can be uncomfortable for the patient and in the case of periodontal disease it can also be painful, it is usually performed under the effects of local anesthesia to reduce any discomfort. It is normal that after a deep dental cleaning of this type the gums become swollen, red, and even bleed a little for the next two days, there may also be teeth sensitivity for at least a week, but these symptoms will disappear quickly and the dentist may prescribe a medication or recommend a mouthwash to relieve discomfort after treatment. Teeth scaling and polishing also helps to improve the aesthetics of the smile since it is possible to remove superficial stains and obtain brighter teeth. Is root planning NHS possible? Yes, the NHS provides scaling and polishing under Band 1 of dental treatment for a charge of £23.80.

The NHS also provides deeper teeth cleaning for patients with severe gum disease under Band 2 of dental treatment for a charge of £65.20, this one includes root planing, scaling, polishing and the removal of gum tissue if necessary (gingivectomy).

dentist cleaning teeth of woman

Airflow cleaning is an innovative method that uses water, compressed air, and fine powders to remove plaque and soft tartar

Airflow teeth cleaning

What is airflow teeth cleaning? Airflow teeth cleaning is an innovative method of a deep dental cleaning, it consists of using water, compressed air, and fine powders (usually bicarbonate particles) to remove plaque and soft tartar. Airflow cleaning of teeth consists of mixing the three components and ejecting them under high pressure, this produces a spray that when it comes into contact with the teeth, removes plaque, bacteria, and even some types of soft tartar. However, airflow cleaning is not capable of removing dental tartar that has been around for a long time since they are calcified and hardened, in these cases, ultrasonic dental cleaning is a good option.

This type of deep dental cleaning offers many advantages compared to the traditional method:

  • Curettes and scrapers are not used, nor are there any loud noises that can alter the mental state of the patient, therefore the procedure is more pleasant.
  • It is a non-invasive and painless procedure, the use of anaesthesia is not required and adverse effects after treatment are practically non-existent.
  • Thanks to the gentleness of this method, it is possible to use it in patients with dental hypersensitivity or other conditions.
  • It can be used in dental veneers, dental prostheses or implants and even in patients with fixed orthodontics, which allows maintaining good hygiene of dental appliances.
  • The versatility of water and air allows it to get to areas that are usually difficult to reach, for example, interdental spaces in patients with severe dental misalignment.
  • Airflow teeth cleaning is much faster than the traditional method.
  • It is ideal for children since it is a completely harmless and highly effective technique in terms of preventing cavities, gingivitis and other conditions.
  • removes plaque and bacteria that are found both above and below the gum line, this means that it is also capable of removing bacteria that are located within the periodontal pockets.
  • It improves aesthetics by removing external stains caused by food such as coffee, red wine or tea, and in some cases it can also remove stains caused by the constant use of certain medications.
  • It can improve and even completely eliminate bad breath.
  • Airflow cleaning before undergoing a teeth whitening treatment can make the results much more satisfying.
Pretty young female dentist making examination and treatment for young female patient in dental clinic.

Airflow cleaning should be painless, the sensation is pleasant, and it is much faster than the traditional method

What are the airflow teeth cleaning side effects? There is almost no risk of using airflow teeth cleaning, the only known adverse effect is the possibility of causing small lesions in the oral mucosa (small cuts on the surface). However, these lesions do not usually occur frequently unless the powder used in the procedure is too abrasive and even then these injuries are much less severe than those caused with the traditional teeth cleaning method and it is normal for them to disappear within a few days.

