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Check all the Bunion Surgery clinics

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(8 reviews)

Allestetis / Allmedica

Nowy Targ, Poland

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Teknon Medical Centre

Barcelona, Spain

(0 reviews)

Soraca Med

Antalya, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Özel Sağlık Hospital

Izmir, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Hermes Clinics

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Termessos Hospital

Antalya, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Medicine Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

VM Hospitals

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Medipol Mega

Istanbul, Turkey

(0 reviews)

Prusa Medica

Bursa, Turkey

from 184 eur

Bunion Surgery Abroad

What is bunion surgery? Bunion surgery is the removal of a bunion together with a realignment of the bones which caused the bunion in the first place. It is one of the most common surgeries performed, with over 150,000 operations performed annually in the USA. There are over 100 different types of bunion surgery, and the surgeon should select the best one for the patient, depending on the precise misalignment of the bone and the severity of the resulting bunion.

Bunion removal surgery is invasive and often patients will take about eight weeks to recover and be able to return to ‘normal’ activities. Generally, surgeons are unwilling to perform bunion correction surgery unless the patient has tried other conservative forms of treatment first. These include taking painkillers, using orthotics, maintaining a healthy weight and/or wearing wide shoes with a low heel and soft sole. If, after trying these home remedies, the patient is still in a lot of pain and this pain or abnormality in the foot is having a negative effect on their life, then the doctor may refer them for foot bunion surgery. Anybody suffering from diabetes will be referred earlier, as foot conditions generally are a problem for diabetics.

woman feet in the sand

Bunion surgery is the removal of a bunion together with a realignment of the bones which caused the bunion in the first place.


A bunion operation is performed under local anaesthetic, where practicable, or sometimes under general anaesthetic. Where possible, the surgeon will use minimally invasive (keyhole) surgery, but sometimes this will not always be an option. Depending on the procedure being used and the amount of work that the surgeon has to do, a bunion removal operation will last between 30 minutes and 3 hours. Most surgeries last around 60 minutes.

Every toe bunion surgery is different and therefore every recovery is slightly different. However, in general, the patient will not be able to put any weight on the foot for about two weeks. The affected foot will usually be fitted with a surgical shoe and the patient may have to use crutches. After two weeks the patient can start putting more and more weight on the foot, until, after eight weeks, the patient will be able to perform all their normal activities. Total recovery from bunion surgery is 6months to one year.

Bunion surgery abroad is very popular. As it is a relatively short operation, often performed under local anaesthetic, there is usually no need for a hospital stay. Both standard surgery and keyhole bunion surgery abroad are available, although as in the UK, surgeons will use the minimally invasive method whenever it is appropriate. In addition, the short operating time and local anaesthetic mean that the stay overseas is kept to a minimum. Most medical centres require the patient to stay only a few days so that they can perform some post-surgery checks.

traveller, girl with a suitcase

Bunion surgery abroad is very popular.


Bad news is always more interesting than good news, and information on the Internet is no exception. It is not unusual to read horror stories about all kinds of medical procedures performed overseas. There are, however, probably just as many horror stories about UK clinics. The following advice below will ensure that you experience good, value-for-money and safe bunion surgery.

When considering bunion surgery abroad consider the following:

  • Book with a reputable medical tourism agent who can offer a choice of different clinics (remember there are many types of bunion operations, so it is important to find a surgeon who specialises in the type of surgery you require).
  • Avoid package holidays where the toe bunion surgery just forms a small part of the arrangements – medical tourism is a specialist field.
  • Find out as much as you can about the hospital/clinic, in terms of its facilities and nursing staff. Ask to see pictures. How are the hospitals/clinics regulated and how are these standards enforced?
  • Find out as much as you can about the surgeon who will perform the bunion surgery abroad. Check out their qualifications and ask how many of these types of procedures they have performed, what organisations they belong to and how long they have been practising. Look them up on the Internet – although as mentioned above, remember that the Internet is unregulated so anybody can write what they want about somebody. It may pay to find out as much as possible about how surgeons are regulated in the country.
  • In the highly unlikely event of complications post bunion removal surgery – what happens?
  • You should be able to have a consultation with the surgeon prior to surgery, even if over Skype or another communication platform. They should be able to tell you what the procedure involves, its limitations and the alternative procedures that are available. They should also point out any risks or complications.
  • Find out as much as you can about bunion surgery – the more knowledgeable you are the more pertinent questions you can ask about your bunion surgery abroad.

Bunion Surgery Cost Abroad

For the majority of people the financial implications are what attracts them most to bunion surgery abroad. The private bunion surgery cost in the UK is around £4500, which will probably include pre-and post-surgery diagnostic tests but may not include the cost of a surgical shoe and crutches, if these are necessary.

How much is bunion surgery abroad? The cost of bunion surgery abroad varies greatly between different countries. This variation is usually down to cost of living differences rather than any great disparity between the medical facilities. These differences in bunion removal surgery cost can be seen in the following table showing the estimated cost of private bunion surgery (treatment only) in a variety of different countries:


Estimated Total Treatment Costs in £s



















As can be seen, the best value for money prices are available in central and eastern European countries, where the cost of living is much lower than in the UK.