It is important to note that there are some special cases in which this technique cannot be used, it should not be used in patients suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma and bicarbonate-free powders should be used in the case of patients under sodium restrictive diets, hypertension or kidney disease. How much does airflow teeth cleaning cost? First, we must clarify that the NHS does not cover deep cleaning with airflow, the NHS only offers basic treatment options (traditional deep cleaning method). Fortunately, airflow treatment is affordable, on average this procedure costs between GBP 50 and GBP 100 depending on the severity of each case and how long the appointment takes. For those trying to decide if airflow cleaning is a good option, it is advisable to search for airflow teeth cleaning reviews, there are many airflow teeth cleaning reviews available on the internet and most of them are positive. The majority of patients agree on the same aspects: the procedure is painless, the sensation is pleasant, it is much faster than the traditional method and therefore it is not necessary to spend a long time with the mouth open and most patients do not present any side effects at all.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning? Deep teeth cleaning done with ultrasound consists of using an ultrasonic scaler instead of manual scalers. The ultrasonic scaler uses sound waves to generate high-speed vibrations that cause dental tartar to break down and detach from the surface of the teeth; it also releases shockwaves that destroy bacterias and prevent infections. This instrument is much gentler than traditional hand instruments since it is not required to exert forces on the surface of the teeth, the tip of the scaler is simply brought closer to the dental tartar and the high frequency vibrations remove the dental calculus. The scaler has a set of different tips that can be changed to better adapt to each patient, in addition, the instrument has a water jet that ejects water directly to where the tip of the scaler and the tooth surface come into contact to maintain a temperature pleasant for the patient and at the same time rinsing the tartar that comes off the teeth. Ultrasonic teeth scaling is effective in removing calcified plaque (dental tartar) whether it is above or below the gum line. It is especially recommended for patients with periodontal disease who require more frequent dental cleaning appointments than usual since the treatment is much more comfortable and gentle for the patient. In addition, it is a highly effective way to remove calcified tartar that can be difficult or may take too long to remove with manual instruments.

Female hand in pink gloves in the dental office. Holds a tool close-up.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is usually more pleasant for the patient and the procedure time is faster than in the manual method

Ultrasonic cleaning teeth is a much more pleasant experience for the patient, the procedure is up to three times faster than with the manual method, the scraping of the tooth surface is much gentler and therefore generates less discomfort after the treatment. Besides, the ultrasonic waves are harmless to tooth enamel thus ensuring that the teeth will not be injured by this dental cleaning method. However, like any treatment, its use is not recommended in all cases. In the case of patients with pacemakers, the use of ultrasonic scalers is contraindicated since ultrasonic waves can interfere with the medical device. Cleaning dentures, crowns, veneers, and dental restorations should be done with hand instruments as high frequency vibrations can detach the restorative materials.

In some cases of dental hypersensitivity, it would be advisable to use another method of a deep dental cleaning, but generally, it can be used without any problem.

Are there ultrasonic teeth cleaning side effects? The short answer is yes, as in all dental treatments there is the possibility of presenting adverse post-treatment effects, but in the case of ultrasonic cleaning, these are minimal, unlike the adverse effects produced by the manual instruments used in the traditional method. As we mentioned earlier, ultrasound waves can interfere with heart pacemakers, therefore its use is contraindicated in these cases. It is also possible that dental sensitivity occurs after treatment but this is very rare. Besides this, no other adverse effects of ultrasonic tooth cleaning are known, which is why it has become the preferred method for dentists and patients.

Teeth cleaning water jet

Teeth cleaning water jet is an additional tool that can be included in the routine of oral hygiene at home. This is not a professional deep cleaning, it is not carried out in the dentist’s office, the patients themselves can perform it at home as an extra measure of dental care. It is done through a device called a water jet, a water jet dental cleaning consists of using said device to eject water under pressure to remove remains of plaque and bacteria that are in difficult-to-access areas, something quite similar to the water syringe used by dentists, but in a version adapted to be used at home, offering a similar result to flossing. In fact, these devices are popularly known as water flossers, as they can replace the use of dental floss.

A water jet cleaning teeth offers many benefits for oral health, as it is a more flexible, more gentle option and easier to use than dental floss, but with enough force to remove food stuck between the teeth.

In short, it is an ideal complement to the oral hygiene routine at home, but in no way replaces the deep dental cleaning performed by the dentist or hygienist.

Teeth sanding

What is teeth sanding and what does it consist of? Here we must clarify some terms that can be confusing for patients:

  1. There is something called Teeth sandblasting which is a synonym for teeth cleaning with airflow. It is called this way because the powder that mixes with pressurized water and air is called dental sand.
  2. On the other hand, we have teeth sanding, sanding teeth is a type of dental polishing and must be done by the dentist.
Male dentists with microscope and dental tools treating patient's teeth at modern dental clinic office. Medicine, dentistry and health care concept. Closeup

Teeth sanding is a type of dental polishing and must be performed by the dentist

Once the plaque and tartar are removed, the dentist or hygienist will polish the surface of the teeth so that they feel smoother and also appear whiter and brighter.

This is done with a high-powered electric toothbrush, polishing cups, and a special toothpaste that contains slightly abrasive powder particles that add that finishing touch to tooth enamel. However, what is known as teeth sanding consists of using teeth sanding strips to polish the interproximal surfaces of the teeth. This process is not part of a deep dental cleaning, it is usually used after restoring a tooth to reduce imperfections and give the restored tooth a more natural and precise shape. Teeth sanding strips are thin bands with one side smooth and one side with an abrasive surface. The thin bands slide between the interdental space and move between the teeth to reduce any residual restorative material, giving a smoother and more natural finish.

Unfortunately, due to the easy accessibility of these bands, people acquire them to use at home. This practice is particularly harmful to health since although the purpose of the bands is to polish, their use must be delicate and careful since the abrasive side of these can wear and reduce the thickness of the tooth enamel. Teeth sanding strips are not for home use and should not be used by patients, they should only be used in the dentist’s office. We recommend that patients go to an oral health professional instead of opting for “DIY alternatives” that usually have consequences for health or worsen any existing problems.

Teeth cleaning and polishing

What is the connection between teeth cleaning and polishing? Dental cleaning consists of scaling and root planing, but after this, it is necessary to polish the surface of the teeth to soften the tooth enamel. Teeth polishing is done with polishing rubber cups and abrasive paste that helps smooth imperfections and obtain a more uniform surface. Although teeth scaling and polishing are complementary procedures, it is not always necessary to do both, in case a dental cleaning is not considered necessary, polishing teeth can also be carried out as a hygienic method.

Teeth cleaning and whitening

Hands of dentist keeping equipment radiating ultraviolet

Teeth whitening can be performed complementary to teeth cleaning

Teeth cleaning and whitening are two different treatments that can be performed in a complementary way to improve the aesthetics of the smile once plaque and tartar have been removed and oral health has been restored. Teeth whitening is quite popular today, especially due to the consumption of foods that darken the teeth like coffee, red wine, and tea. There is a wide variety of at-home teeth whitening, some of them use whitening gels and trays, whitening bands, whitening mouthwashes or toothpaste, etc.

However, one should be sceptical when opting for any of these teeth whitening options, while some offer real benefits and are safe to use, most of them are unreliable. The safest way to get whiter teeth is through professional teeth whitening, the dentist can use highly efficient chemical whiteners without putting the patient’s oral health at risk. A teeth whitening can be done at any time, as long as there are no periodontal diseases or other conditions, although it is advisable to wait a few days after receiving a deep dental cleaning as dental hypersensitivity can occur.

Difference between teeth cleaning and whitening

It is common for people to confuse teeth cleaning and whitening but these treatments are completely different. What is the difference between teeth cleaning and whitening? A teeth whitening is an aesthetic treatment in which chemical or abrasive substances are used to remove stains and lighten the tone of the teeth to improve teeth appearance. On the other hand, dental cleaning is a routine treatment that seeks to restore oral health and prevent the appearance of future diseases through rigorous cleaning.

The main difference between teeth whitening and cleaning is the purpose of each treatment, even so, it is possible to perform both treatments and improve the general condition of the teeth, both from a functional perspective and from an aesthetic one.

Best teeth cleaning

When it comes to the best teeth cleaning method, the correct one is the one that best suits the needs of each patient. Only after a detailed intraoral examination can the dentist choose the method that offers the best teeth cleaning for each patient.

Deep cleaning teeth procedure

Dentists in stomatology clinic

Always before teeth cleaning there should be intraoral examination performed by the dentist

Before performing the dental deep cleaning procedure, an intraoral examination should always be done to assess the current health of the patient. 

This is usually done by the dental hygienist since they are the professionals in charge of cleaning tartar off teeth unless the patient has a health condition that requires the dentist’s intervention. Once the patient’s mouth has been examined and cleaning is deemed appropriate, the deep cleaning teeth procedure begins.

The first step is to remove plaque and tartar, either with manual teeth cleaning tools (traditional method) or with a teeth cleaning machine (ultrasonic scaler, Airflow cleaning). The deep teeth cleaning process consists of cleaning between teeth and scraping the teeth surface over and under the gum line until properly cleaning tartar from teeth. In many cases cleaning stained teeth is possible when it comes to stains caused by food, notably lightening the enamel colour and making it brighter.

Once the plaque and tartar have been removed, the dental brushing and polishing phase comes, the hygienist uses rubber cups to polish the enamel surface to smooth it and make it more uniform. Then, they will brush the teeth using a high-powered electric brush, this is done with a toothpaste that contains abrasive particles to add a touch of shine to the enamel.