Many of these prices will comprise keyhole bunion surgery cost, now most often known as minimally invasive bunion cost. Usually the tailor’s bunion surgery cost is the same or very similar to the standard bunion operation cost. As can be seen, when comparing the overseas average cost of bunion surgery, UK costs are generally much higher.

Private bunion surgery abroad does not usually include the flight costs and accommodation costs. As with the bunion surgery cost UK, it is always important to establish exactly what is included in the cost. Most often, the average cost of surgery abroad will include the surgeon’s fees, use of all the medical facilities necessary for the procedure, appropriate nursing staff, pre- and post- consultations and the anaesthetic. Often clinics abroad will suggest that any pre-surgery diagnostic tests like x-rays etc are performed in the UK where they can be done on the NHS free of charge.

Similar to the average cost of bunion surgery UK it is possible that the following may not be included in the cost: pain relief medication, surgical shoe/boot, walking aids like crutches. Where these are not included in the bunion removal surgery cost abroad, it may be cheaper to purchase these things in the UK. With bunion surgery UK or overseas it is always wise to double-check exactly what is included in the cost.

Prior to Brexit there was the possibility of having NHS treatment abroad i.e. free of charge for those eligible. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible as the new GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) will only cover UK citizens for emergency treatment while they are on holiday. Bunion surgery is considered elective surgery and is never considered as emergency surgery.

More Reasons to Get Bunion Surgery Abroad

There is no doubt that bunion surgery abroad compared to the cost of bunion surgery UK is the most often cited reason for patients going abroad for treatment. There are, however, some other reasons why having bunion surgery abroad is such a good idea.

Some people combine their surgery with a holiday (before the surgery is best), or at least an opportunity to visit a different country and try some new experiences. Even a few days away from the UK, despite the surgery, can be seen as an opportunity for rest and relaxation from the usual hubbub of life. Who wouldn’t appreciate a few days break away in a hotel – away from normal life? Accommodation can be arranged for a partner/friend to accompany the patient.

hat, glasses, coctail, photo camera

Combine the surgery with a holiday (before the surgery is best) could be a good option.


Finding a good foot clinic close to home may be a problem and, in terms of journey time, a short European flight may, in fact, almost be quicker than sitting in traffic jams on a motorway struggling to get to a good UK foot clinic.

Different Types of Bunion Surgery

There over 100 types of bunion surgery and one surgeon will not be able to offer every type of bunion surgery. Most will have a preferred surgical technique, with a few others in reserve for when the preferred surgery is not suitable. A reputable surgeon should know the limitations of their preferred surgical technique and adapt accordingly, or be honest with the patient and advise them that they cannot help.

Much is made of the newest bunion surgery techniques. These include the Lapiplasty procedure, minimally invasive procedures and the new MiniTightrope system among others. All these types of bunion surgery procedures are available at overseas medical facilities. Indeed, some of the best bunion surgery is only available abroad.

Paying for private bunion surgery in the UK, may mean consultations with several surgeons in order to find the exact surgery required for the specific bunion problem. It is worth speaking to a few different clinics in order to establish the opinions of a few different consultants. Private UK medical facilities, like everybody else in the world, exist to make money.

A reputable medical tourism agent can do much of this footwork for you by advising on the best hospitals/clinics specialising in different types of bunion surgery procedures. They should have first hand knowledge of the different surgeons they represent, to enable you to make the best decision for you. The new types of bunion surgery are great, however they do always sort every type of bunion procedure.

English Speaking Medical Staff

It is essential for the patient that all the medical staff at an overseas hospital/clinic can speak good, clear and fluent English. English speaking countries, obviously, have the advantage, when it comes to medical tourism, however countries like USA, Canada, Singapore, India etc. are a long way from the UK. They do not represent good value for money when it comes to bunion surgery.

UK flag

Great advantage of any reputable overseas medical centre is their English speaking doctors and medical staff.


Many of the medical centres advertising for UK patients treat a very large proportion of foreign patients, which means that, because of its unofficial status as the international language, English is widely spoken in these hospitals/clinics. Central and Eastern European countries, in particular, have invested a lot of money in teaching their children and the business community, in the widest sense, to speak English. English forms a compulsory component of many professional studies.

An advantage, therefore, of any reputable overseas medical centre is their English speaking doctors and medical staff. An additional advantage is when other inhabitants of the country are also English speaking e.g. hotel staff, taxi drivers, shop assistants etc.

Modern Clinics

The hospitals/clinics abroad offering their services to the UK market are often some of the most modern clinics in Europe. In most cases, these clinics are much more up-to-date, comfortable and better appointed than the medical facilities associated with the country’s health service (in the same way that this happens in the UK). The main competition for these hospitals/clinics does not come from the national health service but from other private clinics in the world.

These locations often feature cutting-edge, modern medical equipment, new-build premises and well-trained medical staff. This means that the doctors are able to use modern techniques like computer-guided laparoscopy, robotic techniques and others.

Educated Doctors

Aside from a few medical schools in Ukraine, graduates of any other medical school in Europe will be considered for entry into the NHS service as a doctor. This means that, according to the UK NHS service, any doctor training courses in Europe are at least at an equivalent level to those in the UK. Did you know that over 9% of hospital doctors in the UK are from the EU? Most of these are probably foreign educated doctors.

In addition, many countries encourage doctors, through bonuses and other means of recognition, to participate in general medical training as well as courses on their specific specialisation. The bunion surgery success rate is generally regarded as 95% and this figure should be no different for bunion surgery abroad. It is worth asking the hospital/clinic overseas what their success rate for bunion surgery is – many times their bunion surgery success may be even higher than this figure. These doctors are very much specialists in their field and passionately believe in the success of bunion surgery.

Best Location Abroad for Bunion Surgery

When considering medical treatment abroad, especially for bunion surgery, it is worth remembering the following things:

  • Most clinics/hospitals will expect the patient to stay in the country for 3 days.
  • There is a slightly increased chance of DVT (deep vein thrombosis – blood clot) when flying after surgery especially with long haul flights.
  • Flights are an additional cost.
  • Proximity to home/medical centre of the airport as well as frequency of flights may be important.

Bearing these things in mind, countries in Europe are usually the best location for bunion surgery abroad, however because cost is the major motivation for most people getting medical treatment abroad, central and eastern European countries with a lower cost of living, represent the ideal location.

With the advent of budget flights provided by the likes of Ryanair, WizzAir and EasyJet among others, many European fares are very affordable. These airlines have also opened up many less mainstream and provincial airports which mean that the travelling distance to/from the airport is reasonable.

Bunion Surgery Poland

Medical tourism in Poland has been increasing exponentially in recent years and this is expected to continue after the Covid epidemic. In terms of medical tourism, Poland is among one of the top destinations. The main reasons that people decide to have medical treatment in Poland is the high quality of the services provided, the professionalism of the medical staff and, of course, the lower prices. Even with additional flight and accommodation costs, bunion surgery in Poland is about half the price of equivalent private surgery in the UK. Medical costs for a bunionectomy start at about about £1200 This big difference in costs is purely down to the cost of living rather than any inferiority in the service offered.


Even with additional flight and accommodation costs, bunion surgery in Poland is about half the price of equivalent private surgery in the UK.


All medical service providers in Poland come under the Polish Ministry of Health, which ensures good levels of general medical practice as well as the maintenance of standards of hygiene and patient care. Cost aside, treatment in Poland has lots of advantages for medical tourists from the UK. There is an abundance of good value flights from almost every UK airport to the main centres in Poland of Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk and many others. The flight time from London to Warsaw is about 2½ hours with other routes taking up to around 3 hours.

Poland is an important destination on the global medical tourism map. English is widely spoken in the medical centres and throughout the country and all medical staff are educated to the highest level in Polish medical schools. Many of these doctors and nurses may also have spent some time working in the UK health service. Our consultants will be happy to advise you on the best clinics/hospitals in Poland for the type of bunion surgery required.

Bunion Surgery Turkey

Medical tourism in Turkey is also extremely popular, with about one-third of the patients treated in Turkish hospitals coming from overseas. Like Poland, all reputable hospitals and clinics are well-appointed and equipped with the latest medical equipment. Medical staff speak English and the cost of medical tourism in Turkey is much cheaper than in the UK. The cost of bunion surgery starts at about £1800 plus accommodation and flight costs. As with Poland, these excellent prices are due to a lower cost of living, not a lower standard of care.

As a major centre for medical tourism, Turkey prides itself on its reputation. It offers professionally trained medical staff who realise that they must maintain a high level of service in order to continue to compete in the medical tourism market. It has the highest number of US-accredited hospitals, with many of the doctors having trained in the US or other countries in Europe.

Turkey seaside

As a major centre for medical tourism, Turkey prides itself on its reputation.


Flying time to Turkey is about four hours, with some good air fares available on charter airlines to the Mediterranean and Aegean resort destinations.

There are many medical tourism companies in Turkey, all advertising their services on the Internet, however it does pay to ensure that these companies and the facilities they advertise are genuine. As with any foreign medical centre, it is wise to book Turkish medical facilities through a reputable booking agent to ensure that the hospital/clinic is genuine. Our sales consultants can help you decide if Turkey is the best place for your bunion surgery.

Bunion Surgery Reviews

It is wise to familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of bunion surgery before embarking upon it. It will also help when talking to the surgeon. There are many bunion surgery reviews available on the Internet – those written by people who have personally been through the experience are often the most helpful. Google can provide lots of bunion surgery photos, but here is our selection of bunion surgery before and after photos: the after bunion surgery pictures, give some idea of how your foot can look after this medical procedure.


Surgery is often the only solution to relieve excessive pain and the mobility limitations posed by a bunion. Due to the Covid pandemic, waiting times for elective surgery in the UK are extremely long and indications are that this could last for some time. The only way to ‘jump the queue’ is to consider private treatment at a cost of around £4500.

Prices for private surgery overseas can be much lower, up to 50% cheaper in some countries. For bunion surgery, it is probably best to travel to European countries with shorter (and probably cheaper) flights. Both Poland and Turkey make excellent choices for this type of surgery.

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