Once the teeth have been brushed, a flossing session is performed in which the hygienist makes sure to reach every small area of ​​the mouth.

Then comes the use of mouthwash, which usually contains liquid fluoride to contribute to the remineralization of the enamel.

Once all the hygiene protocols have been completed, a fluoride application must be made, this consists of putting a gel on the surface of the teeth for one or two minutes or applying a layer of fluoride varnish that hardens on the teeth.

This phase of fluoride application is essential to guarantee the protection of the teeth during the months following the deep dental cleaning.

Does deep cleaning teeth hurt?

Doctor explain the process of teeth implant

During the deep cleaning, the patient can have an unpleasant feeling. The discomfort varies according to the dental cleaning method used

Does deep cleaning teeth hurt? The short answer is yes, but this varies depending on many factors, mainly if the patient has healthy teeth and gums or if they have some degree of periodontal disease, those with gingivitis or periodontitis usually have greater sensitivity and it will make teeth hurt after cleaning at the dentist.

That is why in some cases local anaesthesia must be used during the cleaning, thanks to the anaesthesia the patient will not feel any dental deep cleaning pain or discomfort.

The discomforts during and after the process also vary according to the dental cleaning method used.

While the traditional method can cause pain, the more modern methods such as ultrasonic scaler and airflow cleaning are completely painless and have an almost non-existent rate of adverse effects.

In fact, most dental cleanings are currently done with an ultrasonic scaler, the manual technique is less and less frequent and is usually used in very specific cases.

How long does a teeth cleaning take?

Beautiful girl in a dentist

Deep dental cleaning procedure last between 30 and 45 minutes

How long does a teeth cleaning take? Again, the answer varies according to the condition of the patient’s mouth and the method of cleaning selected. Dental cleaning appointments last between 30 and 45 minutes, in the case of the traditional method this time may not be enough to carry out the complete cleaning, especially if the patient has a lot of tartar, so it is usual that several appointments are planned. It is also important that appointments do not take too long since it is exhausting for the patient to remain open-mouthed for so long.

How long is a teeth cleaning with a scaler? The ultrasonic scaler and airflow have significantly reduced the duration of the procedure, dental cleaning with these devices is up to three times faster than with the traditional method and is equally effective.

What to expect after a deep cleaning of teeth

Cute young girl is being examined by the dentist

Usually, after the procedure, gums are swollen and teeth sensitive, but this will disappear in a couple of days

What to expect after a deep cleaning of teeth? It is quite common to hear people talk about the pain after deep cleaning teeth when using the traditional cleaning method. This pain is mainly due to sensitive teeth after deep cleaning and swollen gums after a dental cleaning, many patients do not even describe it as pain but rather that the teeth feel weird after cleaning. But this is not a reason to worry about, gums are swollen after cleaning, and teeth sensitive after dentist cleaning will disappear in a couple of days.

In addition, these symptoms only appear after a traditional dental cleaning, with the new methods of dental cleaning with ultrasound and airflow the discomfort after the treatment has completely disappeared.

Deep cleaning teeth aftercare

Young couple brushing teeth at home

Deep cleaning aftercare is pretty simple. Sharp food and hot beverages should be avoided for around 48 h

Deep cleaning teeth aftercare is pretty simple, when the dentist considers it necessary, they will prescribe antibiotics, but this is not frequent, they may also recommend over the counter medication or the use of a mouthwash with analgesic and anaesthetic effects to reduce discomfort in case they occur. Besides this, dental deep cleaning aftercare is reduced to avoiding acidic, hard, and crunchy foods for the next few days to prevent the appearance of tooth sensitivity, the dental hygiene routine must be carried out delicately so as not to hurt the gums that could be inflamed or reddened.

A good tip and easily accessible for everyone is to rinse repeatedly with salt water for the next few days. This has a calming effect on the soft tissues of the mouth, and at the same time helps to reduce the proliferation of bacteria that could cause an infection.

How often do you need a deep dental cleaning?

smiling physician woman showing tooth and toothbrush on blue

Usually, deep cleaning should be performed twice a year, sometimes the dentist can recommend it more often

How often do you need a deep cleaning dental? Experts recommend bi-annual visits to the dentist. This means that we must go to check-up appointments with the dentist every 6 months, and it is normal for the dentist to perform a deep dental cleaning during these control visits to preserve oral health. However, some situations require more frequent dental cleanings, for example, people with some type of periodontal disease or with a tendency to develop dental tartar more quickly should have dental cleanings more often. It should be the dentist, after evaluating the condition of each patient, who decides how often deep cleaning teeth must be performed

Disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth

What are the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth? Like any other dental treatment, deep cleaning of teeth side effects exist, but they vary depending on the method used. Dental deep cleaning side effects are more frequent when using the traditional method that consists of using manual scalers and curettes to loosen and remove plaque and tartar from the teeth surface. The appearance of teeth sensitivity after cleaning is very common, as well as swollen gums, these are the main and most common teeth cleaning side effects of traditional dental cleaning.  However, deep dental cleaning side effects are greatly reduced with the use of modern techniques. When using an ultrasonic scaler the teeth scaling side effects disappear almost completely, the chances of presenting tooth sensitivity after treatment are quite low since the ultrasound is gentler on tooth enamel.

Airflow teeth cleaning side effects are completely non-existent as long as the appropriate powder is used for each patient, it should be taken into account that patients with periodontal disease require a less abrasive powder to avoid injury to the gums.

Can dental cleaning damage teeth?

Can dental cleaning damage teeth? Yes, it is possible that a poorly done procedure can damage the tooth enamel and in the long term it can even cause tooth nerve damage. But this is very unusual since oral health personnel are properly trained to perform the deep dental cleaning procedure and this treatment is quite safe and even painless in most cases.

The only discomfort that usually occurs after a professional dental cleaning is tooth sensitivity, but this should disappear in a couple of days. When experiencing teeth sensitivity weeks after cleaning, patients should schedule an appointment to determine the cause of the sensitivity and correct it as soon as possible.

Gum infection after teeth cleaning

holding cheek and suffering painful toothache, feeling ill, miserable and unhappy, looking for a dentist

There are more benefits than risks of deep teeth cleaning. It is important to always do perform it in the dental office by trained specialists

Gum infection after teeth cleaning is not normal since deep cleaning teeth complications are limited to tooth sensitivity, gum inflammation and sometimes bleeding from the gums.The appearance of an infection after a dental cleaning may be due to the existence of other conditions such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

However, when a dentist performs a deep dental cleaning in patients with periodontal disease, he usually prescribes antibiotics to reduce the existing infection and avoid complications. If the sensitivity or inflammation of the gums persists for more than a week after a dental cleaning, it is necessary to visit the dentist again.

Dental deep cleaning alternatives

There are no dental deep cleaning alternatives. It is a completely necessary procedure to maintain good oral health.

However, maintaining an appropriate oral hygiene routine at home can prevent the formation and calcification of dental tartar which can reduce the frequency with which deep cleaning is needed as well as the complexity of the procedure, making it more pleasant for the patient.

Teeth cleaning at home

Words clean teeth of dental floss

To avoid most of the dental problems, proper dental cleaning at home should be performed on a daily basis

Proper teeth cleaning at home is the key to preserving oral health and avoiding complex health conditions, that is why it is essential to know which hygiene habits are really useful and which are not. A basic oral hygiene routine requires a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss, these are the essential elements to maintain a healthy mouth. Some additional teeth cleaning tips are the use of mouthwashes and dental irrigators (water flossers) which can make dental cleaning at home even more effective. However, it is very common to find home remedies for cleaning teeth on the internet that are offered as miracle alternatives when in reality they do not have any positive effect on oral health and sometimes can even have counterproductive effects.

One should be sceptical about these homemade options, for example, it is important to avoid any home remedy that involves the use of lemon juice since it can demineralize tooth enamel due to its level of acidity.

However, there are other quite harmless home remedies, such as cleaning the teeth with baking soda or cleaning the teeth with coconut oil.

Sodium bicarbonate has abrasive properties that allow tooth enamel to be slightly polished, which helps eliminate bacteria, plaque and reduces stains. This is precisely why it is an active ingredient in almost all oral cleaning products, most, if not all toothpaste contains baking soda. Using baking soda on its own does not represent any health risk, but it also does not produce any different effects than those produced by ordinary toothpaste. However, its use in combination with other ingredients such as lemon juice or vinegar is not recommended, since this mixture can cause erosion and wear of tooth enamel, producing tooth sensitivity, susceptibility to cavities and deteriorate the natural shine of teeth.

On the other hand, coconut oil is quite useful in dental cleaning due to its bactericidal properties, which helps to maintain a mouth healthy and free of bacteria.

It is not a miracle product but it is a good alternative as toothpaste for those who want eco-friendly alternatives or those who want to reduce the use of chemical products. Still, it is important to highlight the fact that deep cleaning teeth at home is not possible. Authentic deep teeth cleaning will always be performed by the dentist or hygienist.   

In addition, the use of teeth cleaning kits at home can have health consequences since these kits contain instruments with metal tips that are designed to be used only by oral health professionals.

Teeth cleaning cost

The price varies according to the complexity of the case, the type of graft material, and the amount required

Deep dental cleaning cost depends on the method selected

How much does a teeth cleaning cost? Unlike most dental treatments, teeth cleaning cost is quite affordable for most people. Deep cleaning teeth cost depends on the current condition of the patient’s mouth, whether they have periodontal disease or have a lot of accumulated tartar. Dentist teeth cleaning cost will also depend on the method selected for deep teeth cleaning.

Deep cleaning teeth cost goes between £20 and £120.

Teeth cleaning UK

Regardless of whether it is a teeth cleaning London or a teeth cleaning Manchester, teeth cleaning cost UK is almost the same all over the country, from £20 to £120 for a private dental practice.

NHS teeth cleaning

The NHS covers deep dental cleanings, however teeth cleaning NHS is only available through the traditional method where manual scalers and curettes are used, ultrasound or airflow cleanings are only available in private practices.

The NHS covers teeth scaling and polishing under Band 1 of dental treatment for a charge of £23.80 and a deeper teeth cleaning for patients with severe gum disease which includes root planing, scaling, polishing and gingivectomy (the removal of the infected gum tissue) if necessary, under Band 2 of dental treatment for a charge of £65.20.

The teeth cleaning cost NHS is not very different from the cost of a dental cleaning in private practice and it is also limited to the traditional method, so it is preferable to go to private practice and choose a more modern method.

Teeth cleaning abroad

Travel family couple adult mother and teenager son traveling together on airplane enjoying the fly with computer laptop connected to internet on board - cheerful people sitting on flight

More and more people decide on traveling abroad for dental treatment

Teeth cleaning prices abroad are more affordable than in the UK, but considering it is already affordable in the UK, travelling to just get a dental cleaning might not be necessary. However, if it is a complex dental cleaning (patients with severe periodontal disease), receiving dental treatment abroad may be a good option, It is also recommended when other dental treatments are needed.

The best countries for dental work are Poland, Hungary, Turkey and Spain, not only for the affordable prices but also for the high-quality standards. These countries are well known for providing the best dental treatment abroad.

Teeth cleaning before and after

There are many notable differences after undergoing a deep dental cleaning, not only in terms of the feeling of cleanliness but in the appearance of the teeth, they are visibly healthier and brighter. The best way to check it is with dental deep cleaning pictures, with some photos of teeth cleaning before and after it is very easy to notice the difference and take the initiative to improve oral health.

A simple internet search is enough to find as many deep cleaning teeth before and after as necessary.


Deep dental cleaning is a routine procedure that should be done at least every six months to preserve oral health and treat any type of periodontal disease that may occur. The procedure is painless in most cases, some even describe it as something pleasant, especially if it is done with innovative methods such as ultrasound or airflow.

Professional teeth cleaning is the most efficient preventive method in dental practice.

Young african american man wearing casual white t-shirt sitting at home smiling cheerful showing and pointing with fingers teeth and mouth. Dental health concept.

Get the insurance for treatment abroad:


Healthline. “What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?”. September 17, 2018.

Dr Nurminsky, DDS PhD. “Ultrasonic Dental Cleaning”.

Dr Ania M. Mohelicki, DDS. “How Can Ultrasonic Cleaning Help Your Teeth?”. April 23, 2019.

Brite Dental UK. “Freshen, Brighten and Protect Your Smile with Airflow Treatment”.


Yuliana Sandoval

Yuliana is a translator and content writer specializing in the health sector. She is currently in her last year of dentistry at Antonio Nariño University (UAN) in Colombia.

She has gained experience over the years working for prestigious medical and dental websites from the UK, USA and Spain writing content in English and Spanish.

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